June is Pride Month

During the month of June every year, we join with others to recognize Pride Month. It is a time to commemorate the Stonewall Riot and celebrate those identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+). The right of a human to be recognized and validated, to reflect on the impact that the LGBTQ+ community has had in our country. They are your teachers, doctors, lawyers, coaches, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers, politicians, and many other things. Careers do not discriminate the person, but discrimination ends the occupations with the disproportionate inequality that is being faced in 2022. Sexual orientation and gender identity are integral aspects of oneself and should never lead to discrimination or abuse. When it comes to the health and well-being of this marginalized community, they face health disparities linked to societal stigma and their civil and human rights that derive from discrimination. There is strong evidence from recent research that members of this community are at a higher risk for experiencing mental health conditions like depression and anxiety disorders. Discrimination against LGBTQ+ people has specifically been associated with increased psychiatric disorders, substance abuse, and suicide rates, as noted in the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2016)

The past couple of years have been difficult for many people during the COVID-19 Pandemic, especially for our youth, especially LGBTQ+ youth. The isolation and the insecurities of a non-affirming and discriminatory society have put these youths into a position where they do not feel love, support, and the ability to live their lives without fear, rejection, discrimination, and sometimes violence. When comparing our straight or heterosexual children to those identifying as LGBTQ+, the LGBTQ+ are three times more likely to experience a mental health condition, experience suicidal thoughts, or engage in self-harm.

Mental health must be prioritized, and we must look out for the well-being of our LGBTQ+ friends and family. Be an ally and a confidant, and take steps to help normalize conversations about mental health and wellness. Take the time to listen with an open mind and really listen to their responses. Validate and take time to educate with better equitable practices. It is essential to learn about mental health and LGBTQ+ resources that are available. Some include:

·     Tri-County Community Mental Health at (800) 372-8460
·     Trevor Project: (866) 4-U-TREVOR
·     Trans Lifeline: (877) 330-6366
·     LGBT National Help Center - www.gibthotline.org

Take this month and join together to celebrate our LGBTQ+ friends and family. Let us all take steps to help each other mentally and emotionally, live our lives to the fullest without judgment or bias, and promote a healthy society.

Reference: Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (2016).
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and Transgender health.
Michelle Rena
Psychology Student
Advocate for LGBTQ Youth
Men's Health Month
While mental illnesses affect both men and women, the prevalence of mental illnesses in men is often lower than women.

Men with mental illnesses are also less likely to have received mental health treatment than women in the past year. However, men are more likely to die by suicide than women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Recognizing the signs that you or someone you love may have a mental disorder is the first step toward getting treatment. The earlier that treatment begins, the more effective it can be.

Do a Summer Cleaning
There are several reasons that house cleaning is important. By thoroughly cleaning your house, you can purge most of the allergy-causing dust mites and pollens giving you a healthier environment for living. And while you’re at it, remove unhealthy foods from your house and stock some fruit, nuts, and other healthy snacks. Clean, clutter-free homes can also cut anxiety and stress by up to 20%.
Go on Vacation
If you want to stay healthy and well, it may surprise you that a summer break may be just what you need. Take advantage of summer’s slower schedule and take a time off from your regular routine. Use your vacation time to unwind by giving your mind and body time to relax. Vacations have multiple benefits: They can help lower your blood pressure, heart rate, and stress.
We provide comprehensive psychiatric and psychotherapy services for a vast array of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, psychotic illness, borderline personality disorder, substance abuse/addiction, trauma related issues, relationship difficulties, life transitions, and behavior problems. Call (248) 859-2457 to set up an appointment.
Did you know? SPRAVATO® can have a rapid antidepressant response and is added on to an antidepressant and the rest of your regimen. It is the first new mechanism of action to treat depression that has come out in over 30 years. 
There is hope for treatment-resistant depression. Call (248) 859-2457 to set up an appointment.
Marsha Linehan, developer of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), explained that “people with Borderline Personality Disorder are like people with third degree burns over 90 percent of their bodies. Lacking emotional skin, they feel agony at the slightest touch or movement.” We can help. Learn more.
Lakes Psychiatric Center remains open for business. We are offering Zoom online tele-therapy appointments for new and existing clients as well as in person sessions. Please contact the front desk to assist you with your appointment type or instructions for using Zoom. Call (248) 859-2457 for info.
Lakes Depression Center is continuing to provide SPRAVATO® treatments per the usual schedule. We have enhanced our safety and cleaning protocols. You are safe to start treatment or continue treatment. Call (248) 956-7164 for info.
Josephine Salem,
Clinical Social Worker

Josephine is a Licensed Masters Social Worker with a Master's Degree in Social Work from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. She has over 20 years experience treating young adults and seniors using methods customized to the individual including: cognitive/behavioral therapy, mindfulness, insight therapy and relaxation/ stress reduction techniques.

Laura Mueller,
Clinical Social Worker

Laura received her Master of Social Work from Michigan State University and has post graduate training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and Radically-Open Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (RO-DBT). As a mental health professional with extensive experience in residential treatment and collaborating with treatment providers across the country,