Weekly Update

Welcome to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

June 9th - 15th Weekly Bulletin


Church Website

We are excited to share our updated website. We will continue to update the website with upcoming events every week!

Use the button below to visit the home page on the website, or the underlined tabs to see a specific section.

St. Paul's Church Website

About Us





This Sunday, June 9th

Morrissette Garden Dedication

St. Paul's will celebrate the dedication of the

H. Taylor Morrissette, Jr. Memorial Garden at 4:00.

Reception to follow with music by the Excelsior Band

June 7th - 13th

Youth Group Mission Trip

Prayer for Youth Mission Trip

Gracious Lord, we ask your protection for our youth group and their sponsors as they travel to Florida for mission work in Lake Wales

and then for a time to build community

and strengthen their bond of Christian fellowship.

May they be faithful servants as they minister at the Care Center and may they enjoy their time of community building at Sarasota Springs.

We ask this in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.



Thursday, June 20th

Choral Evensong with the Order of St. John at 6:00 PM.

The Parish is welcome to attend!

Sunday, June 30th

Jazz Eucharist at the 10:00 service, with a BBQ Brunch afterwards.

Special recognition of our Rector Search Committee and Vestry.

Summer Office Hours

June Office Hours – in the Parlor

·        Monday – Thursday 9 AM-12 Noon

·        Brenda Ferguson, Financial Administrator will have a temporary office in the EEC Admissions office located across the hall from parish offices

·        Staff will work from home when not in the Parlor.

·        The church telephone, 251-342-8521, will continue to be answered as usual.

·        Clergy may be reached on their cell phone:

Johnny Cook  251-753-7580

Brad Clark    251-689-2481

As there will be construction workers moving about our office area, we request foot traffic on campus be minimal to ensure the safety of our parish family.

Worship Schedule

Sundays and Weekdays will remain the same. The move is underway!

Click to view the Worship Schedule!


Prayer Cards and Visitor Cards in pew rack.

Please place prayer card in Prayer Box on the table

at the front of the pews.

Please place visitor cards in the offering plate.


Thank you, Jimmie!

We said farewell to our beloved Jimmie Hunter as he leaves to enjoy retirement. We are so incredibly grateful to him for his years of dedication

to our Church community!

Thank you, Jimmie!


Day 1- Bethlehem

Our journey began with Jesus being born! We acted out our very own nativity scene and made our own baby mangers as our craft. In the kitchen we made (bacon wrapped and goat cheese stuffed) dates, a popular food in the days Jesus was born in Bethlehem. In music, we sang Away in the Manger and Jesus in the Morning.

Day 2- Galilee

Our journey began in the region of Galilee to the lake country. We did the teaching on the mount and had a special guest, Dr. David Inge, visit us to talk about how your life’s work can be your ministry! We fished for disciples (literally!) and painted rocks with God’s creatures. The rocks are representative of the firm foundation, otherwise we wash away like the sand. In the kitchen we made our own hummus and our own Matzah. Winfred will be dealing with the flour for days, our apologies!

In music we sang, This is My Commandment and This Little Light of Mine.

Day 3- Jerusalem 

Our journey began on Palm Sunday with art around the room with the Resurrection/Ascension. Our crafts were crosses, and our games were looking for symbols in the church windows. In the kitchen we cooked lamb meatballs! We learned “Ride through Jerusalem,” singing loudly about the donkey riding through Jerusalem

representing Palm Sunday.

We ended Go Now in Peace and Shalom my Good Friends in music everyday in English AND in Hebrew. Peggy Lyden had a fabulous team, Libby, Sandra and Janet who helped us journey in music.

Special thanks for Pam Koch who has continued to write the curriculum and spent countless hours bringing it to life through games and crafts. Pam and her helpers, Mary Horner and Lynn Fondren were instrumental in making our days seamless and loads of fun.

Thank you to Karrie at the Cookery who helped us journey through these locations with the food of the times.

Thank you to our youth helpers :

Madeline McMurphy, Amelia Rivers, Leah Kennemer, Leah Tillman, GG Webb, Mason and Madison Sanders, Stella and Todd Gallaspy, Lula Payne, Ava Dorminey, Anna Katherine Cox, Meryl Dubroc, Lauren Carrington, Tolly McCall and Ellen Arendall.

Thank you to Cherish Posey, Director of Sunday School, for all of your hard work with another fabulous year of VBS!

We give thanks for all the volunteers who gave so generously of their time to make Vacation Bible School a time where the love of Jesus was made real for our children.

Roof and Office Construction!

We are so excited that construction on the Church roof, and the renovation of the Church office has begun. We appreciate your patience as we navigate these changes!

Click to Donate!

Select "youth" as the fund

to donate to the youth group!

Youth Missions & Disney

June 7th - 13th

St. Paul’s Youth group has partnered with the Church of the Good Shepard in Lake Wales, Florida. The Care Center will be hosting our youth group for the mission portion of this trip. The project managers are putting together age appropriate tasks for the youth to complete around the Care Center. They will be helping with their community garden as well as stocking their pantries, and there is a possibility that they will be helping in their thrift store. This portion of the trip is an excellent way to give back and to experience life outside of Mobile. Often times, getting out of our town allows our eyes and minds to open on how big our world really is. The second component of this trip is meant for connection! The youth group will be staying at Sarasota Springs in the Walt Disney World Property and will be headed out each day for fun!

The youth group would love your prayers and support as they raise money to offset the travel costs.

Please reach out to Miranda with any questions!

News from the EEC

Read about all of the wonderful things that the EEC has to offer!

EEC Website

Memorial Flowers

Sunday, June 2, 2024

The flowers on the

Altar of the Little Church

 are given to the Glory of God

and in loving memory of

Fanny Knight Gaillard Ladd,

Ernest Fleetwood Ladd, Jr.,

Gregory Luce Leatherbury,

Florence Greaves Leatherbury

and Edward Shields Leatherbury. 

The flowers on the Altar of the Church

are given to Glory of God

and in loving memory of

 Judy Maddox. 

Worship Schedule


8:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite I - Little Church

10:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite II - Big Church

  • Nursery provided
  • Children's Christian Education

6:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite II - Little Church

  • Contemporary music


7:00 - Holy Eucharist - Little Church

10:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite I - Little Church

  • Healing service follows

5:30 - Holy Eucharist - Rite II - Little Church

Morning Prayer

8:15 - Little Church

Weekdays except Wednesday

The 10:00 service on Sunday is always livestreamed. Click the button to view!

View the livestream

Please email all birth announcements to


if you would like for them to be included

in the Weekly Update!

Email us!