Stranger Things is a TV Horror show with four seasons since it was first released on Netflix in 2016. The show is set in a small town that uncovers a mystery involving secret experiments and supernatural forces. Dual band Multiverse® Transmitter (P/N 5910) and Multiverse Node (P/N 5902) and 13 miniature QolorFLEX® 2x2.5A 900MHz Multiverse Dimmers (P/N 5917) were used during filming the most recent season four for their smooth wireless DMX dimming control and reliability on the 900MHz band. The dimmers were installed on bicycles and within flashlight props to drive 30W LEDs, which put out enough heat to melt plastic. City Theatrical talked to Fixtures Technician Anna McKindley about Multiverse at the show. Find out more in this case study Q&A.