Greetings Craig,
COAL has changed the topic of discussion for this Saturday's June Coalition Power Breakfast; we will cover the Red Line Extension Project in July.
Instead, we will discuss and recommend action against another attack on a Black-led school, the Bronzeville Academy Charter School (BACS).
Within the past few weeks, the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) made the decision not to renew Bronzeville's charter, thus closing down the school as of June 30, 2024. This non-renewal was done despite the fact that BACS had addressed the ISBE's issue of it not having secured a facility to house the school (BACS entered into an agreement to use PUSH classrooms for the school, which is working to the staff's, parents' and students' satisfaction).
COAL is honored to host Alvin Boutte Jr., Chief Executive Office, and David E. Ireland, Chief Financial Officer, of Bronzeville Academy, to speak in detail on this issue.
COAL strongly believes that we, as a community, must challenge the systems that do not prioritize the education of our children, that devalue our community institutions, and that do not listen to the voices of our community.
Please join us this Saturday, June 8, 2024, for an important and engaging discussion.
COAL Board of Directors
"The time to work seriously and collectively, to improve the state of our Community, is upon us..."
Let Us be intentional in all aspects of the Work that must be done.