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June 2024

San Diego CAHPERD Celebrates Excellence in Health and Physical Education!

Health and physical educators from throughout the county attended the 2024 San Diego CAHPERD End of Year Awards and Social to recognize exemplary work in our disciplines. The event recognized teachers who received state and national recognition, including:

  • 2024 CAHPERD State Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year: Robbie De Perro (Perry Elementary, San Diego Unified School District)
  • 2024 CAHPERD State High School Physical Education Teacher of the Year: Ben Upham (Valhalla High, Grossmont Union High School District)
  • 2024 SHAPE America Western Regional Middle School Physical Education Teacher of the Year: Austin Olson (Pacific Trails Middle, San Dieguito Union High School District)

The bulk of the program was focused on celebrating the 2024 San Diego CAHPERD honorees, including:

  • Community Partner of the Year: SAY San Diego
  • Administrator of the Year: Elizabeth Wong (Granger Junior High, Sweetwater Union High School District)
  • New Professionals of the Year: Ashley Prevo (Pacific Beach Middle, San Diego Unified School District) and Micela Ross (Grossmont High, Grossmont Union High School District)
  • Secondary Physical Education Teacher of the Year: Tyler Kuehl (Pacific Trails Middle, San Dieguito Union High School District)
  • Elementary Physical Education Program of the Year: Central Elementary (Escondido Union School District)
  • Secondary Physical Education Program of the Year: Castle Park Middle (Sweetwater Union High School District)

Congratulations to this year’s award winners! We were excited to celebrate your important work and thank you for being an example for others.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything I can do to support you, your site, or district. Wishing you the best of luck as you finish the school year!

man and woman smiling at camera
Two teachers smiling

Paige Metz

Health and Physical Education Coordinator

San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE)

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New Guiding Docs Define Quality Physical Education! How Can They Inform Your Work?

The SDCOE Health and Physical Education Leadership Cadre recently released two documents that define “First Best Instruction” for physical education in terms of learning environment, instruction, curriculum, assessment and professionalism.

1st Best Instruction: Elementary Physical Education

1st Best instruction: Secondary Physical Education

While these documents are not intended to be used to evaluate teacher practice or to be used as a checklist, they can be used to cultivate reflection, conversation, collaboration, and innovation in our work. Take a minute to check them out, reflect on your work and identify one or two things you can do to evolve your practice over time.

Reference Guide cover - people working out

Share the New Reference Guide for Physical Education in California Schools! 

Help administrators and colleagues better understand physical education by sharing and discussing the new Reference Guide for Physical Education in California Schools. Written by physical education leaders from throughout California, this resource:

  • Describes the intended outcome(s) of physical education
  • Clarifies California Education Code and regulations for physical education
  • Addresses common issues, questions, and misunderstandings
  • Encourages educators to assess and rethink physical education traditions
  • Guides course design, as well as curriculum and instructional practices
  • Provides access to additional resources

Rollout presentations will be offered this spring. Look for details and links to register in upcoming SDCOE Health and Physical Education Monthly Updates.

San Diego County Announces “Revive and Survive” Program

The County of San Diego, in collaboration with UC San Diego, has set a goal to train one million San Diegans in hand-only CPR by the end of 2024. The program, called “Revive and Survive,” will provide free training and can help secure training materials for schools. To learn more visit the Revive and Survive webpage, check out the Revive and Survive informational video or email

SDCOE, in collaboration with the American Heart Association, will provide a free Bystander CPR Train the Trainer event on Oct. 22 from 1 to 3 p.m. Join us to learn how to teach Bystander CPR to staff and students! Click here for more information and to register!

Summer Professional Learning Opportunities You Won’t Want to Miss!

Don’t miss the opportunity to update your practice, expand your expertise and enjoy the camaraderie of other physical educators. Summer workshops offer fun and innovative professional learning! Check out some of what is being offered in California this summer!

The California Physical Education-Health Project (Subject Matter Project) is offering the following professional learning opportunities. Housing may be available. Stipends are available for both of the following:

The California Physical Education-Health Project is also offering the following virtual professional learning:

2024-25 SDCOE Health and Physical Education Professional Learning Calendar

The tentative 2024-25 SDCOE Health and Physical Education Professional Learning Calendar is now available. While the calendar will continue to evolve to feature additional events, the calendar provides a preliminary look at SDCOE offerings including:

  • SDCOE Health and Physical Education Advisory meetings
  • Bystander CPR Train-the-Trainer
  • Physical Education 2.0
  • One-Day San Diego Health and Physical Education Conference (offered by the SDCOE Health and Physical Education Leadership Cadre)
  • Exemplary Site visits

Please contact Paige Metz at if there is something you’d like to see added!

View all SDCOE events

Critical Resources for Health Education

Critical Resources for Physical Education

Critical Resources for Quality Instruction

If you have any questions or comments about Health and Physical Education Monthly Update, please contact Paige Metz.
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