June / July Newsletter

Dear MMAMTA Members,

Happy Summer! I first served as president of this organization 2012-2014, and 11 years later and honored to serve a second term. Fun Fact: I'm not the first recurring president, two other presidents served as president of MMAMTA twice: Jan Houser (1980-82 and 1994-96) and Ayako Tsuruta (2008-2010 and 2019-2021). I'd like to thank Renan Leme for all his work as our last president, and to wish he and his wife Jennifer all the best wishes as they prepare to welcome a baby in the fall. In addition to myself assuming the position of President, we have Andrew Weir stepping into the position of Vice-President.

My first duty as president is to remind the membership that MTNA's annual cycle runs July 1- June 30, so if you have not done so yet, renew your membership immediately - don't let your membership lag! 

Click here to renew or download PDF form, from www.mtna.org/downloads/MembershipApplications/MembershipApplication2023.pdf

Membership fees for 2023 are:

MTNA     $97 (Seniors over 70 = $72.75) 

MMTA   $26


But as you know, the benefits of peer connections and valuable resources are immeasurable.

On May 26, we held our annual Spring Luncheon at Arris Pizza in Jefferson City, where many of us enjoyed the pizza/pasta/salad bar. It made me pause to think how when we were in the depths of the pandemic I had the thought that perhaps salad bars were things of the past - but we are apparently back!

I won't mention everything that was discussed in the meeting, but I will mention that our Fall Workshop (hopefully with Glenda Austin since the Diane Hidy workshop did not materialize), will likely not happen in late August as in past years, but at a date later in the year. Judy Shaw, who was at university with Glenda, is now spearheading communication with her.  

The MMAMTA Handbook will again be curated by Ayako. If you are a chair of one of the MMAMTA events, please update any forms and get the information for this year's dates and times by August 1 if at all possible. As a placeholder, here are some of the dates we discussed at the meeting for our various programs (sorry, it is probably not complete):

  • Fall Workshop - TBA (Judy Shaw is working on a date for Glenda Austin to present)
  • District MMTA Auditions - TBA, but must be completed by Sept 24. Application deadline also TBA
  • MTNA Competition applications are due by Wed, Sep 13 at 3pm Eastern Time (see mtna.org)
  • MTNA and MMTA Missouri State Competitions will be held Nov 2-5 at UMKC in Kansas City
  • Evaluative Auditions will be held in Jeff City and in Columbia at MU on Saturday, November 18
  • Teachers Recital - Jan 14, 2024 in Columbia
  • Musicathon - probably Feb 24 in Columbia (Whitmore?) and on March 2, 2024 in Jefferson City (Capital Mall)
  • March 16-20, 2024 MTNA National Conference in Atlanta, GA
  • April 15, 2024 video submission deadline for Camp and College Scholarships (April 1 intention deadline)
  • May 24, 2024 Spring Luncheon in Columbia
  • Missouri Symphony's Piano Showcase: Deadline Sep 25, 2023 / Auditions Oct 7 10am-5pm in Whitmore / Showcase concert in Missouri Theatre Oct 29 at 4pm

An updated and more finished list will be available for you when we publish the MMAMTA Handbook in August/September.

I wish you all a great summer, hopefully filled with picnics, family reunions, friendships, and of course music!


Peter Miyamoto


c/o Dr. Peter Miyamoto

Professor of Piano

Fine Arts Building

University of Missouri

Columbia, MO 65211