

Hello friends,

I hope you are all having a wonderful June. This June in particular is a pretty special one because my parents, Nancy and Raymon, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. I want to take a moment and congratulate them on 50 years of successful marriage. I know it's tough at times but they made it through with flying colors. They celebrated with a party surrounded by family and friends.

In other news please see below about new items on the website and upcoming classes!

Wishing you a wonderful day, week, month and rest of the year.

April Grace

Director of Communications, Raymon Grace Foundation



Howdy Folks
This is an extension of the May newsletter of how our bodies listen when we talk or think. 
This month, let's talk about eliminating allergies. As usual, I was my first customer on this subject. Well meaning people brainwashed me as a kid to believe poison ivy would crate a rash on my skin. These good people with the best of intentions, did a remarkable job of brainwashing me~~ even though most of them had never heard the term ‘brainwashing’.
When we are young, our brain emits fewer electrical charges than when we are mature. This is called ‘low brain frequency’ where the brain accepts suggestions, both good and bad. 
Since no one ever gave me a choice to reject the ideas, my brain accepted them and this led to may years of severe poison ivy rashes on my skin.
Years later after learning a bit about how the brain worked, I decided to re-program my brain with the suggestion that poison ivy was not poison and had NO effect upon me.
I went looking for some poison ivy and with bare hands, pulled it out of the ground, mentally telling the plant it had no effect on me. IT WORKED.
That was about 30 years ago, and since then there have been a few times when a small rash would affect my skin, but very few and mild.
 When April was about 3 years old I was teaching her about plants and trees. I showed her some poison ivy and told her that it wouldn’t bother her and not to listen to anyone who tried to scare her with their fear of it. Seems she had a small rash a few times but nothing serious.
There are way too many memories as a kid, hearing people talk about their allergies of a variety of foods. It seems these people were having a contest as to which one had the worst allergies. Am inclined to believe that people want attention and bad attention is better than none~~ so they talk abut allergies or bad luck. 
 Not only that, they claimed ownership to allergies by referring to them as ‘MY ALLERGIES’ .To my knowledge, none of them ever overcome the allergies by using them as a topic of conversation. 
The folks in these conversations were supporting each other NEGATIVELY ~~and had no clue. 
Here is how I have been able to help many people overcome allergies. I simply neutralize the negative effect of the previous allergic foods on their body. Then I take this neutral energy and transform it into the food being nutritious for their body.
For allergies to pollen and plants, I de-sensitize the mucous membranes of their body to all allergies and irritants.
If you went to the wrong school and stayed too long, this may be a bit difficult to accept ~~but it has worked very well in most cases.
 That’s all. Don’t complicate it. Just remember, ’No amount of stirring makes muddy water clear.'
 Wherever you may be on the planet ~`Enjoy Summer Or Winter


With the changing of times and DVDs going the way of the VHS (if you remember what that is) we are now offering all of Raymon's videos and Audio CD on a Flash Drive. It is compact and easy to carry with you anywhere. You can purchase one or all of the videos and it comes on one handy flash drive!

It is undecided if we will continue to carry DVDs (many are currently out of stock). Stay tuned for more about that. The specials and discounts for the complete set are still offered on the flash drive. We also have a new special with three of our most popular items!

Downloadable items are still offered as well if you don't want to wait for the mail to come!

Click here to view Raymon's products


  • August 14 & 15
  • Abingdon, VA
  • 9:00 - 5:00
  • **Note about class -Folks, seems the restrictions have been lifted and some form of sanity has returned. Several of you have said you are interested in a class in Abingdon, Va. For those of you who responded with interest, I will send you an email of information with hotels and location of the class 'Grace Studio of Motion and Dance'

  • NO matter what date I choose, it won’t be convenient for everyone ~~ so if you can’t make it to the Aug. class, and if there is sufficient interest, will offer another class Sept. 25 & 26. 

Raymon's Website
Raymon Grace Foundation

One of my friends grew a field of hemp and VA Tech processed it into hemp oil [CBD oil]. I spoke with a knowledgable person in Switzerland who had researched it and found it among the best available anywhere and priced reasonably. 

If you are interested in this, here is the website.  www.clinchmountainhemp.com


Just because little kids and cows are cute ... here is Raymon with granddaughter, Aven and the cows that are currently residing on the farm.