Foster long-term economic benefit
for Minnesota through value-added agricultural products.
Harnessing the Benefits of Green Ammonia and the Hydrogen Economy
Green ammonia and green hydrogen have significant economic potential for the Upper Midwest's agricultural industry. AURI is working closely with a handful of organizations across the region to spearhead a collaborative approach to advance opportunities in this space.
Tackling Minnesota's Co-packer Conundrum
Minnesota is home to many emerging food and beverage businesses that are ready to take the next step in their development. A key barrier for many: access to right-sized manufacturing.
Save the Date: Bold Open 2021 Takes Place in July
Join us on July 21-22 for the 2021 Bold Open! This year’s challenges will focus on protein innovation: enhancing the sustainability of animal proteins and advancing plant and other novel proteins.

Sign up for the email list to stay up-to-date about this year's event!
Ag Innovation News
The newspaper is designed to make research and technical information easy to read and enjoyable for the average user. From an initial subscription list of 4,000, it has grown to reach more than 12,000 print and online readers every quarter, covering AURI’s work in the development of new food products, renewable energy, biobased products and new uses for agricultural coproducts.