
New Article:

Do You Really Want to Know?   

Susan Van Vleet Consultants, Inc. ® 
31416 Agoura Road Suite 255
Westlake Village, California 91361 
PHONE (303) 660-5206     FAX (303) 814-8217     

WEBSITE: http://svanvleetconsult.com/  

Next Month: 2016 Photo Contest
Where in the World are John and Susan
Grand Prize one Free Workshop slot at our California office plus 3,  1/2 price runner up slots!!

Plus 2017 Calendar Announced!

Productive Relationships® on Steroids...

Four years ago at the request of a client we designed a special version of Productive Relationships® called Enabling Purpose through Relationships®.  It produced amazing results.  The power of the grounding principal of  Purpose can not be underestimated.  August 23-25, 2016 we will be offering this course to the public at our offices in Westlake Village, California. Since we encourage participants to attend with others on their team we will offer a $750 discount per participant if team members register together. 

Where: Westlake Village, California

When: August 23-25, 2016  

Course fee: $3,750  Teammates registering together discount $750/person  
Managing Corporate Change® comes to the Heartland!

On August 2-4, 2016 a public session of Managing Corporate Change® will be offered in Omaha Nebraska.  What a perfect course for the swirl of changes facing individuals today!  Take advantage of this rare opportunity to attend MCC® open to any individual.  The course will be tailored to the specific needs of each participant.  Managing Corporate Change® applies whether you are leading a change effort in your company or are facing changes in your career or life.

Where: Omaha Nebraska

To register: Call (513) 240-0832   email: kate@gracecampllc.com

When: August 2-4, 2016

Cost: $3,750

Trainer: Kate Johnson

Keep up with SVVCI® between Newsletters!

Click here: Like us on Facebook
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Advanced Men's Course©  '16
November 8-10, 2016 
Catch up day November 7.

in Santa Barbara, California

3 Slots left!      


 Register now!   svvconsult@svanvleetconsult.com


  AMC '11 Gary and E.   AMC trailContest #12

Only 2 SVVCI® Distributorships left!

We will stop selling and training new distributors on Dec. 31, 2017

If you are interested in obtaining one of the last two distributorships you need to let us know

It takes a while, once you start the conversation with us, to purchase a distributorship.

So please contact Susan or John Van Vleet at svvconsult@svanvleetconsult.com  if you are interested in starting the conversation.  

  2016-17 Schedule!

Managing Corporate Change® Trainer: Kate Johnson
August 2-4, 2016    Omaha, Nebraska  $3,750

Enabling Purpose through Relationships©   
Trainer John Van Vleet 
August 23-25, 2016    Westlake Village CA $3,750

Leading Projects through Relationship, Commitment and Purpose©
September 12-16, 2016  Westlake Village CA   $5,000
($3,750 if a graduate of Productive Relationships©)

Advanced Women Moving Forward© Oct. 20-21, 2016  
Westlake Village, CA  Trainer: Susan Van Vleet 
Advanced Men's Course® Trainer John Van Vleet
Nov. 8-10, 2016   Catch up day Nov 7 Santa Barbara CA
$4,950, 2015 returnees $4,150    4 Slots left

Women Moving Forward® Nov 29-Dec 1, 2016
Westlake Village CA, Susan Van Vleet Trainer

Productive Relationships®  
December 13-15, 2016
Westlake Village CA


Couples Course® February 3-5, 2017 
Big Island of Hawaii
$2,750/ couple   

Women's Leadership Retreat® 9 Slots left
May 2-4, 2017   Santa Barbara CA   $4,950
2016 Returnees $4,150    1 Slot left 
CA Sunset  
Women Moving Forward®  Workshops

Women Moving Forward® Trainer Susan Van Vleet
November 29-December 1, 2016   $3,750  Westlake Village CA 
Do you really want to know?
Why? When events like those that took place in Orlando this past week where innocents are murdered in cold blood people said always ask:
"This makes no sense!"
" I don't get it !"
Do you really want to know why? Be careful of your answer. Remember with knowledge comes responsibility. If you take the time to study and understand the issues you may have to cash in your blind rage for cold hard science. Mindless revenge is the easy and an undisciplined response, to outrageous acts.
When cancer strikes we have a moment of screaming : "Why?" The anger and flood of emotions in that moment are totally understandable.   However standing and screaming at cancer does not cure cancer. We have made huge strides in the battle with cancer in the past 2 decades in particular.   Why? Science and relentless study. Some of those efforts to cure cancer may be fueled by emotion but emotion alone does not cure cancer. Just like revenge will not stop terrorism.
"If you seek revenge, dig two graves." Chinese proverb.
The first record of terrorism was in 68 B.C. This is in no way a new threat. Though we as Americans may be new to the experience of organized systematic, terrorism. Before, ISIS and Al Qaeda was the Irish Republican Army, the Palestine Liberation Organization, African National Congress, and so many more.
It was easy for me to say everyone in ISIS are psychopaths. Though there is evidence the leadership of ISIS my indeed be psychopaths, what about the other 30,000 to 40,000 combatants? All psychopaths? Highly unlikely. Just like it is unlikely that all 8.5 million members of the Nazi Party in Germany were all psychopaths.
Evidence points to a large portion of the ISIS soldiers may be simply looking for a paycheck. They are trying to feed their families and ISIS has paid better (twice as much until recently) than the other obvious choices Syrian Army or the Iraqi Army. Both of them are notorious for not paying their soldiers at all! Months with out pay means your family is starving at home. For many fighting is fighting it's a job. It is not about the cause for every fighter.
The revenge action is to kill the leaders ISIS to show them they can't mess with us. There is little or no evidence that killing ISIS leaders has negatively affected their efforts.  
However blowing up the oil wells that ISIS has used to finance their efforts has had a dramatic effect. I know it is hard for average Americans to understand that being a soldier is the best most reliable way to feed your family, in certain parts of the world but it's true. Prior to January of this year ISIS was paying as high as $1,000/month for seasoned fighters. According to the King of Jordan that can be a upper middle class living in his country. So what does work in stopping ISIS?
Cutting off money works. Due to the bombing of oil wells and the elimination of other channels of money ISIS had to cut salaries in half.   And had ISIS leaders immediately make a proclamation that all deserters were to be shot on sight.   If they were all zealots the pay cut would not create deserters. Many theorize that the Paris bombings and other acts were a response to funds being cut off not simply the advances on Mosul. We dropped a 2,000-pound bomb and incinerated on a cache of millions in cash recently. Now there is a bomb I can support!
Finally and most importantly, Al Baghbadi (the leader of ISIS) has said his ultimate goal is all out war with the West. A war that will drain us of our riches. The sick and most disturbing fact is ISIS wants the West to respond in kind and kill as many innocent civilians as possible in the process. It is good for recruitment. He knows that no matter how horrific that killing of 50 innocents in Orlando that does not "defeat" Western civilization. But our unmeasured response just may!
You can't just scream at cancer.
We can't revenge our way out of a battle with radical extremists.
On one front I know we must contain ISIS militarily. Stopping radical extremists and preventing new ones is far more complicated, more on that at a later time. More on how do people become radicalized in the first place? The answer may surprise you. Until then feel free to Google the articles on the "Mind of a Terrorist" in the May/June 2016 issue of Scientific American Mind if you really want the full answer to "Why?"  
Or you can stick with your blind rage and take actions that support the cause you are trying to defeat.
As always we invite your comments.

2017 Couples Course© dates set for 2017!

Well I know a lot of you wanted to attend this year's Couples Course© but had conflicts.  Well we just confirmed the dates for 2017 on the Big Island of Hawaii :

February 3-5, 2017 Catch up day Feb. 2

Marriott Waikoloa Beach Resort and Spa

Cost: $2,750/couple

Reserve your spot now!

Sun Rise Surf Board Yoga, oh yea!
Advanced Women Moving Forward®
Advanced Women Moving Forward® is 2 days long and
costs $2,750 USD when taught in the US
Advanced WMF®  assists you in:


1. Discovering your purpose in life and maximizing living on purpose. 

2. Completing old declarations of self and creating new ones.  

3. How to use your intention to create a successful life at home and work


Note: Women Moving Forward® is a per-requisite to attend Advanced Women Moving Forward®   

Advanced Women Moving Forward® and Women Moving Forward®
will be the prerequisite to attend the The Women's Leadership Retreat®. 

October 20-21, 2016 Westlake Village CA  Trainer: Susan Van Vleet

Register now!  
Women's Leadership Retreat®

Dates for 2017
May 2-4


  WLR® 2016

Santa Barbara, CA
$4,950 New Attendees
$4,150 for Returnee



Our Cancellation Policy
To avoid problems in the future here is the policy:

1. All registration fees are non-refundable.
2. If a participant cancels from a workshop more than 30 days prior to first day of a course, they will be given a credit, less a $1,000 transfer fee to be used toward another workshop.  They have 2 months to use the credit from the date of the cancellation after that there is no credit or refund.
3. You can only transfer once then the credit is gone.
4. There is no credit if you cancel less than 14 days prior to the first day of the course.
5. If you register online credit cards will be charged immediately.
6. You can only register for an individual course with a credit card. we accept MasterCard, Visa and American Express.
7. We do not "reserve" spaces in a course.  If you have not paid with a credit card you are not in the course.     


Susan Van Vleet Consultants, Inc. ®  An International Consulting Company 9220 KIMMER DR., SUITE 245,
PHONE (303) 660-5206     FAX (303) 814-8217      

website: svanvleetconsult.com
email: svvconsult@svanvleetconsult.com
In This Issue

All prices are in US Dollars  





Managing Corporate Change®

August 2-4, 2016


Omaha NE

Trainer: Kate Johnson 


Enabling Purpose through Relationships©

August 23-25, 2016

Westlake Village CA



Leading Projects©

September 12-16, 2016

Westlake Village, CA



Adv. WMF®

October 20-21, 2016

Westlake Village CA

Trainer Susan V V



Advanced Men's Course®

Santa Barbara, CA




October 25-27, 2016

Westlake Village CA

Susan V V Trainer  



Productive Relationships®

Dec13-15, 2017

Trainer John V V

Westlake Village CA 





Couples Course®

Feb 3-5, 2017

Big Island of Hawaii



Women's Leadership Retreat® May 3-5, 2017 Santa Barbara,Ca



Spouses and Partners of Course Graduates can attend the Course for half price
(this offer does not include the Advanced Men's Course or WLR)
To register for any course, retreat, or conference, contact our office. We accept MasterCard, Visa & American Express.
There is a $500 discount when two or more people attend the same $3,500+  workshop from the same company and location.
You must register together and attend together.

All prices are subject to change. No refunds are given.


 Graduates Lunches
