Parent Contact Update
-June 2017-
Did you know...
the EIPLP wants to know what you thought of the 2017 MEIC Conference? We use the feedback when planning future conference events for families.
This year we hosted our parents only Hospitality Room, the "Making Connections" workshop, our annual Parent Dinner, multiple networking opportunities, and a Parent Contact Breakfast.
If you were able to attend the conference, please take a moment and fill out our survey
Did you know...
there is a private Facebook group for Parent Contacts? Parent Contacts often tell us they would like to be in touch with other families in the role, but that traveling to meet can be difficult. If you are on Facebook, and would like a way to talk with other Parent Contacts, you can request membership by clicking here, or searching for "EIPLP Parent Contacts
on Facebook. All requests from current Parent Contacts will be approved.
Did you know...
We are always looking for parent written contributions to "The Parent Perspective" newsletter? If you'd like to share about an EI related event in your life (such as training, conference, family event, or transition) we would LOVE to share it with other families! Contact us at or 1-877-353-4757 for details and check out our article template on the EIPLP website for tips on getting started! |
Functional Outcomes are observable behaviors that reflect a child's participation in meaningful everyday activities.
We love that you are here!
Parent Contacts are an important part of the Massachusetts Early Intervention System. Parent Contacts are parents and guardians of children currently receiving EI services who volunteer to receive information from the EIPLP and share it with other families. If your child is no longer receiving services, or you no longer wish to be the Parent Contact for your EI program, please let us know by calling