June 2017
A letter from Lisa Tepper Bates

Hello friends, 

These are challenging times in Connecticut. The state budget remains in flux, with many unknowns about the way forward. 

The good news? Efforts to end homelessness are working! The 2017 CT Point-in-Time Count found 3,389 total individuals homeless on a single night - our lowest count ever, a 13% decrease from 2016, and a 24% decrease from the first statewide count in 2007. 

Elected leaders from both parties recognize the effective work you are doing, and the value that it brings our communities. That's why - despite the tough budget circumstances - the Governor and both legislative caucuses continue to see resources and efforts to end homelessness as a priority. That said, the budget process is far from over. We will keep in close touch until a final budget is signed by the Governor to let you know about opportunities to advocate and protect the resources you need. 

Many thanks to each and every one of you, for all you do, every day. 

Sincerely ,
Lisa Tepper Bates
Executive Director
With the highest attendance to date at more than 400 participants, and  speakers from across Connecticut and the country, the 15th Annual Training Institute was a great success.  Nan Roman, President and CEO of the National Alliance to End Homelessness, congratulated CT on consistently out-performing the nation in efforts to end homelessness.  Megan Gibbard, Director of A Way Home America, challenged attendees to build on our successes and continue to find new and better ways to meet the needs of homeless youth. 

Guest speaker Governor Dannel Malloy praised providers for their hard work and commitment to ending homelessness, and for their effective partnership with the Department of Housing.

For more information and a link to all the materials from workshops, click here. For photos of the event, click here
CT PIT Shows Continued Progress

The results of the annual Point-in-Time Count indicate a third straight year of declining homelessness. 2017 now represents the lowest total ever in a statewide PIT Count for Individuals, Families, Veterans, and Chronically homeless. 

Additionally, this was a baseline year to measure youth experiencing homelessness. As a result, CT conducted a separate count of youth in conjunction with the traditional Point-in-Time Count. Click here to read more about the results of the CT PIT 2017 and the 2017 CT Youth Count! You can also view the regional reports that provider the results on a sub-continuum level. 

Advocacy Action Alert!

As budget negotiations continue in Hartford, we've got to put on the full court press NOW to protect the resources you need to keep doing your work to end homelessness.

CCEH and PSC are working hard to keep the Legislature to hold the line on the important resources we need. We also have to push back against the consolidation of the Department of Housing (proposed by BOTH Republicans and Democrats in their most recently released budget drafts). DOH has been a critical  partner, and has helped to shape the policies and secure the resources we need. 

Please lift your voice TODAY to the Republican and Democratic legislative leadership!

Click here for a flier providing talking points and the contact information for the six key leaders that we need you to reach out to. Please take 10 minutes of your time to make these calls. 
New Process for Requesting HMIS Enhancements

There is a new way to request HMIS enhancement in Connecticut - the CT HMIS Release Bin! The new process through the Release Bin includes a simple web form that allows you to submit a request for system enhancements, new reporting functionality, non-urgent bug fixes, or additional data elements. The Help Desk continues to be HMIS users' best resource for everyday troubleshooting.

All Release Bin requests must go through the agency HMIS Data Coordinator and have supervisory approval.  The Release Bin Subcommittee of the CT HMIS Steering Committee will review system enhancement requests as they are received and evaluate them at least monthly. Scoring criteria and full process overview are available here

For questions or more information, please email Jakie Janosko at jjanosko@cceh.org.
Connecticut Sun & CCEH say Thanks to our Members!

A very special thank you to our members! To show our appreciation for your support, CCEH is starting a loyalty program for CCEH friends, family, and members. We are kicking off this program this summer with special discounted tickets to see the Connecticut Sun, CT's own WNBA team. We're thrilled to have the Sun join us with thanking our members for the tremendous work they do in our community. Big thanks to the Sun for helping to end homelessness! 

Check out the tickets here with ou r Special Offer Code:
CCEH For every ticket sold, the Connecticut Sun will donate two dollars to our efforts. If you have any questions, please contact AnnaDea Diotalevi at adiotalevi@cceh.org
CCEH is Hiring! Program Development Coordinator Position

The Program Development Coordinator provides critical coordination and planning around major project and events, and assists the organization in delivering quality technical assistance and program services.

Click here   to view read more about the position and how to apply to be part of the CCEH team!