Upcoming Conferences
Saturday, September 22, 2018
9:30 am-12:30 pm
Suzanne Iasenza, PhD
Close Encounters: When Sex Therapy & Psychodynamic Therapy Meet in Couples Treatment
Sponsored by the Couples Therapy Training Program
Sunday, December 2, 2018
12:30-7:00 pm
Rosemary Segalla, PhD
Contextualized Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis: Creative Input from Groups,
Large and Small
80th Birthday Celebration for Rosemary Segalla
Saturday, January 26, 2019
9:30 am-12:30 pm
Rich Chefetz, MD
Shame vs. Dignity
Saturday, May 4, 2019
9:00 am-4:30 pm
Steven Stern, PsyD
25th Annual Conference
Graduation at ICP+P is always a lovely event and this year's was simultaneously impressive and dear. We honored the second graduating class of the Contemporary Approaches to Psychodynamic Psychotherapy program, which is chaired by Janna Sandmeyer. The papers our CAPP graduates presented showed clinical maturity, self-awareness, openness as clinicians, attuned presence and depth of understanding. Everyone listening was mesmerized and gratified to hear the showcased work. Faculty and supervisors gathered with graduates, their friends and family to honor the milestone that graduation constitutes. In our respective roles, we felt the door swing slowly open to allow as yet unknown developments in all our lives, and most especially in those of the recent graduates.
The day following graduation was our final board meeting of the year. We wrap into the business meeting a celebration to thank our outgoing members for their service and to welcome incoming board members. Our board and training chairs have been purposefully swinging our organization's door open to persons of all generations. Looking around the table, I realize our board is truly a newer generation of ICP+P members -- a newer generation fully invested in the well-being of our organization, comprehending financial reports, willing to serve, and members committed to authentic engagement with their peers. After the meeting, musing, my consciousness dissociates briefly. I go into a state of hyper-focused clarity, experiencing what it is to lose long-term partners and to engage with new partners on the board. I breathe myself back into the present. 36 hours after acknowledging the metamorphosis of our graduates, and in the afterglow of meeting with our leadership -- I fully apprehend that our organization is achieving a new stage in its life.
In my role, I am enlivened by this sharing of leadership duties with the next gen. We openly address questions such as, "What's helpful?" "What's needed?" "How could we go about that?" With fresh eyes, some traditions are revisited. No doubt, more will follow. In that spirit, this year's board decided to lay down the dated name "Scientific Day" for our conference presented entirely by ICP+P members. Please let me re-acquaint you with this conference, now re-branded as "Clinical Reflections Day." And so we embrace evolution and aliveness in ICP+P!
In Peace,
Announcement About Associate Director of Education Board Position
Eleanor Howe
I was pleased that Yasmine Kaidbey agreed to run for Associate Director of Education. Regretfully, it wasn't until after she won the election that we realized that the board meeting date conflicts with a prior training engagement, and so she will not be able to serve in this capacity. I have no doubt that we will be seeing Yasmine in another volunteer capacity very soon!
The Associate Director of Education oversees four areas: Continuing Education; Study Groups; Short Courses; and Library. As it is, the CE Chair and Study Group Coordinator have become board positions. In that we seek to increase our short course offerings, it made sense to fully integrate our Short Course Coordinators in board discussions of our educational and financial goals. Happily, Marilyn Fuchs and Jane Jacobs, our Short Course Coordinators, are interested and available to attend board meetings. I suggest we use this upcoming year's experience as a pilot run; in the spring we will evaluate whether we recommend making the Short Course Coordinator a board position and retiring the Associate Director of Education position.
Welcome New Member, Paul Kellet van Leer
Interview by Alexandra Kaghan
I enjoyed meeting Paul Kellet van Leer, who recently moved to Washington, DC from London, England. From 2003 to 2016 he had a private practice there offering individual, group and couples psychotherapy. He came to Washington to join his husband, who moved here earlier for a job. Paul currently practices in two locations in downtown DC and treats adults and adolescents who have mood disorders, sexual identity issues, and/or trauma.
Paul is not new to living in the USA. In his twenties, he spent time at the University of Southern California as a Fulbright Scholar. Returning to England was difficult, as Paul left behind a close knit group of friends and had to support himself for the first time in his life. Finding work turned out well as he was hired as a professional cellist and went on tour. However, to help him with these major life transitions, Paul sought out psychotherapy. His experience in psychotherapy laid a foundation for his interest in becoming a psychotherapist.
Paul received his undergraduate and master's degrees in psychology at the Open University in the United Kingdom and post graduate training in transactional analysis at the Metanoia Institute (London). Later, he received psychoanalytic training at the SITE for Contemporary Psychoanalysis, which is a training organization and a member of the Council for Psychoanalysis and Jungian Analysis College of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy. He has been a clinical supervisor and teacher at both these training programs.
Paul's therapeutic approach has been influenced by two French psychoanalysts: Jacques Lacan, who lived in the 20th century, and Jean Laplanche, who died in 2012. Paul is the author of "Variations on a Theme: Handling Transference from Freud to Laplanche," which appeared in Sitegeist: a Journal of Psychoanalysis and Philosophy (Spring 2015), as well as "Aspects of Selfhood" in Relational Transactional Analysis: Principles in Practice (London: Karnac Books).
In his free time, Paul is enjoying all that Washington, DC has to offer. He especially likes visiting the Hirshhorn Museum and the Portrait Gallery. He enjoys bicycling on the many bike paths that surround the city. He pursues his love of music by attending concerts and playing the cello.
Please join me in welcoming Paul to ICP+P! Paul can be reached at mail@psychomerica.info.
ICP+P Membership Renewal
Alexandra Kaghan and Nancy Wachtenheim
As Associate Co-Directors for Member Relations, we are writing to welcome you to the new fiscal year, which begins July 1st. At that time, membership fees will be due.
Here are some of the many benefits of being a member of ICP+P:
- Monthly study groups, free of charge, facilitated by ICP+P members. Some groups are designed for in-depth exploration of selected topics, others choose several topics, and some offer CE credits. Please note that several new groups are being offered.
- A minimum of four conferences a year featuring innovative, well-known clinicians and researchers from around the world. Two of these programs are free to members, and members receive reduced registration fees for the remaining conferences. Members also receive a reduced fee for short courses. CE credits are provided for all our programs.
- A mentorship program for current and new members. Current members assist in orienting new members to our Institute by meeting with them, answering questions and helping them integrate into ICP+P.
- Free use of the ICP+P library with books, journals and tapes, and a subscription to ICP+P's monthly newsletter.
- Members receive free admission to ICP+P's social events, such as the Annual Pot Luck, Graduation Ceremony, and the Town Hall Meeting.
- Opportunities to participate in the leadership of ICP+P through committees, serving on the Board, and other activities.
- Members receive a 10% discount on International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology (IAPSP) individual membership dues.
For new members, we offer the opportunity to be interviewed to introduce you to the ICP+P community. This interview will appear in the newsletter column, "New Member Introduction" and on the ICP+P website. Click here for an example of a past interview.
Reduced annual membership fees and/or a payment plan can be discussed on an individual, as needed, basis. Contact either Alexandra (askaghan@yahoo.com) or Nancy (nancyw.lcsw@gmail.com) to discuss this option.
ICP+P continues to initiate vitalizing developments. We evaluate the needs of our members and the needs of the Institute on a continuing basis.
Renewal invoices will be mailed soon. You can also renew online through the member-only login area.
We look forward to sharing the new membership year with you!
Alexandra and Nancy
Study Group Cycle is About to Begin!
Etta Sandler
The next two-year cycle for study groups will begin in September 2018. Sign up forms and information will be mailed, along with membership renewals, in early June. The list of study groups, including new study group opportunities, can be found in the study group section of the website. In addition, details about the sign up process are also available on the website. You will be able to sign up online or mail in your form. The date to begin signing up will be communicated to you in June.
Everyone who wants to participate in a study group in the fall needs to submit a form, even if you have been in the same group for many years.
The study groups cover a wide range of interest areas. The Learning Objectives, included with some groups that offer CE's, illustrate the depth of the readings and clinical focus offered by study groups. (Note that the learning objectives will not be updated until later in the summer.) Some study groups are designed for in-depth exploration of selected topics, some choose specific topics, and all are free of charge to members. Please note that members of a study group are required to be members of ICP+P.
Take time to review the various choices, including the three new groups that are forming:
- Play Reading Group: Unleash Your Inner Thespian!
- Psychoanalytic Look at Diversity and Trauma through the Lens of Toni Morrison's Novels
- The Intersection of Culture and Mental Health: Considering Diversity in Doing Psychotherapy, and the Effects of Leadership on Mental Health and Culture
For questions about study groups, and to discuss your ideas for new study group topics, contact me at etls17@verizon.net.
Save the Date! ICP+P's Annual Pot Luck and Fall Kick-off
September 16, 2018, 11:00 am-1:00 pm
Silver Spring Civic Building (
Changed venue)
1 Veterans Plaza
Silver Spring, MD 20910
We hope that you will plan to join us on Sunday, September 16, 2018,
11:00 am-1:00 pm for the fall pot luck and town hall meeting. This kick-off event gives us a chance to come together as a community to renew ongoing relationships as well as to welcome new members. Members-in-training and individuals who have joined ICP&P during the last year will be introduced. In addition, we are planning to have a town hall meeting, in which members can be a part of an open discussion about ICP+P, including the year's upcoming programs, planning for future programs and other areas of interest or concern to the ICP+P community. The pot luck has always been an informal, lively, and fun event with lots of great food! Please mark your calendars!
Fellowship Program is Accepting Applications for 2018-2019
Monica Meerbaum and Linda Kanefield
Welcome to the 2018-2019 Fellowship Program!
ICP+P's Psychoanalytic Training Program welcomes applications for the 2018-2019 class of its Fellowship Program in Contemporary Forms of Psychoanalysis. The Fellowship Program introduces participants to the ways psychoanalysis has evolved as a relevant clinical practice for the 21st century.
The program is designed for practicing clinicians, residents, interns, and advanced graduate students from mental health fields including psychology, psychiatry, social work, counseling, and nursing. The Fellowship gives participants a feel for the types of learning experiences available in ICP+P's training programs and professional community.
Applications are being accepted now with a deadline of July 15th.
Couples Therapy Training Program
Beginning Fall of 2018
Many experienced therapists feel energized to engage in couples therapy. Yet as time passes, they often feel overwhelmed or "stuck." Those trained and familiar with couples' work know this phenomenon all too well. As the couple's issues around communication, sex, trauma, affairs, rage and hopelessness unfold in the therapist's office, the work can feel taxing and overwhelming, often de-skilling the most seasoned therapist.
ICP+P's Couples Therapy Training Program focuses on integrating psychodynamic theory and specific clinical skills, so that clinicians can feel effective in therapeutically addressing the challenges of this work. The program consists of weekly three-hour meetings, divided between didactic learning and group supervision on active couples cases.
The program focuses on:
- Contemporary Psychodynamic Theories as they apply to Couples Therapy.
- Addressing specific challenges for couples, including sexual impasses, high conflict, distant and cut-off forms of relating.
- The challenges inherent in collaborative work between couples and individual therapists.
- The exploration of countertransference reactions as a tool for effective intervention.
- Incorporating the contributions of neuroscience and control-mastery into a psychodynamically oriented approach.
- Specific interventional techniques that facilitate growth and effective couples treatment.
Many graduates of the program continue to collaborate and work together on clinical cases long after the program is completed. The program also offers graduates many ongoing professional and social events, and the opportunity to belong to a warm professional community.
The program is for licensed therapists from all disciplines, and runs from September-May. Classes are held each Wednesday from 11:30 am-2:30 pm. To request more information or set up an informational meeting, please contact Dr. Michael Wannon at (301) 951-9488.
Contemporary Approaches to Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (CAPP)
Class Starting in the Fall
The CAPP program is a 2-year clinical training program specifically focused on the values, attitudes and listening perspectives of clinicians who operate from Self Psychological and Relational orientations. Self-reflection, personal growth and the capacity for critical thinking are the building blocks of the CAPP program. CAPP, embedded in the facilitating environment of the ICP+P community, is designed to provide a training experience that captures the excitement, creativity, and diversity fundamental to these perspectives.
Click here to learn more...
Psychoanalytic Training Program is Accepting Applications for Fall 2018
ICP+P's Psychoanalytic Training Program has been thoughtfully designed to communicate a sense of the excitement, creativity, and diversity that exists within contemporary psychoanalysis. Through intensive study, immersion in analytic clinical work, and a personal analysis, we facilitate a process of discovery as candidates forge their analytic identities. We create an educational milieu that encourages self-reflection, critical thinking and scholarship through writing.
For further information about applying, please contact Elizabeth Carr, Chair of Admissions, at 202-822-8371 or elizabethmcarr.msn@gmail.com.
Three members of ICP+P will be speaking at the upcoming June meeting of the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. Janna Sandmeyer is a speaker on a panel entitled "Internal/External Focus in Clinical Work;" Sandy Hershberg is presenting her paper entitled "Gender and the Body;" and Bob Benedetti is moderating a discussion of a panel entitled, "Trump and His Supporters as Repudiated Other."
Deborah Fox wrote an article for her blog, "Hidden in Plain Sight - What Women Need to Know About What Makes Men Happy." She explains that she is aware that therapists, too, don't know some important things about men that are so important in the therapeutic context. It begins:
Jessica wonders why she and Steve don't seem to have much to say to each other these days. Bickering has become a frequent pastime. It seems he's only interested in being with her when he has sex in mind. Jessica ponders, "Hmm . . "when might be a good time to broach a conversation?"
"Babe, can we talk?" are among the most dreaded words in any language to the vast majority of men. He hears only, "I'm in trouble." And so begins an unfortunate cycle that is repeated over and over again in homes, restaurants, and parks around the globe...
- Saturday, September 22, 2018, 9:00 am-12:30 pm, Conference, Close Encounters: When Sex Therapy & Psychodynamic Therapy Meet in Couples Treatment featuring Suzanne Iasenza, PhD and sponsored by the Couples Therapy Training Program. Three (3) CEs. More details coming soon...
- Friday, October 19, 2018, 12:30-3:45 pm, Short Course, Integrating Couples Therapy and Sex therapy with Deborah Fox, ICP+P Office, Washington, DC. Three (3) CEs. More details coming soon...
- Sunday, December 2, 2018, 12:30 to 7:00 pm, Conference,
Contextualized Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis: Creative Input from Groups, Large and Small and the
80th Birthday Celebration for Rosemary Segalla, PhD, Georgetown University Conference Center. More details coming soon...
- Saturday, January 26, 2019, 9:00 am-12:30 pm, Conference, Shame vs. Dignity featuring Rich Chefetz, MD, Silver Spring Civic Building. Three (3) CEs. More details coming soon...
- Friday, February 8, 2019, 12:30 pm-3:45 pm, Short Course, Group Psychotherapy with Rob Williams, ICP+P Office, Washington, DC. Three (3) CEs. More details coming soon...
- Saturday, May 4, 2019, 9:00 am-4:30 pm, Annual Conference featuring Steven Stern, PsyD, 4-H Conference Center, Chevy Chase, MD. More details coming soon...
ICP+P members want to share the following information. ICP+P is not explicitly endorsing these listings:
- Tybe Diamond, tybediamond@gmail.com, has openings in two groups. A pre-group evaluation is necessary to determine a good mutual fit. Tybe is happy to discuss any referral in more detail to help you determine the appropriateness of group therapy for your client. Individuals can also self-refer. Please forward this announcement to any interested client or colleague.
- Space for men and women in a longterm interpersonal group in WDC - This group has been meeting for several years from 7-8:15 pm on Tuesday evenings in upper NW DC. Currently, there are a few spaces for men and women age 30 - 65. Group members are high functioning professionals, who are motivated and seek personal and professional growth. Group interactions are processed in real time with a focus on relational development.
- A second, mixed gender group is starting in June and meets from 6:30-7:45 pm. The group will meet for 8 sessions with an option to continue to a long-term group. Members are 65 plus and process developmental tasks that often occur in this longest developmental phase of life; longer than childhood and adolescence. Members greatly benefit from interacting with older age peers. Common issues include: preparing for or being retired, what activities will confer meaning to increased leisure time, medical issues and physical decline, divorce and separation, transitions in living arrangements, significant family and individual issues that may create anxiety a/o depression, loss and loneliness from decreasing support systems.
- Mary Dluhy has openings in her Group Therapy Consultation Group. It meets weekly on Tuesdays from 12:15-1:30 pm in Upper NW, Washington DC. Contact Mary for more information, 202-363-9400 or marydgroup@aol.com.
- When LGBTQ+ Folks "Cured" Psychiatry: The DSM History You Never Knew! will be the topic of the 7th Annual Alice Kassabian Memorial Conference given by the Greater Washington Society for Clinical Social Work. William Meyer, Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Ob/Gyn, Duke University Medical Center, will present. The conference is on Saturday, November 3, 2018, 9AM-12:30 pm. Contact Audrey Thayer Walker for questions, audreythayerwalker@gmail.com.
- Supervision/Case-Consultation Group - This open/ongoing case-focused group is for mental health providers and meets one Saturday a month from 2 to 4 pm. Read more...
- Process Group for Therapists - Meets one Saturday a month from 10:30 am-12:30 pm. This experiential process group requires a year commitment. Read more...
- Couples Therapy Groups - Client and self-referrals are welcome. Saturday's Couples Group meets once a month from 10:30 am-12:30 pm. Sunday's Couples Group meets once a month from 11:00 am-1:00 pm. Read more...
Supervision Group for Early Career Professionals - Roger Segalla
, the Director Emeritus of the Institute of Contemporary Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis (ICP+P), has two openings in his supervision group specifically designed for early career professionals. This interactive weekly supervision group will utilize a relational psychodynamic perspective, that includes self psychology and intersubjectivity theory, to assist group members in conceptualizing and treating individuals, couples, and families. This group will also offer assistance in professional practice issues like setting practice policies, fee structures and practice development issues. If you are interested in learning more about this group please contact Roger at (301) 652-1707 or you can email him at:
- Countertransference-Focused Consultation Group Opening - Roger Segalla, Director Emeritus of the Institute of Contemporary Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis (ICP+P), currently has an opening in his Friday, 12:30 pm to 1:45 pm, supervision group. This weekly consultation group, for mid to late career professionals, utilizes the critical data contained in countertransference feelings, reactions and enactments to guide a psychodynamic process. A relational perspective, that includes self psychology and intersubjectivity theory, is used to assist group members in conceptualizing and treating individuals, couples, and families. If you are interested in learning more about this group please contact Dr. Segalla at (301) 652-1707 or you can email him at: rsegalla@verizon.net.
ICP+P Connections
is the e-Newsletter of the Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, issued at the beginning of each month.
Please e-mail articles, announcements, artwork, etc. to
Nancy Der, ICP+P Administrator, at administrator@icpeast.org by the 23rd of the previous month.