Volume 7 Issue 5 | June 2024

Show Faith Through Actions, Not Just Words

From Best Seat in the House by Jack Nicklaus II & Don Yaeger

“Preach the gospel at all times. Use words if necessary.”

It’s reported that Saint Francis of Assisi said those words when asked by others how a person should express his faith. And while most who know me wouldn’t expect me to pull out a supposedly eight-hundred-year-old quote from a Catholic friar, when I heard the words, I thought immediately of Dad. He is the living example of those words.

Clearly my father always had faith in himself, but the faith he would tell you was more important to his success was his faith in God. Within our house, believing in our Creator was a central part of our life and success, and I’m sure no one who has spent time with Dad would question his faith. The lesson that both my parents taught us as their children mirrors exactly the way I’ve shared the discussion regarding faith with my children.

“I thought it was important to teach you about God the same way I taught you golf,” Dad said rather matter-of-factly. “Go through and make sure you understand the importance and the fundamentals, then let each of you come to decisions based on what you saw, not what you might think was being forced. If the decision becomes truly yours, the impact will be far greater. My father and mother taught faith to me, basically, the same way.”

Mom and Dad passed that faith on to us, one of the greatest gifts they ever gave us. And as a Christ-follower today, I know the way Mom and Dad set the example worked for me.

As often as she could, Mom made sure she and the five kids attended our Methodist church and Sunday school and learned about God and Jesus. She said she made it a point for us to sit in the front row so none of us would be tempted to nod off or misbehave.

Dad thought of the golf course as his place to witness. When he was out there, the crowds were watching. In his mind it wouldn’t have mattered what he did on Sunday mornings if on Sunday afternoons he cursed and acted in ways that would have dishonored his Lord. Similarly, it wouldn’t matter how many times you pointed toward Heaven after a great putt if you disrespected your wife and family through your actions or words. Many people can put on a good show in public. But your core, who you truly are, is defined by what happens when nobody is watching.

Dad would often encourage us, as children, to find little ways to help people. The greatest lesson in what he was teaching, though, was the importance of showing empathy for others, of not being judgmental of circumstances we might not understand.

You never know what other people are going through in their lives. Even a small interaction when passing someone on a sidewalk can entirely change a person’s day. Being respectful, appreciative, kind, caring, and listening to and learning from your friends, family, and strangers is very important. As big as our world is, it truly is small.

And in those moments, you may be opening a heart.

What a testimony about the power of a Christian father. Happy Father's Day!

CAA and PJELC Graduation Day, May 22

Wednesday, May 22, was a high day at Ephesus as we saw three graduations: CAA Kindergarten at 10:30 AM, PJELC at 3 PM, and CAA Grade 8 at 7 PM. Twenty students graduated from kindergarten, with hopes and dreams of becoming everything from a police officer to a doctor to an astronaut. PJELC graduated 4 girls and 1 boy from preschool, with at least 2 of them going on to CAA. Their hobbies included watching TV, playing on the iPad, and riding their bikes. The eighth grade graduating class also included 20 students, and their life plans included becoming doctors, nurses, realtors, and ultrasound technicians.

The Sabbath, we will celebrate all of these graduates as well as those from other elementary schools, high schools, and universities. Be sure to join us for Education Emphasis Day.

Ephesus University Is Happening Now!

If you've missed our Ephesus University classes, you've missed a treat! During DeLaina Cox's May 9 presentation on Personal Financial Planning, we had a knowledgeable presenter, an engaged audience, and SO MANY takeaways! DeLaina's presentation slides are available. There will also be a follow-up class, Investing 101, this coming Thursday, June 6, at 6:30 PM with Theo Logan. If you've got at least $25 to invest, you'll want to join this class.


Our class on First-Time Home Buying was on Thursday, May 30, with Melissa Binns of Fifth Third Bank. Ms. Binns shared really great information on getting mortgages, taking advantage of available mortgage assistance, and what types of loans benefit which types of buyers. A colleague of hers discussed how to form a relationship with your banker to help reach your goals, including ways to help you raise your credit score so you can purchase a home. A few of their information packets are still available.

The next class will be on June 13 at 6:30 PM with Lori Diaz, where she'll discuss Estate Planning. While you may not be planning to pass away anytime soon, it's always a good idea to have a plan in place.


If you'd like to get any of the available information from the first two classes, see Angela Wimberly. If you have ideas for future Ephesus University classes or facilitators, please email secretary@ephesus-sda.com.

The Rest Room Renovation Is Done!

The major renovation of the larger church rest rooms has been completed. If you haven't dropped by to see them, you should! Let's give a pat on the back to the team who was responsible.

Samara Orr, Designer

Pastor Keith Goodman, Project Manager

Cabrera Property Homes LLC, General Contractor

Wesley Hawkins, Sr., General Oversight

Angela Wimberly, Procurement

Michael Wimberly, Finance

1 Autumn Bell 2 Ingrid Edwards, Rondell Gammon, LaQwonna Glaster, Shavonne Roach, Andrea Stepney  3 Bonnie Johnson, Jacqueline Parris, Dale Patterson  5 Samara Orr  6 Cealana Crockett  7 Joyce Gibson  8 Cherlo Cherestal, John Crenshaw, Sandra McGill, Laniqua Smith-Crawford  11 Bryan Crowley, Therica Holland  12 Eliana Campbell, Thembeka Macayaia, Lisa Mitchell  13 Michelle Myles, Orville Williams  14 Natasha Gregory 16 Whitley Cox  17 Tanya Lewis  18 Sylvia Arias, Dominique Parham, Sylvia Safford, LaTonya Truett  20 Tahira Ashley  22 Sheila Hayes  23 Jadon Nious, Janelle Williams  24 Colleen McClellan, Ted Thompson, Kellie Walker  25 Brittany Cantrell, Courtney Cantrell, Aaron Terrell  28 Ryan Hall, Paris Hayes, Patsy Williams  29 Minnie Fleming, Terence St. Lewis  30 Jacques Moise

💖 Happy 20th Anniversary to Wesley & LaTeka Hawkins and Francis & Demetress Mwale, and Happy 10th Anniversary to Darnyl & Robyn Clapp! 💖

Did we miss your June birthday or anniversary? Let us know by emailing announce@ephesus-sda.com.

1 Education Emphasis Day, sanctuary, 11 AM

1 Young Lions Bible Study, 1:30 PM

1 Adventurer Investiture Service, 1 PM

1, 8, 22, 29 Adult Bible Bowl Practice, organ-side overflow, 6 PM

2 Women’s Ministry Meeting, fellowship hall, 12:30 PM

2, 9, 16, 23, 30 UWCC Rehearsal and Worship Service, sanctuary, 8 AM-2 PM

3, 10, 17, 24 Adult Bible Bowl Practice, organ-side overflow, 6 PM

4, 11, 18, 25 Young Adult Bible Study, organ-side overflow, 7 PM

5, 19, 26 Impact Columbus Prayer Meeting, Central SDA Church, 7 PM

6 PJELC Board Meeting, Zoom, 6:30 PM

7, 14, 21, 28 Young Adult Bible Study, organ-side overflow, 7 PM 

10 School’s Out Party, Chuck E. Cheese, 6 PM

11 CAA Finance Committee Meeting, Zoom, 6 PM

11 AdCom Meeting, Google Meet, 6:30 PM

11 Finance Committee Meeting, Zoom, 6:30 PM

12-15 Allegheny West Conference Camp Meeting, First Church of God and Beacon of Hope

13 Ephesus University: First-Time Home Buying

15 Fresh Produce Giveaway, parking lot, 12 noon

15 Columbus Community Choir Rehearsal, 4:30 PM

20 Butcher-Crump Wedding, sanctuary, 4:30 PM

22 Youth Church, CAA multipurpose room, 11 AM

22 Juneteenth Celebration, sanctuary, 11 AM

27 Ephesus University: Making Gluten

28 Columbus Community Choir Rehearsal, 7 PM

28 Men’s Fellowship, fellowship hall, 7 PM

For the most up-to-date church calendar, go to ephesus-sda.com/members.

Ephesus Communications Department
Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church
3650 Sunbury Road Columbus, Ohio 43219
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