Let Freedom Ring: Helping Parents Put Out the Shoulds

Saturdays….who loves Saturdays? I’ll be honest, there are some Saturdays where I struggle. I struggle “getting it all done.” And I know what you are thinking: “It’s okay, you don’t have to get it all done!” And you are right, I don’t. However, let me tell you, there’s nothing more frustrating than thinking the housework is close to being finished and then…I walk into my boys’ room and I find at least two baskets of clothes shoved in the bottom of their closet. I feel my blood begin to boil and my mind races to…

“I’ve shown them, told them, taught them, talked to them, modeled this….why can’t they just do it! They SHOULD be able to do this by now!” 

But then I catch myself. I stop, I take a deep breath, and I say back to myself, “Wait, they are still just children. They are still learning…and that’s ok. It’s my job to be patient and continue to teach them.” 

As a mother of 3 young boys and as a therapist, I tend to hear parents, including myself, say, “Why can’t my kid do that by now? He should be able to (fill in the blank) by now!”

The truth about kids is that is takes repetition, repetition, repetition for them to learn and at times, adult expectations tend to be too high. Added to that, if a child has experienced attachment trauma, it’s repetition times 1,000. 

The truth is that kids, all of them, tend to think in the moment and their cause and effect thinking is underdeveloped. Added to that, if a child has experienced attachment trauma, his cause and effect thinking is incredibly immature. 

The truth is that kids tend to avoid activities that do not make them feel good in the moment. Added to that, if a child has experienced attachment trauma, his need for “in the moment feel-good” tends to be a bottomless pit.

“But wait! They need to learn to be independent!” Yes, children do need to learn to be independent, but adults must remember that this learning will come over a long period of time, and for hurt children, it will take much longer. It vital for us to remove the “shoulds” from our vocabulary.

Here’s the thing…later, I sat down with my 11-year-old son and we calmly talked through the clothes-shoved-in-the-closest-for the-millionth-time situation. I said to him, “Hey buddy, we’ve talked about this clothes thing and we’ve even practiced it. What kept you from putting them away?” He waited a minute and said, “Mom, I was so excited for my friends to come over, I just couldn’t wait. So, I just wanted to get it done.” My mind took a deep breath. There it is….it will be ok. From there, we discussed how he could have done it differently and moved on. 

So, will their freedom ever ring? Yes! It will! However, independence looks different for every child, and it’s up to us--the grown-ups--to be patient, understanding and “non-shoulding”!

Now….here’s what you should do: Go and have a Happy 4 th

Stefanie Armstrong, MS, LIMHP

Getting to know our IATP-C Certified Clinicians

Diana Hubberts, MS, LCPC is a certified IATP-C and EMDR clinician in private practice in Long Grove, a northwest Chicago suburb. Diana works primarily with children and teens, with a special focus on attachment,truma, and gifted children.

Need a Refresher?

We are happy to offer our
On-Demand Courses for
50% OFF
(Must have taken an On-Demand course previously to be eligible for discount)

  • Family Therapy Component of the Integrative Attachment Trauma Protocol (IATP-C)
  • EMDR Integrative Attachment Trauma Protocol for Children
  • Beyond Desensitization: Expanding Children's Window Of Tolerance through EMDR Therapy

Carolyn Settle MSW, LCSW

Virtual Presentation through Zoom

"Uh-Oh Im Stuck..." Tools for Blocked Processing Using EMDR with Children and Adolescents

August 24, 2018
11-1 pm.m CST

$65 Registration Fee
$55 Non-Profit Fee

(submit copy of letterhead at time of registration for Non-Profit)
Eligible for 2 EMDRIA Credits
Yikes! Scared Parents... NOT Scary Parents
A series assisting clinicians as they guide parents through the maze of attachment trauma.

$75 Early Registration Fee 
$65 Non-Profit Fee

(Must submit copy of Non-profit letterhead at time of registration to angidatcnebraska@gmail.com )

*If you cannot attend live but would like the information, please register in order to receive a copy of the recording*

Part 2: What to Expect and How to Adapt: Examining the Clues in Parents' Attachment Histories

September 14, 2018
11-1 am CST

Part 3: To Be Announced...

December 14, 2018
11-1 am CST
LIVE In-Person Training in Omaha!!!

Training for EMDR and Non-EMDR Clinicians

EMDR & Family Therapy Integrative Attachment Trauma Protocol (IATP-C) for Children

September 20-22, 2018

*Sponsored by the EMDR Institute*

During this 3-day in-person workshop, you will learn both the EMDR and Family Therapy components of this integrative model for treating children with a history of attachment trauma. You will leave with the skills and resources you need to implement the full protocol with the traumatized children and families in your practice.
LIVE Virtual Workshop

From the comfort of anywhere using Zoom!

*Sponsored by the EMDR Institute*

EMDR Integrative Attachment Trauma Protocol
(IATP-C) for Children
Learn to implement EMDR to strengthen attachments, develop self-regulation, and heal attachment wounds rooted in a history of abuse, neglect, early medical trauma, or changes in caregivers through slides, case presentations, and over 30 videos of our work with severely traumatized, complex children. 

October 5-6, 2018 12-3 pm CST

October 12-13, 2018 12-3 pm CST
LIVE In-person Training in St. Louis!!!

Training for EMDR Clinicians

EMDR Integrative Attachment Trauma Protocol
(IATP-C) for Children

November 8th & 9th, 2018

*Sponsored by the EMDR Institute*
Learn to heal the attachment wounds rooted in a history of abuse, neglect, foster, or orphanage care through the EMDR Component of the Integrative Attachment Trauma Protocol (IATP-C) for Children. Work effectively with severe behaviors including stealing, lying, aggression, sexualized behaviors, and defiance. This is a practical workshop that gives step-by-step instructions for successfully intervening with parents, strengthening attachment, and resolving trauma and behaviors. This workshop will give you the tools you need to take your practice with children with a history of attachment trauma to a new level of effectiveness.
Practicums, approximately 30 videos, and handouts allow participants to successfully implement the model immediately.

The Attachment Trauma Center Institute, LLC
638 North 109th Plaza, Omaha, NE 68154