Vice Mayor Rosemary Kamei's logo on top of photos of Westgate West, Starbird park, Winchester Mystery House, Santana Row, and Calabazas Library

June 2024 Newsletter

From Vice Mayor Rosemary Kamei, City of San José Council District 1

Note: As of April 2024, we use Constant Contact to send our newsletters instead of Mailchimp. Our email domain is But if you reply to this newsletter, you will reach us at 

A Message From Rosemary

Hello neighbors, 

I hope you and your family are enjoying the end of spring and staying cool! My office was busy in May celebrating AAPI Heritage Month, Affordable Housing Month, participating in neighborhood volunteering days, and joining community members and local organizations at various events. At City Council, we continued working on shaping the next fiscal year's City Budget, and received input from you and your neighbors on what your budget priorities are. 

We will vote on approving a new budget on June 11, and on June 18 we will vote on formally adopting it. Be sure to tune in and continue making your voice heard. As with all my newsletters, I would also like to share with you other notable recent updates from City Council in May, upcoming June events and engagement opportunities in District 1, and resources that you may find useful. 

If you would like to submit questions, comments, or other thoughts with me directly, you may reach my office at or (408) 535-4901. You may also attend my office hours, and see the following details about how to join in-person or virtually: 

From my family to yours, have a happy June! 



Rosemary written in cursive

Table of Contents

Council & Policy Updates 

  • Recent Council Actions  
  • Upcoming Council Actions  

District 1 Project Updates 

  • Costco Project Proposal at Westgate West 
  • El Paseo de Saratoga Signature Project 
  • 1000 South De Anza Boulevard Builder's Remedy Project Proposal 
  • San José State University Urban Planning Student Project 
  • Stevens Creek Boulevard Corridor Vision Study 

Community Events 

  • Recap: Hamann Park Community Tree Planting 
  • Recap: FUHSD Centennial Celebration 
  • Recap: AAPI Heritage Month Proclamation
  • Recap: Daphna Woolfe Commendation
  • Recap: SJFD Women’s+ Boot Camp 
  • Recap: Rainbow Park Community Day 
  • Upcoming: Mayor's State of the City on June 1 
  • Upcoming: Blue Zones Keynote Kick-Off 
  • Upcoming: Día de San Juan Salsa Festival on June 21 
  • Upcoming: Cypress Senior Center E-Waste Event 
  • Upcoming: Viva Parks, Viva Calle, and Paint the CitySJ 2024 

Engagement Opportunities 

  • Adopt-a-Storm Drain Pilot Program 
  • CERT Trainings 
  • Become a Climate Action Leader with Our City Forest 
  • Starbird Youth Center Afterschool Program 
  • Summer Camps at Calabazas 
  • Time Travelers Summer Camp at History Park 

Public Services & Resources  

  • Key Services for Helping Your Community 
  • Self-Start Building Permits with Plan Review Program 
  • San José Creative Economy Fund 
  • Animal Care Services Adoption 
  • Pavement Project – Repave San José GIS Map 
  • Resources From Your Representatives 

Council & Policy Updates

Recent Council Actions

City Hall at night with the lights on

Photo from Steinberg Hart

My Council colleagues and I addressed many critical issues since my last newsletter, and I want to highlight for you some of the actions we took. City Council took the following actions: 

  • May 7. Item 3.3: Approved an amendment to City Council Policy 0-12 Requests for Policy Analysis (Council Referrals), presented by the Office of the City Manager.  
  • May 7, Item 3.4: Appointed a new Independent Police Auditor, Eddie Aubrey, for a term beginning May 6, 2024, and ending December 31, 2028. 
  • May 8: Held a study session about the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Operating Budget. 
  • May 9: Held an additional study session about the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Operating Budget. 
  • May 14, Item 3.4: Council held a public hearing on the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets and the 2024-2025 Proposed Fees and Charges for the City of San José, including a Revision of Percentage Allocations of Measure E Real Property Transfer Tax Revenues.  
  • May 14, Item 3.5: Amended Chapter 2.04 of Title 2 of the San José Municipal Code, renaming the Office of Racial Equity to be the “Office of Racial and Social Equity,” and amended the Council Policy to add Equity Values and Standards Policy.  
  • May 15: Held a study session about the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Capital Budget and Fees & Charges Report. 
  • May 16: Held a study session about the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Capital Budget and Fees & Charges Report. 
  • May 21, Items 3.3 & 3.4: Approved an updated Emergency Operations Plan for the City, as well as amended the Municipal Code to clarify roles and responsibilities, define key terminology, and add continuity of government to the section on the Office of Emergency Management. 
  • May 21, Items 3.5 & 3.6: Approved terms of collective bargaining agreements with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 332 and International Union of Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 3. 

View these recent meeting agendas by visiting the following: 

To see all agendas, minutes, and recordings of City Council and other committee meetings, go to the City Clerk's Council Agendas & Minutes

To learn more about the City of San José's form of government, and how City Council operates, go to the City Clerk's Guide to Council Meetings.

Upcoming Council Actions

City Hall during the day with a clear blue sky

Photo from KQED

My colleagues and I will address more critical issues in the coming weeks. City Council is expected to consider the following actions:  

  • June 4, Items 6.2, 6.3, & 6.4: Hold public hearings and take actions related to increasing three types of rates and charges: Sewer Service and Use Charge, Residential Garbage and Recycling, and San José Municipal Water System potable and recycled water. 
  • June 4, Items 8.1, 8.2, & 8.3: Hold public hearings and take actions related to approving annual budget reports for three Business Improvement Districts: Downtown, Japantown, and San José Hotel.  
  • June 10: Council will hold the final public hearing on the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Proposed Capital and Operating Budgets, and Proposed Fees and Charges Report. 
  • June 11, Items 3.4 & 3.5: Whether to approve the Mayor’s June Budget Message and Measure E Spending Allocation. 
  • June 11, Item 3.5: Whether to approve the Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets for Fiscal Year 2024-2025, presented by the City Manager’s Office. 
  • June 11, Item 10.3: Whether to approve an Emergency Residential Shelters ordinance, presented by the Department of Planning, Building & Code Enforcement. 
  • June 18: Whether to formally adopt the Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets for Fiscal Year 2024-2025, presented by the City Manager’s Office. 
  • June 18: Whether to adopt a Responsible Constuction Ordinance, presented by the Department of Public Works. 
  • June 18: Actions related to Santa Teresa Multifamily Affordable Housing Development, presented by the Department of Housing. 

View these upcoming meeting agendas by visiting the following:  

To see all agendas, minutes, and recordings of City Council and other committee meetings, go to the City Clerk's Council Agendas & Minutes

Project Updates

Costco Project Proposal at Westgate West

Image courtesy of applicant

Although there currently is no new update, readers can learn more about this project proposal at the City Planning Division's Westgate West Costco Project Page. The project applicant maintains a website with additional information at Costco's Westgate West Project Page. There is also a website created by neighbors and other residents with information, opinions, and concerns. If you have questions, please send them to my office at

El Paseo de Saratoga Signature Project

Conceptual art of a multi-story residential building

Image courtesy of applicant

The City held a community meeting on May 6, 2024, to introduce and discuss revisions to this Signature Project. Readers may access a video recording at El Paseo de Saratoga Signature Project May 6 Zoom Community Meeting Recording. The password to access the recording is 5adZnG@z

The meeting was well-attended and provided neighbors and interested individuals the opportunity to ask questions and offer feedback before the project moves to the next round of review in the Planning Division. 

As readers will recall, late last year, City planning officials administratively approved changes to Building 3, which now consists of a single-story structure that will house a Whole Foods Market grocery store. The remaining buildings—1, 2, and 4—have been redesigned in a separate, follow-on application, which was the subject of the meeting. 

The meeting highlighted each of the buildings and their revisions in turn. Building 1, perched at the corner of Lawrence Expressway and Saratoga Avenue, would now feature 376 new homes in a 136-foot building, standing 12 stories, with 13,500 square feet of dedicated ground-floor commercial space.  

Similarly, Building 2, situated toward the southern end of the property, would host 371 new homes spread over 15,500 square feet of commercial space in a 10-story building that would step down toward the neighboring properties along the south.  

By contrast, Building 4 finds itself across Saratoga Avenue and would now consist of a 120-unit residential care facility rising 7 stories for a total height of 80 feet. The southwest corner of the project area would welcome visitors and residents through a park as shown in the render above.  

Overall, this redesign is intended to fit entirely within the permissible building heights, densities, setbacks, and other development standards of the previously approved Signature Project.  

1000 South De Anza Boulevard Builder's Remedy Project Proposal

Watercolor conceptual art of a multi-story residential building

Image courtesy of applicant

The City held a community meeting to discuss this residential development application on the site of the former Mori Kitchen restaurant on May 13, 2024. Readers may access a video recording at 1000 South De Anza Boulevard May 13 Zoom Community Meeting Recording. The password for the recording is ZV3A&BS0

This was the first community meeting to introduce a project application made exercising the “builder’s remedy” of the Housing Accountability Act. Per the “builder’s remedy,” at least 20% of the homes in this project would be deed-restricted to remain affordable to households making less than 80% of area median income on an ongoing basis.

This project proposes to demolish the disused restaurant and replace it with a mixed-income, 99-home, 7-story multifamily building on the eastern side of South De Anza Boulevard. Apartment buildings and commercial uses border the site.  

The project sits on an approved Housing Element site, with an originally expected capacity of 64 new homes. Though not legally required, the applicant proposes making innovative use of parking lifts in order to supply sufficient parking space. Above is a rendering courtesy of the developer applicant. 

San José State University Urban Planning Student Project

Satellite view of the intersection of Prospect Avenue and Lawrence Expressway

Photo from Google Maps

In partnership with Professor Richard Kos of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of San José State University, my office launched an interjurisdictional traffic and circulation study and public engagement initiative focused on specific aspects of the traffic, transportation, mobility, and circulation concerns in and around the intersection of Lawrence Expressway and Prospect Road. This initiative serves as the basis of a “Capstone” project for Professor Kos’ graduate students.

The spring semester of students completed the first phase of the project, where they drew conclusions from their research and community feedback. The class will return in the fall to continue the project and develop more specific recommendations for policymakers. 

Stevens Creek Boulevard Corridor Vision Study

Stevens Creek Corridor Vision Study text below a map of Stevens Creek Boulevard and above logos from partner agencies

Image from Winter Consulting

The Stevens Creek Boulevard Corridor Vision Study Steering Committee adopted a Vision Statement on Thursday, May 23. This document will guide the Committee and Vision Study's efforts to shape the Stevens Creek Boulevard corridor. 

  • The next Steering Committee meeting will be Thursday, September 5, 2024, 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. They will discuss adoption of an Implementation Plan for the Vision Statement. 
  • The next Community Advisory Group meeting will be in August, date to-be-determined, 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM, at Cypress Community Center, 403 Cypress Avene, San José, CA 95117. 


To learn more about the study, as well as meeting agendas and recording, visit Stevens Creek Boulevard Corridor Vision Study

Community Events

Recap: Hamann Park Community Tree Planting

Vice Mayor Kamei planting a tree

Thank you to all of the volunteers, City staff, and Our City Forest, who came out on a rainy day to help plant trees at Marijane Hamann Park on May 4. Thanks to all of you, we were able to plant 16 new trees!

Recap: FUHSD Centennial Celebration

Vice Mayor Kamei and others on a stage at the FUHSD event

On May 11, the Fremont Union High School District (FUHSD) celebrated 100 years of service. Thank you to FUHSD for inviting me to the celebration to present you with a commendation, and congratulations!

Recap: AAPI Heritage Month Proclamation

Vice Mayor Kamei, Mayor Mahan, Councilmember Doan, and Councilmember Batra taking a photo together with recipients of the AAPI Month Proclamation

I was proud to join my colleagues Councilmember Bien Doan and Councilmember Arjun Batra to proclaim May as Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in the City of San José. Thank you, Kimberly Lam, with Asian Pacific American Leadership Institute (APALI) for receiving our proclamation!

Recap: Daphna Woolfe Commendation

Vice Mayor Kamei hugging Daphna Woolfe as a half dozen seated people watch and applaud

Congratulations to community leader Daphna Woolfe! I presented her a commendation on May 18 to honor her service on our City's Parks and Recreation Commission. Thank you for your service to our city!

Recap: SJFD Women’s+ Boot Camp

Vice Mayor Kamei speaking to a group of firefighters indoors

On May 18, I joined firefighters to celebrate their Womens+ Bootcamp program, which trains women and non-binary people to become new firefighters. Congratulations to the bootcamp members and thank you San José Fire Department for having me!

Recap: Rainbow Park Community Day

Vice Mayor Kamei taking a selfie with volunteers in yellow vests

I joined community members and City staff at the Rainbow Park Community Day on May 19. Thank you to all of the volunteers who participated, and to the Parks Department's Volunteer Management Unit for hosting the event!

Upcoming: Mayor's State of the City

Banner stating name and date of event on top of photos of groups of people

Mayor Matt Mahan is having his annual State of the City event this Saturday, June 1, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at Happy Hollow Park & Zoo. 

Join me and community members at the event, see local community heroes be awarded for their public service, and participate in volunteer activities to beautify our city. This year, I nominated outgoing Parks Commissioner Daphna Woolfe for all her wonderful contributions to the community. Congratulations!

Upcoming: Blue Zones Keynote Kick-Off

Blue Zones name on blue backgroun

City of San José Councilmember Dev Davis and County of Santa Clara Supervisor Cindy Chavez are thrilled to introduce the Blue Zones Ignite team to San José. Please join us at their kick-off event to learn about their initiative, organization, and upcoming involvement in San José. 

Informed by their research of the world’s longest-lived cultures and their work in over 50 cities across the country, Blue Zones helps communities live better and longer by improving their environment. Participating cities and counties have seen double digit drops in obesity, smoking, and stress, along with significant improvements in workplace productivity, healthcare costs, and civic engagement. 

  • Date: Wednesday, June 5, 2024 
  • Time: 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM 
  • Location: Sharks Ice, 1500 South Tenth Street, San José, California 95112 

Upcoming: Día de San Juan Salsa Festival

Dia de San Juan event flyer with image of person dancing with maracas

My office is co-hosting Día de San Juan Salsa Festival with MACLA/Movimiento de Arte y Cultura Latino Americana and San Jose Jazz! 

This event commemorates El Día de San Juan, which is a popular celebration of life and joy focused on San Juan, the patron saint and namesake of the capital of Puerto Rico. This Puerto Rican tradition features top-notch music performances grounded in Puerto Rican culture, including Salsa, Bomba, and Plena, as well as food and beverages. It is free and open to the public. 

  • Date: June 21, 2024 
  • Time: 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM 
  • Location: Parque de los Pobladores, 1st Street & Market Street, San José, CA 95113 

If you or your organization would like to sponsor the event, visit Sponsor the City of San José's Día de San Juan Event. For further questions about sponsorship or the event in general, contact or (408) 535-4901. 

Upcoming: Cypress Senior Center E-Waste Event

E-waste collection event flyer

Cypress Senior Center is hosting an e-waste event on Saturday, June 22, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, at 403 Cypress Avenue.

  • Accepted items: Televisions, computers, servers, monitors, laptops, printers, phones, stereos, cell phones, wire/cable. 
  • Not accepted items: Toys, alkaline batteries, bulbs, hair dryers, household items, microwave ovens, fans/heaters, other appliances.

For more information, email either or For more details about all Cypress Senior Center programs and activities, contact

Upcoming: Viva Parks, Viva Calle, and Paint the CitySJ 2024

Viva Parks summer 2024 schedule flyer

This summer, our Viva Parks, Viva Calle, and Paint the CitySJ programs return! These are free, fun, family-friendly activities such as movie nights, painting, and more. You will find: Live Entertainment, Arts and Crafts, Bounce House, Face Painting, Food Trucks, Sporting Activities, Lawn Games, and Community Resources.  

The next Viva CalleSJ will be on June 9, 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, with our hubs at Lake Cunningham Park, Alum Rock Village and City Hall.

See the flyers for more details, or visit Placemaking with the City of San José's Parks, Recreation & Neighborhood Services Department

Map of Viva Calle June 9 route

Engagement Opportunities

Adopt-a-Storm Drain Pilot Program

Map of San Jose Council District 1 with storm drain inlets identified by markings on the map

On April 20, I announced the Adopt-a-Storm Drain Pilot Program along with Mayor Mahan and many community members.  

The Adopt-a-Storm Drain pilot program is a new initiative launched by my office. The program invites individuals and groups in District 1 to play an active role in protecting the environment by keeping storm drains clear. These drains play a critical role in managing rainwater and preventing flooding, but accumulated leaves, trash, and other debris prevent them from working effectively. Removing trash also prevents pollutants from entering our creeks and streams, which flow into the San Francisco Bay. 

What does it mean to adopt a storm drain?  

  • By adopting a drain, you're committing to keeping it clean and clear. Plus, you can even give it a fun name! Volunteers will receive training on maintenance techniques, and participate in our clean up activities. 

How do I apply?  

CERT Trainings

Text logo saying CERT Community Emergency Response Team

The Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) program is a 20-hour commitment that educates volunteers about disaster preparedness for the hazards that are most likely to occur here in San José. It also promotes basic disaster response skills development, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization and disaster medical operations.

CERT volunteers are trained to react safely, responsibly, and effectively to emergency situations, as well as support their communities during non-emergency events. The CERT program aligns with a consistent, nationwide approach to volunteer training and organization that professional responders can rely upon during disaster situations. 


If you would like to be notified of the next CERT training program dates, please fill out the San José Neighborhood CERT Education Inquiry Form


You may also get in touch with us via email at or call the City of San José's Office of Emergency Management at (408) 793-5373. 


Until the next CERT course is in your local neighborhood, get started by taking this free, self-paced Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams Online Course from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 

Become a Climate Action Leader with Our City Forest

Someone planting in the ground with the text Americorp Openings adjacent to them

Want to protect our urban forests and ecosystem? Want to engage your community on urban forestry best-practices and environmental stewardship? Check out this work opportunity with Our City Forest (OCF), sponsored by the national service organization AmeriCorps. 


Silicon Valley Climate Corps Service Team Member 

  • Full time positions from September 18, 2024, to August 16, 2025. 
  • Become a Climate Corps member serving in San José and the greater Santa Clara Valley. 
  • Full-time commitment: 40 hours per week (7:30 AM – 4:00 PM Tuesday - Saturday). 
  • Receive a $30,000 living stipend and $10,000 educational award upon completion of the term. 
  • Priority application deadline is June 30, 2024. General application deadline is August 18, 2024.  

Check out further details about this opportunity and how to apply at AmeriCorps California Openings

Starbird Youth Center Afterschool Program

Starbird 2024-2025 school year title with images of children and the school building

The Starbird Youth Center Afterschool Program is opening for the 2024-2025 school year. The program offers: A Safe And Nurturing Environment, Homework Assistance, Enrichments Recreation & STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) Activities. 

  • Location: Starbird Youth Center, 1050 Boynton Avenue, San José, CA 95117 
  • Dates and times: Mondays through Fridays (except Moreland school holidays, breaks, and in-service days), from when the bell rings until 6:00 PM. 
  • Cost: Free for all registered students. Regular attendance is required to stay enrolled. Consistent absences will result in removal. 
  • Registration: In-person only starting Wednesday, July 10, 10:00 AM, at Starbird Youth Center. Maximum is 40 students. For students aged 6 to 13 only, Anderson Elementary & Moreland Middle students only. 

To learn more, contact the Berryessa Community Center at (408) 251-6392, or reach

Summer Camps at Calabazas 

Calabazas Summer camp flyer with detailed information

The City of San José's Parks, Recreation & Neighborhood Services Department is holding summer camps at Calabazas Community Center: Camp San José, and Camp San José Junior! 

Learn more by visiting your local community center in-person or going to You may also email for more details. 

Time Travelers Summer Camp at History Park 

Time Travelers summer camp banner with details

History San José introduces the Time Travelers Summer Camp: in June or July 2024, where 8-11 year-old campers get to utilize hands-on experience to explore past. Both camp weeks run Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. 

This camp is free and open to all San José residents. Learn more by visiting History San José Time Travelers Summer Camp

Public Services & Resources

Key Services for Helping Your Community

Cartoon graphic of a multi-generational family

If you see issues or needs in your community, report it to the appropriate department or agency and loop in our office by emailing or calling us. See contact information for key services and resources from the City of San José and other agencies below. 


From the City of San José:

From Other Agencies:

If you would like help in contacting departments or agencies, or want help finding other services and resources, reach my office by email at, or give us a call at (408) 535-4901. 

Self-Start Building Permits with Plan Review Program

Person sitting at computer with the caption "Building permits with plan review starting October 30, 2023"

You can already go to for an online building permit for 56 types of simple projects, like solar installations. But what about projects where the building permit requires plan review? As of Monday, October 30, 2023, applicants who need plan review can also use to start the permit process and then upload the plans to SJePlans.  

With SJePlans, you'll communicate with plan reviewers and see and respond to comments (any day, any time). There will still be an appointment with staff to verify documents and secure the permit fee payment, but it's a fast appointment! 

Learn more at Building Permits With Plan Review Instructions

San José Creative Economy Fund

San José Creative Economy Fund title and details

Are you an arts, cultural, or creative-based business located in the City of San José? Don’t miss your chance to apply for the Creative Economy Fund! Grants of up to $8,000 will be awarded to support projects that contribute to San José’s cultural vibrancy. Apply by June 17 at 11:59 AM to be considered.

Learn more by visiting the Center for Cultural Innovation Creative Economy Fund page

Animal Care Services Adoption

There are hundreds of pets looking for a forever home each day. If you are willing and able, consider adopting! 

Visit Pet Adoption with Animal Care & Services to see all the adorable pets that are up for adoption at the San José Animal Care Center.

Also, on Saturday, June 1, from 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM, the San José Animal Care Center will participate in the California Adopt-a-Pet Day. This means that ALL adoption fees are waived for the day. Come by and meet your new furry family member! The shelter currently has 330 pets available for adoption. 

Pavement Project – Repave San José GIS Map

Cars on a highway with the text "Repave San Jose" on top of it

Thanks to voter support for Measures B and T, and State Senate Bill 1, we are quickly improving San José streets. By 2028, we will repave all 1,552 miles of local and neighborhood streets. 

Please see the Interactive Pavement Project Map to see when your street will be re-paved.  


The City will also continue the maintenance schedule for much of our major streets, which carry most of the City's traffic. Learn more by visiting City of San José Pavement Maintenance Program

Thank you for your patience and understanding while we rejuvenate San José’s streets. Please obey all road closures, parking restrictions, and detours during preparation and construction. Your cooperation will help our work go smoothly and allow life on your street to return to normal sooner. 

Resources From Your Representatives 

State Capitol in Sacramento with clear blue sky

Visit District 1 Representatives for resources from your other local, state, and federal representatives.

Vice Mayor Rosemary Kamei

Council District 1

City of San José

18th Floor, 200 East Santa Clara Street

San José, CA 95113

(408) 535-4901

Vice Mayor Rosemary Kamei's logo. All-caps serif font text saying Vice Mayor Rosemary Kamei San Jose District 1, with a gold sun arc in the top right and a small gold wheat grain in the center between the words San Jose and District 1.
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