Your Financial Support Matters
Because we are not yet worshiping together, Andy and Dick Bennett, who used to make weekly plate offerings, found a good alternative. Andy said, “We feel so blessed to be a part of a church with a long tradition of live streaming services. We are acutely aware that gifts are still needed during this time of isolation, so we set up a weekly recurring gift.”

We give out of a response to God's love, and call to love and to DO. Your gifts enable St James’s to deliver live streaming worship on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. and Evening Prayer on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. as well as to enable our ministries to others.

At St. James's we have several ways to give: 
  • If your custom is to pay a lump sum at year-end, consider setting up a recurring monthly draft from your bank or financial institution, 
  • Create an automatic payment through your online banking portal
  • Simply by using our website, here, you can set up recurring payments

We are deeply grateful for your engagement and faithful support. Thank you for all you do!
Mensch Masks
St. James’s DOERS have the opportunity to join neighbors and friends at Congregation Beth Ahabah to provide Mensch Masks that will be distributed to some of Richmond’s most vulnerable citizens. Mensch is a Hebrew word that suggests “goodwill, good action or person to the core.”

Many DOERS will be needed to join our neighbors in filling all the social distancing assembly line roles that will make possible this good and important action!

Click here for the details and to signup for this important partnership ministry.
Blood Drive
Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church host the Red Cross for a two-day blood drive.

  • Monday, June 8th - 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Tuesday, June 9th - 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Sponsor code: GCPCRVA

Contact Barbara Robinson if you have questions