Dear Parents and Families,

HAPPY, almost the end of the school year!! The school year flew by!! Each of your children has brought such joy and happiness to Corpus Christi School. I am so fortunate to have such a wonderful group of children. They all have touched my life in very positive and rewarding ways.

It has been my pleasure to continue getting to know not only your child, but you as well. Having parental support and open lines of communication are an essential part of any successful school year. Thank you for all you have done to make our year so fulfilling and memorable.

As your child anticipates the long summer vacation, there are some very important steps you can take to help them succeed. Engage in meaningful conversations with your child every day. Take time, if only a few minutes a day, to really listen to what they have to say. Read to your child and listen to them read to you. Ask questions, make predictions, and make life to text connections as you read. Practice those addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts. Help your child develop a sense of working and solving problems independently. Talk about ways to get and stay organized and start practicing these strategies. Encourage your child to write often! Writing stories, letters, journal entries, etc. are great ways to get thoughts organized and put onto paper. These small details will lead to big successes next year.

Also, remember our commitment to God. Even though we are on vacation, it is essential to go to Mass each Sunday. Additionally, begin and end each day with a prayer of gratitude; thank God for the good things that happen to you and to others.

Finally, summer vacation can get stressful. The hot weather can get under our skin. Please ask your child to remember the peaceful strategies they learned during the school year. Perhaps even read “I Am Peace” with your child.

Again, thank you for a wonderful year. Have a fantastic and sunny summer.



Mrs. Ann T. Sarpu

Important Dates

June 5

Last Day of Grade 8

School Picnic 5:30-7:30 P.M.

June 6                                 

Eighth Grade Graduation 6:00 P.M.

June 7                                  

Kindergarten Stepping-Up: 8:30 A.M.

PreK 4 Stepping Up: 10:30 A.M.

June 12                 

Birthday Dress Down Day

June 13              

Early Dismissal

June 14               

Early Dismissal

After School Program Closes at 3:30 P.M.

June 15

Hartford Yard Goats Night at Dunkin' Park

June 24

Fore The Children Golf Tournament

Corpus Christi School Calendar 2023-2024
Corpus Christi School Calendar 2024-2025
June Lunch Menu

Corpus Christi School Picnic

We invite you to join us for the annual Corpus Christi School Picnic!! This year's picnic will be held on Wednesday, June 5, 2024 from 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. This is a fun-filled family event with music and activities! Pizza, cotton candy, popcorn, and a bottle of water/juice box are included with each ticket. Please see the registration form for more details.


Please remember to bring blankets/lawn chairs, along with sunscreen, extra beverages, and anything else you may need for a few hours in the sun.


Calling all parents!! Many hands are needed to put on these events for our children. There are many ways to help. Please access the link below to see how you can volunteer and/or donate raffle prizes.


Please contact Lisa Torneo ( and/or Andrea DiGregorio ( with any questions. 

Click to Volunteer
Click for Ticket Form

Corpus Christi Night at Dunkin' Park for the Hartford Yard Goats

When: Saturday, June 15th


Where: Dunkin' Park in Hartford

Please join us for a group photo on the field before the game! Anyone who wants to be part of the photo should meet at 5 p.m. at the school section in the stadium. 

Click for More Information

Raffle Prize

Donations Needed

Raffles are always a popular and exciting part of our Golf Tournament! Tickets to sporting events and shows are highly sought after prizes as are themed baskets and gift certificates for services. If you or someone you know would be willing to donate a raffle prize, please email so we can arrange for pickup. We are grateful for your support of our great school!!

Click for More Details

Plans for the Summer?

*Registered Students Only*

Corpus Christi School offers a Summer Extension program for PreK 3 - Grade 5 for 8 weeks right at our school! The program begins Monday, June 24th and ends Friday, August 16th. 

Pick your days, pick your times. Before Care starts at 7:30 and Aftercare from 3:00-5:00. We offer Half Day (9:00-1:00) and Full day (9:00-3:00) opportunities.

The HSA would like to thank everyone who volunteered this year. It was greatly appreciated.

HSA events and fundraisers would not be possible without the ideas and help from all of you. Thank you for your time and all your hard work.

Have a great summer! We look forward to next year’s HSA events and fundraisers.

~ Diane, Cristina, and Andrea

Wethersfield Youth Field Hockey

2024 Fall Registration Now Open

Grades 1-4 Learn the Fundamentals!

Grades 5-8 Prepare for High School Level!

All 1st-4th grade players will be provided a stick and goggles for the season. For more information or to volunteer please contact Diane Krause at

Click for More Information
Click to Register

Corpus Christi School Medication Pick-Up

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Just a quick reminder that you MUST pick up your child’s medications from the school IN person according to the State Law by the last day of school. No medication can go home in any child’s backpack.

Any medication not picked up will be disposed of in accordance with the law as there will be no Nurse on the premises.

Please, please make a reminder for yourself so this does not happen. I will be here for just a half day on the last day of school which is June 14, 2024.

Thank you,

Sue Cowan RN BS

Corpus Christi School Nurse


Sunscreen Usage for School

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Currently all children six years and older are allowed to bring marked containers of sunscreen to school that are not in an aerosol container and may use it outside as long as a parental consent is included with the container and States your child can apply sunscreen by him/herself per the State. Children need to show how

to safely apply this lotion to me so I can make sure they remember all areas exposed etc. Children younger than six must meet the following 3 criteria for use:

1. A Doctor’s order that includes self application

2. A signed permission for self administration by parents

3. The School Nurse must assess the ability of the child to apply sunscreen safely.

It is strongly recommended that parents apply sunscreen prior to school. After School care and Summer Camp is separated from the State School policy and will determine this per the Director.

Click for Sunscreen Form
District Health Guideline Reminders

Accidents during the summer skyrocket for children. One of the leading causes of severe injury and or death is from bicycle accidents that occur without a helmet. Your child’s head is not sufficiently protected from head injuries or worse if struck by a motor vehicle or from a fall if they do not wear a helmet. Prevention is the key. Central Connecticut Health District has bike helmets for only $10.00. They currently have children's sizes in small and are anticipating larger sizes next week. Helmets must fit snugly to provide optimal protection and prevent head/brain movement in the event of an accident. Please make it a priority to ensure your child is aware of oncoming cars, obeys the traffic laws and wears a helmet for safety.

The Address is:

Central Connecticut Health District

2080 Silas Deane Highway

Rocky Hill Ct

Closes at 4:30 p.m. 860-785-8380


No child is allowed to bring to school any unauthorized medications into the school without a Doctor’s order. This includes over the counter medications such as Tylenol, Vitamins, Lactaid or Probiotics. All medications must be brought to the Nurse’s office in the original container with a Doctor’s order for distribution. No child is to carry any type of medication unless this is ordered by the Doctor and must be given in the Nurse’s Office unless otherwise specified on the order. Any student caught with an unidentifiable medication will be brought to the Principal and if there is cause for concern such as suspected drug use, consequences can occur that will be up to the Principal and may include Law enforcement. We have seen an increase in Drug usage in our communities and within schools and we do not want to impact the safety of Corpus Christi School and our students. Be assured illegal drug use has not occurred in Corpus Christi School but there is a need for me to be proactive at this time. It is with this knowledge that I alert parents to the above Policy to keep our School Safe.

Stuffed Animals are not permitted in the School due to sanitary issues. Children can easily transmit germs and potentially lice to others and we try to minimize the point of contact to keep the school and students healthy. Family pictures are encouraged if separation anxiety is an issue.

Thank you,

Sue Cowan RN BS

Corpus Christi School Nurse

Administration of Medications Policy
Click for More Information 

VIRTUS Training for Parent Volunteers

Any parent who would like to volunteer for any event or activity at Corpus Christi School needs to attend VIRTUS training and complete a Background Check. Send completed forms into the School Office.

Directions for online training:

Go to

Click "First Time Registrant"

Click "Begin the Registration Process".  

Registration should be completed under “Hartford” as in the Archdiocese. 

Background Check Form

Afternoon Pick-Up


  • Park in the school parking lot. Not along the driveway or fence area.
  • Walk up to retrieve your child from their teacher (Grades K – 5)

Reminder about Absences

If your child is absent or leaves school early due to illness they cannot attend any evening school events.