Partnering for safe and healthy communities.

Patience, Self-Care Offer a Successful Formula in Treatment Foster Care

Treatment foster parent Jonathan Graham and his partner, Patrick, have been working with their placement, David, on the concept of “no.” In the beginning, David felt rejected and would go into crisis, so Jonathan and Patrick make sure to point out each time David manages his emotions well.

“We want him to understand that it’s okay to be told no, and it might be a situational no, meaning it’s not something we can do right now,” said Jonathan.

“We tell him, ‘You handled that tough situation in a healthy way,’” said Patrick. “'I’m proud of you.’”

The couple is also teaching David responsibility through projects like keeping his room clean and organized or rehanging his shower curtain if part of it comes down. The accountability gives David a sense of accomplishment and teaches him problem-solving skills that prepare him to face new challenges.

“I wish more people knew the commitment it takes,” said Patrick. “I think a lot of people go into foster care and don’t see the level of dedication necessary to help a child. We need to build a bond with a kiddo that will change their life and put them on the path to success.”

Discover how Jonathan and Patrick balance patience and self-care to transform the lives of youth in treatment foster care.


Foster Parent Portal Available in Missouri

Did you know? Earlier this year, Missouri Children's Division launched the Children’s Division Caregiver Portal for foster, relative, respite, legal guardianship, and adoptive families. Caregivers can now log in to the portal to view their demographics, current placements, and financial information.

This is the first phase of a multi-year project and offers increased transparency and tracking capabilities for caregivers.

To create your free account, visit the Children’s Division Caregiver Portal and use your Department Vendor Number (DVN).


Foster Care Information Exchange Held in May

Thanks to everyone who attended our first Foster Care Information Exchange on Tuesday, May 28. Although National Foster Care Month has come to an end, we will continue to provide unwavering support to our prospective foster parents. Remember to explore Foster Careland: The Ultimate Adventure, a self-guided, interactive digital resource that walks you through the entire process of becoming a licensed foster parent.

If you know someone interested in attending an informational event to learn more, let us know!


New Training Course Offers Support Network and Skills for Kinship Caregivers

This fall, kinship caregivers in the Kansas City area will have an in-person opportunity to build a support network of fellow caregivers while learning trauma-informed skills through the Kinship Path training course. Developed by the Children’s Alliance of Kansas, Kinship Path is a free hybrid training course with 10 facilitated meetings and four online, self-paced trainings. It is open to any kinship parent who desires more peer connection and support navigating the child welfare system.

If anyone knows the value of training programs like the Kinship Path, it’s Alicia Dentler, Clinical Utilization Specialist, and co-facilitator of the course. She unexpectedly became a kinship caregiver herself 12 years ago.

“It can be lonely being a kinship caregiver, and this gives [participants] the opportunity to connect with one another and know they’re not alone,” said Alicia. “Personally, I think it should be mandatory for kinship caregivers to take this training because it’s amazing.”

For questions and contact information, view the course flier or register via the Children's Alliance


Upcoming Foster Parent Trainings

For a full list of all our upcoming trainings, see our Training Calendar.

Self-Care for Resource Parents

Thursday, June 27 | 6 - 8 p.m.

Presenter: Natalie Chaffee


Caregivers will learn about burnout and how to prevent it while caring for youth.

Trauma-Informed Discipline

Tuesday, July 2 | 6 - 8 p.m.

Presenter: Ted Arrandale


Participants will learn how to take advantage of brain science to manage challenging behaviors in a trauma-informed and responsive manner.

Importance of Sibling Connections

Monday, July 8 | 6 - 9 p.m.

Presenter: Rachel Donnelly


Participants will engage in conversations about the sibling bond, the importance of keeping siblings placed together at all costs, common reasons siblings may be separated, and different ways to keep the sibling bond strong through an unavoidable separation.

Understanding Today's Teens: Having the Hard Conversations

Tuesday, July 9 | 6 - 9 p.m.

Presenter: Kathy Faaborg-Nicholson


Participants will focus on engaging in conversations with their teens about real-life issues and how to approach the conversation and make it meaningful.

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