News & Updates
June 2020 | Issue 6
MASWA Annual Meeting...
Virtually and You Don't Want to Miss it! - Save the Date!
Please join us July 23rd to be educated and entertained by the comedy of Brenda Elsagher.
Embracing 40 with gusto, Brenda began her comedy, writing, and speaking career, and found a message using humor that resonates with every audience she meets. Continue Reading.

We'll kick things off at 2:30pm introducing our sponsors and networking followed by the Annual Meeting , speaker and awards. Look for additional information including meeting link and login directions soon!
April & May Membership Meetings
A Few Words from Our MASWA President
We Can Do This! Yes, We can!

As a young child, my mom frequently read us the story, “The Little Engine That Could.” She wanted to make sure we knew that if we dug down deep enough, we could always gather the fortitude to go on and to accomplish anything we decided to do. You may know the story. The little engine came to the aid of another train that had broken down after three other train engines decided not to help. Despite its very small size, the little engine tried its best to climb a steep hill and to deliver the cargo as best it could. The little engine kept repeating, “I think I can, I think I can.” Finally, after giving the task all it could and completing the delivery, it was able to say, “I thought I could, I thought I could.”

As we venture through these tough days and months, we may become somewhat dismayed however every one of us has the gumption to overcome and to project positivity reflected in the support we can give to others we serve. Finding this tough? Try to think of how you can help in a different way than you are already helping. Try to help make someone else smile. Give yourself a good deep breath. You can do this. We can do this...yes, we can! Thank you for all you do every day on behalf of our seniors!

Georgene Connelly
MASWA President