The program that helps you turn obstacles into opportunities, challenges into solutions and find answers to tough questions. Patricia Raskin is the award winning, "powerhouse voice of radio"  at the forefront of positive messaging. 
Monthly Newsletter                               June 2017
Dear Patricia, 
June is a month where tulips are in full bloom, the sun is shining down on us, and summer has finally arrived. It is time to relax and soak up the sun. The blue skies will help us clear our minds and the fresh air will allow us to think clearly and positively. 

Happy June 
Tune In
"The Patricia Raskin Show"

WPRO - 630AM & 99.7FM
(streamed live on

Saturdays 3pm-5pm ET

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800-321-9776 (WPRO)

 401-438-9776 (WPRO)
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Positively Speaking

The True Benefits of Staying Organized

Staying organized is a challenge for many of us. For some it’s a way of life. There are so many intrinsic benefits of staying organized. Organization brings focus, clarity and purpose. When you have focus, you can concentrate on the task at hand and achieve it. This is important because when you are organized, you are staying focused on what you have to do and you are clear about it. 

Being organized sends out several messages and says something about you.  If things are messy and out of order, your life may feel messy and out of order.  If things are neat and in places you can easily find, your life may feel organized and in order. Organization also says something about clarity. The more my surroundings are in order, the clearer I feel about my present state of affairs and about my life in general. 

When you find yourself rummaging through papers to find numbers, notes, and dates, you feel lost in the moment of trying to find what you need. I think that good organization is a matter of good habits. A lot of us don’t like to put things back after we have used them because it’s another step, it’s work and often no one else will see the clutter but us. However, it can catch up when you look back later at the mini-cyclone and feel overwhelmed. Before you clean up, visualize what your space will look like when it is neat and in order. Then take one step to move in that direction. 

Here are some tips to stay organized:

Look at your mail when it comes in and don’t let it pile up.

File what you want to keep. Create a filing system if you do not have one.

File as you go along or put papers in a folder marked “to file” and do some filing every day so that papers do not  back up into a huge pile that takes awhile to go through.

Have a folder for events for the month so you can find invitations and flyers easily.

Put numbers in one place. Don’t leave them on sticky notes or pads that you have to find.

Have one folder or bin for what you are currently working on. Don’t create piles around your desk area because you’ll have to look in several places to find what you need.

Have a planner and use it. Having two places to write things down is a good idea especially if you carry your planner with you and run the risk of losing it without computer back-up.

Clean out a drawer that is cluttered.  Do one drawer at a time, one day at a time.

Rearrange your space for easier flow and access. 

Remove some things in your space that you do not need or use. Take out an extra chair, desk, or anything else that makes you feel cluttered.

Trick yourself to stay organized. When I feel things are piling up, I invite people over which motivates me to clean up because I don’t want others to see the mess. I also don’t like messy spaces so I constantly look for ways to keep things in order and neat.

Organization takes self-discipline, just like exercise.  You make up your mind that you want to make a change and you do it. You may not like it in the moment, but you feel great afterwards.

Upcoming Guests on WPRO
Saturdays 3-5pm ET
Saturday, June 3rd
3:00-3:30PM Dr. Carole A. Vincent - South County Health
Dr. Carole A. Vincent is a general surgeon on the medical staff at South County Hospital in Wakefield, RI. With 20 years’ experience caring for men, women and pediatric patients, her expertise ranges from breast biopsies, hernia repair and colon resections, to more complex surgical procedures. She will discuss the dynamic among surgeons, specialists and other medical professional who work together to achieve the best possible outcomes for their patients. 

3:30-4:00PM Michelle Girasole - Fresh LLC
Michelle Girasole, President of Fresh LLC, a marketing, events, and public relations firm representing only fresh, natural and organic food brands. She will discuss how her company strives to educate the general public about fresh food, and how they strive to become an on-line resource for trusted food industry research and breaking news. She will also talk about music concerts and festivals for summer fun in Rhode Island.  More about Michelle Girasole
4:00- 4:30PM  Liz Tanner - Rhode Island Commerce
Liz Tanner, Executive Vice President of Client Services at the Rhode Island Commerce Corporation, to discuss their comprehensive array of programs and initiatives to help Rhode Island small businesses. Liz and her team at the RI Commerce Corporation have a wide range of services designed to help businesses of all sizes at any stage of development. Learn about Commerce’s efforts to-date and their exciting plans for the future. More about Commerce RI
4:30-5:00PM    Frank Anzivino, AnziTech and  Barbara Barry, Barry Basic Computer  Coaching
  Frank Anzivino, owner of AnziTech, and  Barbara Barry, owner of Barry Basic Computer Coaching, will be sharing their knowledge of technology. AnziTech is located in Lincoln, RI and is committed to providing outstanding service to small area businesses and individual private customers. Barry Basic Computer Coaching is a business dedicated to helping individuals overcome their fear of computers. With over 30 years of experience, she will discuss how she helps people understand their technology, so that they can use it effectively in their work and life.
Saturday, June 10th
3:00-3:30PM Art Francis- Z Systems
Art Francis, Sales Development Manager for Z-Systems, USA. Z-Systems is the world leader in ceramic and dental implants made in Switzerland. He will discuss the benefits of Zirkolith® ceramic implants, which are clinically documented and internationally certified, merging constant innovation with sound scientific research.   More about Z-Systems
3:30-4:00PM Jen Burns - The Bridge at Cherry Hill
Jen Burns, is the Sales Director at The Bridge at Cherry Hill in Johnston, offering the care and support needed by seniors who are unable to live alone yet do not require the services of skilled nursing. She will discuss how The Bridge at Cherry Hill promotes the goal of well-being of each resident and share upcoming events.  More about The Bridge at Cherry Hill
4:00-4:30PM   Barbara Joyce, Founder of  Voices of RI Colon Cancer Alliance
Dr. Naveed Rana, Oncologist
Barbara Joyce, Founder of the Voices of Rhode Island Colon Cancer Alliance, a chapter of the national organization, the leading national patient advocacy organization dedicated to increasing colon cancer screening rates and survivorship. 
She is joined by   Dr. Naveed Rana, oncologist in Warwick, RI.
 They will  discuss  screening, access, awareness, advocacy, and research, as well as the Voices of Rhode Island Colon Cancer Alliance's upcoming colon cancer awareness 5k walk/run on August 6th in Warwick.  More about Colon Cancer Alliance
4:30-5:00PM Mary O'Sullivan- Encore Executive & Professional Coaching
Mary O'Sullivan, MSOL, owner of Encore Executive & Professional Coaching. She will discuss how results based coaching can help you reduce stress, save time and money, and improve your health. Examples: you are knowledgeable, ambitious, and working hard but find yourself struggling to get ahead or manage a healthy work-life balance; you are a confident professional but now unsure of your next steps; you are too young to retire but feeling burned out; or you are an experienced leader who suddenly finds leadership more challenging than ever.   More about Mary O'Sullivan
Upcoming Guests on
Mondays 2-3pm ET
I am in my 15th year with I began in the early days of internet radio and am pleased to say Voice America is outstanding in topics, hosts, and program line-up. Check out their other programs to be inspired. All current and past programs are archived on this site and can be heard after they air at: 
 Monday, June 5th
2:00-2:30pm/11:00-11:30am PT Dr. Michael D. Lockshin, MD
Dr. Michael Lockshin, a physician with broad experience in the world of chronic illness.  He will discuss his book, “The Prince at the Ruined Tower: Time, Uncertainty  & Chronic Illness,” which talks about solving both the medical and the personal health-care issues that arise for patients with chronic illnesses. He is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Medical School.
2:30-3:00pm/11:30-12:00pm PT Mary Simses

Mary Simses is an attorney, author, and journalist. She will be discussing her new book, "The Rules of Love & Grammar." Her book is about Grace Hammond, a grammar whiz brilliant at correcting other people's errors, who suddenly loses her job, boyfriend and apartment, and finds she’s without the right rules to fix her own mistakes. 

 Monday, June 12th
2:00-2:30pm/11:00-11:30am PT Dr. Jayne Gardner
Dr. Jayne Gardner, is the author of "Awaken the 'Creator' Within." She will discuss how she helps individuals and groups accelerate their spiritual advancement. Her mission is to Awaken the “God” within you, and to help uncover this inner power, connect with it and use it to be who you decided you wanted to be before you ever set foot on this planet. More about Dr. Jayne Gardner
2:30-3:00pm/11:30-12:00pm PT  Dr. James Greenblatt

Dr. James Greenblatt, Chief Medical Officer at Walden Behavioral Care in Waltham, MA and Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Tufts University School of Medicine and Dartmouth College Geisel School of Medicine. He is also the author of "Finally Focused" which he will discuss which presents his Plus-Minus Treatment Plan, a book-length prescription that provides all the background information and practical guidelines both professionals and laypeople can use to confidently treat ADHD. More about Dr. James Greenblatt

on radio with Patricia Raskin on WPRO
Do you want your new clients to know, like and trust you faster?
Speak to them through "The Patricia Raskin Show" on WPRO

Patricia is an award winning radio producer and RI business owner. Her show is in its tenth year on WPRO.


  • Spread your business message to targeted, loyal listeners
  • Build relationships on the air
  • Get listeners to take action
  • Create legs and shelf life from your interview
  • Answer the right questions from an expert interviewer working on your behalf
  • Get more clients

Interested in being a sponsored guest on the show? 

Would you or a client like to be a guest  on the Patricia Raskin Show on WPRO?
Contact Patricia at

through podcast shows with Patricia Raskin on VoiceAmerica, iTunes, and Stitcher
Patricia Raskin Show 
Monday 2-3PMET/11-noon PT 
  • WHY:
    Podcasts are on the rise and more and more people are listening  on demand and in a digital format.

  • WHO:
    With Patricia Raskin, host of the of Patricia Raskin show on AM630/99.7FM on WPRO and on voiceamerica. Having interviewed over 3000 experts, she asks the right questions and does the “steering” to let your message flow.

  • WHEN: 
    Mondays 2PM live, 30 minutes of airtime 

  • WHERE: 
    your choice of location by phone 

  • HOW:
    Deliverables, statistics and costs - click  here

                               SEE THIS COMPLETE  FLYER FOR DETAILS 
Patricia Raskin
Patricia Presents

Patricia has several "Positive Moment Videos" that she posts weekly on Facebook Live. 
Check out her Facebook page both
@PatriciaRaskin and @PatriciaRaskinRaskinResources