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JUNE & JULY 2022





I would like to start by thanking all of the attendees of our 2022 annual retreat for making the effort to travel to our recent gathering in the high desert of California. My father, OmNi whose presence was appreciated by all and his latest book Evergreen Life  gave us a blueprint for how to cultivate ourselves to achieve health, peace, and spiritual immortality in our lives. Many heart-felt thanks to the instructors who made this year’s retreat inspiring and up-lifting. Announcements and sign ups for the next retreat will follow shortly. 

For those who missed this year’s retreat or simply want to continue to experience the spiritual uplift, I invite you to attend my annual European Retreat in a small group setting in the Swiss Alps in early September, 2022. Click here for more info on my Regeneration & Renewal European Retreat. 

Please join me in congratulating the following newly ordained Senior Mentors as Ministers of the Integral Way. Our tradition is not a typical religion but rather a spiritual tradition that values practicing the spiritual principles and teaching in our own lives as well as sharing the wisdom with those who choose it. Each minister has already dedicated many years of their lives and shall continue do so, to cultivate spiritually and to fulfill the mission of increasing Health, Virtue and Light in the world:

(In alphabetical order)

Amira Kusala (Integral Nutrition Institute, Mentorship)

Claire Cunneen (COT Director Emeritus, Feng Shui School)

Curt Callison (CHI Health Institute)

Ed Sullivan (Infinichi Energy Healing Institute)

James Tuggle (I Ching Studies)

John Barber (Self Challenge Program, Editorials)

Jono Howard (Divinity Program, Intro to Spiritual Dev)

Peter Stege (ATP Traditional Practices)

Phillip Christman (Current COT Director, PATH Coaching Institute)

Sue Sullivan (Registrar)

(Not in attendance )

Arnold Tayam (Ba Gua institute, Infinichi Medical Qi Gong)

Babara Wolff (Sisters of the Heavenly Way)

Joseph Miller (CHI Health Institute, Divinity Program)

Olivia Rosewood (COT Director Emeritus, International Taoist Meditation Institute)

I am happy to announce that with much efforts in the last year from the Council Members who each heads up a Taoist Pillar of study through various institutes of College of Tao, an exciting lineup of online courses will become available in the second half of this year through a teaching platform called Podia. These courses are designed to help expand your knowledge and toolkit that will aid you in your personal cultivation, spiritual achievement as well as help you better navigate your life. 

Please be on the lookout for announcements of upcoming courses via newsletters, announcements and on the classes webpage. Examples of upcoming courses include Feng Shui for Health series, Cosmic Tour Ba GuaLao Tzu study group as well as courses on integral Nutrition and other subjects. We hope that you will find value and joy in attending these courses and spread the word to your family members, friends and community. 

In conclusion, enjoy the yang of the summer months by spending time outward in nature, gathering up the fruits of the abundant, life-supporting qi from trees, mountains, lakes and sea in preparation of the pivot to the yin of the fall season when nature’s qi declines and your focus turns inward in cultivating your root and perpetuating your Evergreen Life! 

PS. Get your copy of the book, Evergreen Life Here

To Your Health!

Dr. Mao Shing Ni

Doctor of Chinese Medicine | Longevity Specialist | Bestselling Author


Please welcome Phillip Christman as the Director of College of Tao effective immediately, succeeding Claire Cunneen who served as Director for two years, from 2020-2021 and led our community through a most challenging time during the pandemic. Our sincere gratitude for her leadership and selfless service! The candidates for the volunteer position are nominated each year by the College of Tao Council whose members are made up of Senior Mentors and Deans of his or her respective institutes. We look forward to the next phase of “renewal” under Phillip’s leadership as we re-engage our current instructors and members and increase the teaching activities and membership outreach efforts. 

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This is what you will see in this issue.



Dr. Mao 

Evergreen Life

Classes & Events

Cosmic Tour Bagua with Arnold Tayam 

Alpine Retreat for Regeneration & Renewal

Monthly Features & Groups

Sunday Renewal

Advanced Traditional Practice Program

Tao of Life Tele-study with Dr. Dao

The Teachings of Hui Neng Reading Group

Sisters of the Heavenly Way

Brothers of the Heavenly Way

Taoist Horoscope

High Energy Days

Stems & Branches

Lao Tzu Virtual Study Group

Sunday Reflections

Nurturing our inner garden

and expanding our Light



 by Hua Chi Ni & Dr. Mao Shing Ni   P-157-159 


Question from Student: 

...A week ago while meditating I saw my body to be full of light. At first I thought it was due to the acupuncture treatment I had recently. Every time I close my eyes to meditate, the light encompasses me outside my body. My fears have also vanished. A few nights ago, I woke up with the light on my forehead. Could this light be from the Golden Light Invocation I did daily for a few years? .....

Hua-Ching Ni: The light you see in your meditation is traditionally valued as the Holy Fetus...... You must know by now that the human soul comes from the convergence of particles from the light of the sun.......... 

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Evergreen Life is available at TTao Star/Click Here

The Golden Light Invocation can be found in the Workbook for Spiritual Development by Hua Ching Ni Chap. 8 Part III and is available at 

Tao Star/Click Here


with Dr. Arnold Tayam

Dean of Ba Gua Cosmic Tour Institute

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You are all welcome in joining us in experiencing this powerful exciting practice.This rare and unique energy movement system features special stepping methods combined with 8 particular sets of postures. These sets are reflective of the main trigrams of the I Ching: Book of changes, but are crafted into a dynamic, yet subtle and powerful energetic distillation designed to empower your transformation of body, mind, emotions and spirit! This practice enriches balance, centering, grounding, relaxing and energizing your entire being.

This system is comprised of two main sets:

The first set is the complete Merry-Go-Round, which is an introductory set relatively easy to learn and practice.

This class is a prerequisite to learning the Transformations.

The second set which is known as The Cosmic Tour Bagua 8 Transformations, consists of 8 individual sections, and is much more sophisticated in design as it is an expression of the 64 Hexagram energies of the I Ching.


MERRY GO ROUND SET: June 18, 2022 $ 135.00 

Saturday 9:00 am-12:00 noon Pacific Time 

This class is a prerequisite to learning the Transformations 


TRANSFORMATION 1 SET: June 19, 2022 $ 135.00 

Sunday, 9:00 am-12:00 noon Pacific Time 

*Take Both (an 11% savings of $30) = $240 Total Fee 


Register Today

The workshops will include: 

-Warm up which serves to open and activate the energy pathways of the body

-Basic standing, transitioning

-Stepping method

-Postural dynamics

-Form movement sequences

Alpine Retreat for Regeneration & Renewal 

with Dr. Mao Shing Ni

September 4-7, 2022

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Nourished by this beautiful Swiss setting and inspired by Dr. Mao, we will explore time-tested meditative exercises reaching the core of life, receive gentle coaching in our contemplative experiences, and exchange meaningfully in the warmth of our retreat group. Using I Ching, feng shui, and tai chi principles for life guidance, qigong healing, and self-transformation, we strengthen our self-balancing power, rejuvenate our vitality, and awaken our universal compass leading toward a healthy, harmonious life. With new life management tools and as we return from the retreat to our daily lives, we may come to enjoy deeper peace and productivity, irrespective of the ever-changing external circumstances of life.

Space is limited for this all-inclusive retreat. Join Dr. Mao in the Swiss Alps by reserving your spot today.


To be part of this wonderful Alpine Retreat experience, please Register on the following Link:

Additional discount:

COT teachers, consultants, members receive additional 10% off during early bird registration( until Aug 4th)
Use this promo code when proceeding to the checkout payment step: COT2022
FYI: COT members will receive an additional 10% disc off the retreat portion of the fee (minus CHF 80 off early bird rates) during the early bird period (until Aug 4th)

Sharing Moments from the 2022 College of Tao Retreat 

Special thank you to Robin Geselowitz, Emm Wang,

and Mari Iha for their photo contributions  



with Dr. Mao, James Tuggle &

COT Ministers of the Integral Way

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Every Sunday at 7 am PST, you are invited to join via Zoom in a spiritual renewal ceremony facilitated by the Ministers of the Integral Way, including Drs. Mao Shing Ni, James Tuggle, Barbara Wolff, Ed Sullivan and others…followed by a talk on how to apply the wisdom of the Integral Way to the Five Healths—healthy body, mind/spirit, relationship, work and finance. This service is free for the College of Tao community.

Friends and family are welcome.

Join Zoom Meeting

Password: 006090

Meeting ID: 136 428 813

Dial by your location    

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Advanced Traditional Practice Program August Instruction.


There will be instruction on ZOOM in the esoteric practices of the Ni family called The Advanced Traditional Practice(ATP) Program on August 6-7, 2022. Instruction is open to those who are College of Tao Mentors or those who have completed International Taoist Meditation Institute(ITMI) Level 3.

This is an opportunity to discover and practice the 36 Level program of spiritual practices unique to the Integral Way tradition. Please click on this link

to learn more about ATP and the program requirements. It is especially recommended to read the Ch. 19 of Universal Path of Natural Life, by Hua-Ching Ni. A PDF document is available upon request. The application process must be completed by July 31, 2022. New participants in the program should begin the application as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact me with questions:

“The esoteric teaching is not a matter of merely giving or receiving information, it is a matter of totally plunging your life into the universal energy." Hua-Ching Ni


Peter Stege

ATP Director


I Ching: The Book of Changes

Hexagram 50 Cauldron-Harmonization & Stability,

pages 517-523 by Hua-Ching Ni

Master Ni, Hua-Ching, the 37th-generation practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as Taoist Healing Arts, has written many well-known books on spirituality. Led by Dr. Dao, our monthly tele-study group is open to everyone. There isa wide range of experience in this group from newcomers to long-term participants. Together, we will explore Master Ni’s writings. Participants take turns to select a passage from his books so that as a group, we can delve into the meanings of his writings and how we can apply this knowledge into our daily lives.


THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2022 | 5:30 - 6:30 PM PST


This Month's selection is by Curt Callison: I have chosen “I Ching, The Book of Changes and The Unchanging Truth” as my selection the Hexagram 50 Cauldron-Harmonization & Stability, pages 517-523. The hexagram was in response to the following question:

"Please help me to understand more clearly any delusions I am living under and how to end it?" I received the Line 6. It feels at times I have some experience with the six breakthroughs, but I cannot say that I have mastered these and perhaps this is my delusion. Whatever I have done in my life with good intentions and selflessness, without completion of no separation it is still only more delusion. What I recall as the six breakthroughs: 1. To know all of one's past lifetimes, 2. To know the reason for coming to Earth or one's life. 3. To be able to experience anything that one wishes to, without having to embody another life. 4. To hear what people are saying even if it is a long distance away. 5. To be able to see things from a long distance. 6. I cannot presently recall (possibly: to know what someone holds in their mind). What I found compelling was the commentary about OmNi's own journey and even after these breakthroughs he felt there was still some distance to travel. Does anyone have comments on these six breakthroughs or the goal of no separation?

This book may be purchased on the Wellness Living Store website at: If you have any questions, please contact Vladimir Iliev


DR. DAOSHING NI, Dr. Dao, is a 38th generation doctor of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, holds two doctorates in Oriental Medicine and was awarded the American Fertility Association’s Dr. Joyce Vargyas Visionary Award. Dr. Dao has appeared on the Today Show, provided numerous news/magazine interviews, and is a best-selling author.

Friends and family are welcome.

New Link Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 839 6061 8837
Passcode: 2825
Meeting ID: 839 6061 8837
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The Wisdom of Three Masters, Vol. Two

Enlightenment: Mother of Spiritual Independence

  The Teachings of Hui Neng

                                 by Ni, Hua Ching

Online Reading Group

Text Link

“Hui Neng, the great master of enlightenment, was a person with a spiritual diamond in his ordinary body. Through his teachings, the minds of many spiritual students have been enlightened from darkness.  His sharp spiritual vision and enlightenment could cut through and correct external beliefs, spiritual fantasies and conceptual temptations.”

 This book may be purchased on the Wellness Living Store website at:

This class is a continuation of the recent online Chuang Tzu Reading Group.  Hui Neng’s teaching can be traced back to Chuang Tzu. He lived in the Tang Dynasty and was titled the Sixth Patriarch of Zahn (Zen). Through the process of reading aloud and regular weekly group study, we will work to uncover the layers of meaning.  The class structure will consist of about 75% reading aloud and 25% discussion. Although simplistic, this format of study is energetic and can be a gateway to deeper understanding of Hui Neng in particular and the books of Ni, Hua Ching in general.

This online ZOOM class meets every Wed. 7-8AM PST beginning Sept. 7, 2022.  The class will be divided into 3- three month sessions:

Session I, Sept.-Oct.-Nov.,2022

Session II, Jan.-Feb. March, 2023

Session III, May-June-July, 2023. 

Please register for Session I at:


Cost: $50 USD per session, 


Class size is limited to 25 Participants. 


 If you have any questions, please contact: 

Facilitator: Peter Stege

“People can only become enlightened through the circumstances of their own lives. No one is beyond life. The trouble you fear can be the medicine you need for your personal development. If you light up the next moment, then you are an enlightened one. If your thoughts are still connected to the previous circumstance, then there is trouble. If your spiritual reality is independent of the past or future and centered in yourself during whatever circumstance you are in, then you have obtained true wisdom.”

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Sisters of the Heavenly Way 


A Clear Mind is the True Master of My Being

Oh great, luminous mind!  Without front, back, left, right, top or bottom.

Hanging free, suspended in boundless space. Innocent watching from everywhere.

Perceiving neutrally with magical clarity. The true master of our being!

Like an empty room without walls or windows; endlessly full, fluid and subtly responsive.

No words to truly describe.

Some say: Just let go! Relax! What does this mean? How?

Please Read On 

YOur Next Sister's Meeting:

Saturday June 3:30 PM PST USA

Sunday June19th 7:30 AM Perth Australia

Click Here to Join Sister

Brothers of the Heavenly Way 


 You may obtain this book Eternal Light from Taostar at:

For the month of May the Brothers group decided to dive into a new book, that being “Eternal Light – Teachings Of My Father, Grandmaster Ni, Yo San”. We had a short recap of the story of Yo San and Omni’s decision to leave China. This prompted the sharing of the meaning of “Yo San”, which means: “three friends”. Who are these three friends? The Pine tree, bamboo, and the Plum Blossom tree. Each one portrays a different positive trait. Bamboo is flexible and yielding. The pine is evergreen and ever-renewing. The plum blossoms in Winter, despite the cold and harsh conditions. You see these three trees planted together outside of classical Chinese gardens. Perhaps these three traits could guide the Brothers group on our journey?

Please read more 

Our next 2 Meetings will be held on the last Sundays of the month,

June 26th and July 31 2022 @10am.

Please feel free to join the Brother's monthly meetings

Topic: Integral Way Brothers

Join Zoom Meeting

Click here for Zoom link

Meeting ID: 811 0647 3687

Passcode: 524690

 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Curt Callison @



In the Chinese horoscope, June is in an energy phase called wῠ 午; a time of maximum, powerful, hot, male yang Fire Element energy. It is no surprise that the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, occurs in a Fire Element month. Dragons, the Fire Element, and the summer solstice are related—all of them embody activity, brightness, sunshine, daylight, and heat—apt descriptions of wῠ. June’s luxuriant Fire influence can be a constructive, creative and positive force that creates possibilities for development and success but keep in mind that fire can also burn, destroy, and consume so we must do our best to channel this powerful energy and use it wisely. We welcome you to check out our June horoscope for personal advice about your own element that comes from the wisdom and prognostications in the ancient writings of the I Ching: The Book of Changes. Let our horoscope be a guide to help you live your best life in a vigorous body, with balanced emotions and satisfying relationships, a successful career, and healthy finances. Happy summer!

Horoscope by Element

Quiz Link: to determine your Element click below 

Find your Element 

Taoist Horoscope Link for April click below

Your Horoscope


High Energy Dates

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High Energy Days

June Yi Si (乙 巳) Wood Snake- Bin Wu Horse

July Bin Wu (丙 午) Fire Horse - Ding Wei Sheep


June 3 Mercury Direct

Solar Terms for June and July


June 6th Grain in Ear (Mángzhǒng, 芒种)

June 16th Father’s Day in the United States

June 21st Sun enters Cancer Summer Solstice (Xiàzhì, 夏至)Northern Hemisphere

June 21st Winter Solstice (冬至) Southern Hemisphere

July 6 Geng Shen (庚 申) Metal Monkey

July 7th Slight Heat (Xiǎoshǔ, 小暑)

July 22nd Sun enters Leo

July 23rd Great Heat (Dàshǔ, 大暑)

July 30th International Day of Friendship

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Moon Phases

Super Full Moon in Sagittarius, June 14th 11:51 UT/GMT

Micro New Moon in Cancer June 28th 02:52 UT/GMT

Super Full Moon in Capricorn July 13th 18:37 UT/GMT

New Moon in Leo July 28th 17:54 UT/GMT


·      There will be two Super Moons in 2022: the Super Strawberry Moon on June 14 and the Super Buck Moon on July 13.

·      When a Full Moon takes place when the Moon is near its closest approach to Earth, it is called a Super Full Moon. When there is a New Moon around the closest point to Earth, it is known as a Super New Moon.

Stems and Branches 

We invite you all to join us:

Every other Sunday Morning @ 8:15 AM Pacific Standard timecontinuing, June 5 & 19; July 3, 17 & 31 following the Sunday Renewal to carry on our lively discussion of the 10 Heavenly Stems and 12 Earthly Branches. James Tuggle guides our exploration of this helpful resource that connects us with the universal cycles and living in harmony and balance with the flow of nature.

Please join Zoom Meeting Here 

Join Zoom Meeting

Password: 006090

Free Lao Tzu Virtual Study Group 

now on Zoom through 

COT’s new Podia teaching platform!

It’s simple!


Amira invites you to join our 

ongoing free monthly

Integral Way Study Group

The Complete Works of Lao Tzu 

as elucidated by Hua-Ching Ni

Tao Teh Ching and the Hua Hu Ching

We meet on the first Wednesday of each month from 5-6 pm PST. 

This book is the specific translation we will use and can be purchased at


           Click here to join Lao Tzu Reading Group


Sunday Reflections

“Good times are the days that slip by unnoticed, and bad times are the days that teach you something.”

       Quest of Soul  p8

Hua-Ching Ni

“The truth of natural life can only be told from one angel to another angel.”

Golden Message p 133

Hua-Ching Ni

Living far away from your Integral friends and wanting to stay connected to the Tradition?

Join the "Integral Way Friends Group emailing list" Weekly inspirational quotes to your inbox and warm conversation.

Contact Jono Howard at 

to get signed up.

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College of Tao


Do you have something to share with the COT Community? We welcome you to share any information that is relevant and inspirational.


Sue and Amira


Please Contact Us