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Enhancing education through the appropriate use of technologies for all educators in New York State. 

June 8, 2023

CEO 3  

  • Changes are a Coming!! NYSCATE has been working diligently to bring you a new experience as a member. We have implemented a new CRM, which will allow each member to customize your own experience including your Influencer Points, Community membership, regional involvement, etc. We are just about ready for launch so please be on the lookout for an email from me - you will be asked to login and create your profile. This is legit! Please keep you contact information current and all of your rewards, discounts and CTLE credits will be available to you in one convenient location.
  • Thank you for being so involved! We have received a bunch of grant applications, RFPs, votes for board members and online actions this school year. There is no NYSCATE without you and our board and leadership team appreciate every single one of you. :) Also. a shout out to our board members who attended the SETDA Conference this week. It was wonderful to see so many key NY leaders taking part of the national discussion!

  • Is anyone NOT talking about AI these days? I feel like every call I have been on - regardless of what group the call is for, has been talking about AI. Yes, Chat GPT, but there are so many other types of AI, which I have learned through our Generative Age discussions. My personal feeling is that there are so many positives with AI, but there are also some red flags as well. I encourage each of you to educate yourself and be knowledgeable as an educator on the different types and what the functionalities are in the Art, Music, and Design worlds. You will, without a doubt be called upon to decide whether you should embrace it, or shut it down in your district. I have learned so much through these open discussion and urge you to do the same. Every week there is a portion where we discuss what is new in the field since our last call. The growth in this alone is absolutely mind-boggling!! Invest some time in learning and exploring - it is well worth it. The next discussion features Carl Hooker. See additional info below. No cost at all, just an hour with colleagues in an open discussion!
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We've officially launched the Generative Age series as a podcast!

Tune in at your convenience to explore the rapidly evolving world of generative AI and its impact on education.

Apple Podcast

Hosts Alana Winnick and Dr. Cameron Fadjo are joined by practitioners and thought leaders who are shaping the discourse around integrating generative AI into the classroom. Whether you are an educator, administrator, technologist, or simply interested in the future of education, join us on this journey through… the Generative Age.

June 25@ 4pm

Live from ISTE '23

Session Title: Generative Age with Carl Hooker

For more information or to register

Register Soon!

July 10-August 15

The program is asynchronous self-paced online learning in combination with two (2) synchronous online cohort gatherings.

For More information or to register

HummingBird Robotics Workshop

Get ready for a fun hands-on workshop where you’ll learn how to teach with Hummingbird Robotics.

June 27, 2023

Watertown CSD

Watertown, NY

Register Now!
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Capital Region Conference

August 9, 2023

Queensbury HS

Queensbury, NY

Registration & Sponsorships
Registration & Sponsorships Now Available


Technology Summit

October 17, 2023


YorkTown Heights, NY

Registration & Sponsorships Now Available

November 7, 2023

Roy C Ketchum High School

Wappingers Falls, NY

Join the Global Ranks of

ISTE Certified Educators!

NYSCATE is an ISTE Certification Authorized Provider. Our ISTE Certified Trainers will facilitate the course that focuses on pedagogy and transcends technology. Classroom teachers, instructional designers, library media specialists and technology coaches alike find that becoming ISTE Certified, an internationally recognized credential, advances their skill sets and careers while receiving more recognition and having greater impact on students.

For more information or to register
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Upcoming Cohorts:

  • June 14 Start Date

Over 200 NY Educators have been certified through NYSCATE!

Thursday, Sept. 28, 2023 


Friday, September 29 9am-3pm

Call for Presenters Due Friday 6/9

Submit an RFP

Announcing the 2023 CSForNY State Summit

We're excited to announce that the free, virtual CSForNY State Summit is back for 2023 on Thursday, 9/28 from 4pm - 7pm and Friday, 9/29 from 9am - 2pm.

The 2023 CSForNY State Summit is an opportunity to build and amplify momentum to reach all students with quality, equitable, and sustainable K-12 computer science education programs.  

Participants will hear from schools and districts with K-12 CS programs aligned to NYSED standards, New York’s CS teacher certification programs, resource providers, and leaders from across the state.

Every New York student deserves access to computer science regardless of zip code, race, gender, or economic background. I hope that you’ll inform others about this opportunity.

We hope you’re able to join us!


Self-Paced Professional Development for Educators

Learn at your own pace, anytime, anywhere. These courses have been created by NYS educators for NYS educators. Learn how to engage your students in learning and provide real solutions for your class.

We have courses that support the NYS English language learner requirements, courses that support the CS & DF Standards, and courses that support teaching and learning.

Contact mguthrie@nyscate.org for large bundle pricing information.

Register Now

Corporate Council Connections

News you can use from our Council members

Corporate Council Members

at ISTE Conference this June

NYSCATE is proud to have over 50 members of our Corporate Council. Many of our partner members will be at ISTE later this month in Philadelphia. If you are attending the conference, please click on the button below to learn more about the opportunities these companies will be having at the conference. You'll see their booth number, information on any presentations they are giving along with any special meet-ups or receptions they are hosting.


Please let these companies know you are a member of NYSCATE and thank them for their support!

Click Here to View the Companies at ISTE

iTutor rebrands to Fullmind

 iTutor, a leading provider of virtual education for K-12 students, announced today that it has completed a major rebranding to Fullmind. This strategic name change reflects the company's evolution and growth, enabling it to better showcase its comprehensive range of education solutions and its commitment to supporting student success through a complete infrastructure.

As iTutor has expanded over time, it has transcended its initial focus on tutoring to offer an extensive array of services. Its team of state-certified educators now provides Virtual Staffing, Homebound Instruction, Credit Recovery, Suspension Alternatives, and robust support for Students with Disabilities, among various other offerings. The decision to rebrand stems from the realization that the name iTutor no longer fully encompasses the wide range of solutions the company delivers to address the diverse needs of schools.

Fullmind's expansion into a comprehensive education infrastructure has been driven by the invaluable input and collaboration with its esteemed school partners. The company's ability to adapt and evolve alongside the changing needs of schools has been instrumental in broadening its service offerings beyond traditional tutoring.

Click Here to Learn More

Take Advantage of BOCES Discounts on Securly!


Student safety and wellness have become a top priority for schools, but how do you know which technology tools are best suited to support your district's initiatives? That’s where Securly comes in. Securly is the leading student safety and wellness suite for K12 education, trusted by more than 15,000 schools. 

And Securly’s solutions are now available at discounted rates through OCM BOCES RFB 223-65!

Click Here to Learn More

Mouse partners with Code.org to offer CS PD

Sign up for Summer 2023 and SY23-24 Code.org training to qualify for ten years of SoCE certification

Applications are open for Code.org’s Professional Learning Program! If you’re interested in bringing or expanding computer science at your school for the 2023-2024 academic year, now is the time to explore Code.org’s curricula. Week-long workshops are available for CS Discoveries, CS Principles, and CSA in Java.

Teachers who join us for professional learning receive the following benefits:

  • Enhanced understanding of computer science concepts and pedagogical practices: Teachers gain a deep understanding of computer science concepts, pedagogy, and engaging teaching practices. 
  • Access to a community of like-minded educators: Teachers become part of a supportive community of educators who share resources, ideas, and best practices.
  • CTLE Credits: Teachers who complete the summer training will receive 27 hours of CTLE credit, with an additional 24 hours available through just-in-time school year check-ins.

New York State will begin requiring Computer Science Teaching certification in the 2024-2025 school year. Now is a great time to bring CS to your school and avoid a costly, time-consuming certification process: All certified educators who have taught a full computer science course between 2017 and 2024 are eligible for the Statement of Continued Eligibility (SoCE) that will allow them to teach CS without the full certification within your district for ten years. Teaching any of Code.org’s middle or high school courses will help you meet that requirement! You can learn more about the SoCE requirements and application deadline here.

Click Here to Learn More

Book Creator's 10 Ideas to Support Play-Based Learning Over the Summer

The Summer break is right around the corner and although the break from school is very welcome, we can also encourage play-based learning without kids even realizing they are learning. Research shows that play-based learning is boosted when children choose their own activities based on their interests and passions and Book Creator is the perfect tool for them to showcase their explorations, performances and reflections. Kids can record their creative ideas, film themselves acting out scenes, make a cookbook or even keep a journal of the movies and books they enjoyed to demonstrate their learning over summer in a fun way.

Click Here to Learn More

Upcoming Corporate Council Webinars

Look for more webinars from our Coporate Council members later this summer!

NYSCATE is proud to be the state affiliate/chapter member in

New York for these national EdTech organizations.

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National Coalition for Technology

in Education & Training

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