June 3, 2021
Regardless of how you're celebrating with us this Sunday, please plan to be a little extra patient, as this is new for everybody!

In Person: Welcome back! We can't wait to see you! Remember your masks! The pews will be roped off so that every other pew will be used. Our sanctuary is huge, so there's no need to crowd into the pews - try to leave 3-6 feet between you and anyone outside your household. We won't have paper bulletins, Bibles, or Hymnals. You can view the bulletin on your phone, or simply follow the projections. We are pausing the Passing of the Peace and ushers will not collect an offering. We will have secured giving boxes in the back of the sanctuary, where you enter/exit, or you may still give online. Finally, you will receive pre-packaged communion elements as you enter the church. Please hold onto them until communion then dispose of the empty container in the bins on your way out.

Online: We're hopeful nothing will have significantly changed for you, although depending on how you watch, the timing may be different:
  • Livestream - no change! We'll be live at 9am and you can watch any time after that.
  • Facebook - (hopefully!) no change! If we set this up correctly, we will simulcast our livestream to Facebook Live at 9am. If it's not or if there is an issue with the livestream, we will post the service recording around 11am.
  • Our Website - no change! If you usually view the service at dayspringumc.org/watch, you'll be able to watch live at 9am. If there are any technical difficulties, we'll post a clean recording around 11am.
  • YouTube - Unfortunately, we're not able to simulcast to YouTube Live, so we will post the service around 11am.
  • Vimeo - We will post the service around 11am.

Still have questions? Simply reply to this email and we'll try to answer them!
Peace with Justice Sunday is one of six Special Sundays with offerings of the United Methodist Church. Peace with Justice Sunday enables the United Methodist Church to have a voice in advocating for peace and justice through a broad spectrum of global programs. It is based on the ideas that the way to stand for justice is to simultaneously create pathways for peacemaking, peacekeeping and peacebuilding. It is a day to take action by funding peace with justice programs in our communities. The special offering benefits peace with justice ministries in the annual conference and through the General Board of Church and Society. Give securely online HERE.
Join Valley Interfaith for a zoom meeting: The Flat Tax Budget Proposal and What it Means for Arizona Families
on Sunday, June 6 @ 3:00pm (zoom link) or Tuesday, June 8 @ 7:00pm (zoom link). The Arizona budget will be decided soon, perhaps in the next week. This is a proposal we should all understand. Join us for one of these short sessions to unpack what is being planned. Please email Bethany with questions.
Whether you’ve been attending for a while or you’re new to Dayspring, we invite you to attend a one-hour session with Pastor Jeff to learn more about us next Sunday, June 13, at 2:00pm via Zoom. If you are interested, please email the church office.
Our youth group has been busily preparing for Youth Sunday! On June 13 the youth will be reflecting on growth through change in a fabulous Youth Sunday service. They will also share rocks that will make up the new Dayspring Rock Garden. This is always a meaningful and inspiring experience for everyone!
VBS is coming up at the end of the month! We are hosting a VBS-lite this year to allow for a familiar experience in a safe and smaller format. The program, Rocky Mountain Railway, will run from June 27-29 in two groups: 5-6:30pm or 6-7:30pm. The cost is $10 per camper, which includes a CD or digital music download. Register online at https://vbspro.events/p/events/1c2d90
NOW HIRING: Are you an amazing teacher looking for a wonderful part-time job next school year, or do you know someone who might be interested? Dayspring Preschool & Kindergarten would love to hear from you immediately! Please email the preschool office for more information.
Greeters and ushers are the first friendly faces we see when we enter the church campus. New ushers and greeters are needed for July and August to welcome everyone back to Dayspring! It is a wonderful way to reconnect with friends, welcome new visitors and guests, and meet Dayspringers you haven’t seen for a while.Please email Debi Law to sign up to usher or email Pastor Shirley to sign up as a greeter. Thanks in advance! We appreciate your help.
Our most recent service:
Dayspring United Methodist Church | (480) 838-1446 | www.dayspring-umc.org