June means the Valley Forge Regional, which runs June 25-July 1. Look below for details and make your plans to attend this premiere District 4 event.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Contact your District 4 board members.
Meyer Kotkin
Dave Kresge
Bill Bauer
Pat Civale
Joann Glasson
It's June, which means it is time for the Philadelphia Regional at Valley Forge. The Philadelphia Regional runs from June 25 to July 1, 2018 and will be at the Doubletree Hotel in King of Prussia. Tournament Chair Meyer Kotkin (U141) and the all U141 Volunteer Tournament Committee (Joan and Bill Goldstein [I/N], Mike Giesler [Technology & Logistics], Elaine Weintraub [Partnerships], Bob Glasson [Hospitality and Hotel Liaison], Tom Purl [Setup and Teardown], Joann Glasson [Daily Online Bulletins], Allison Brandt [Publicity] and Marc Labovitz [Equipment and Supplies]) have added several new and exciting features to the tournament including:
new two-day Bracketed Swiss-KO events that allow more "equitable" and "comfortable" brackets, and also guarantees that all teams that enter the four-session event will play at least two sessions on the first day of the event - no more losing in the first session of a two-day, four-session Knockout;
Golden Mid-Flights (no player with more than 3,000 MP) and 3-Strat Gold Rush (no player with more than 750 MP) events every day. D4 District Director Joann Glasson (U141) championed a motion through the ACBL Board of Directors to change the ACBL rules that limited Gold Rush to two strata on days with Mid-Flight events;
players can buy entries and advance vouchers (good only for the 2018 Philadelphia Regional) using credit cards (charges will appear as PurplePass)
an additional free lunch on Friday so that the Philadelphia Regional now serves a free lunch on Thursday through Saturday.
Of course, the Philadelphia Regional still has all its previous great features including a free I/N lecture and free relaxed game on Monday, an exciting and informative two-a-day Lecture Series free breakfast every day, free lunches Thursday through Sunday and the world famous Philly Dupli-Swiss, with duplicated boards and hand records. The flyer, full tournament schedule and Welcome and Information Bulletin with more details on all the 2018 Philadelphia Regional at Valley Forge features, are
I read an interesting article on CBSSports.com that prompted me to make a post on
- a discussion site for all thing bridge. The CBSSports article was about the problems baseball is having in attracting young players and fans. In reading the article, I found myself often substituting bridge for baseball and I wondered if any other bridge players thought the problems and suggested possible solutions might be the same for both bridge and baseball. The line in the CBSSports article that I found most interesting was: "The future of baseball depends not only on its institutions, but on individual adult fans making an effort to show the young why we love the game and why they might love it too if they surrendered themselves, as an experiment, to time uninterrupted by clocks and clicks." I not only agree with the application of this statement to bridge, I will go one-step further to say that it is also incumbent upon us all to create an enjoyable, fun and welcoming atmosphere at our tournaments by being nice and hospitable, while practicing active ethics and following both the spirit and the law of the D4 Zero Tolerance and Fragrance and Scents policy. I have to admit that my Bridgewinners thread was hijacked by people who wanted to write more about baseball players who played bridge but I welcome you to read and comment (to me and/or Bridgewinners) about this post
. My e-mail is
and my cell is 856.986.5109
Finally, I am writing this on Memorial Day and at 3PM, I joined millions of Americans by stopping and standing for the National Moment of Remembrance for America's fallen soldiers and their families. During this minute of silence, I thought about all the soldiers, police, firefighters and first responders I have known who have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect us and keep us free. As Winston Churchill famously said: "
Never was so much owed by so many to so few."
From the District Director
District 4 many years ago established a fund to finance a national tournament coming to our area every six or seven years. The fund currently has about $100K. When a local committee takes on the task of running an NABC they receive some funding from the ACBL to help cover the cost of player hospitality and registration gifts. The rest of the money needs to be raised locally or provided by the home District.
The final accounting is in for the Philly NABC and I am happy to report that due to the fund-raising efforts of Bob Glasson, the generous support of District 4 players and the unselfish efforts of our committee of volunteers, the tournament was financed without using any of the District 4 NABC fund.
This allows District 4 to schedule another NABC in the future.
It's hard to believe that it's been two years since I assumed the role of District Director for District 4. After two years on the job the Board is struggling with some of
the same issues I first encountered, primarily technology.
The ACBL Board of Directors consists of 25 men and women from the United States and Canada. Some think this is an unwieldy number and there have been continuing efforts to reduce the size of the board while retaining a board that brings the skills needed for the oversight of the ACBL. It's a difficult problem as we try to grapple with geographic representation and needed skillsets.
Representation varies greatly because of District size. Florida has over 20,000 members. District 4 is somewhere in the middle with about 6,500 members and some districts have fewer than 2,000 members. District lines even overlap the Canadian border.
One of the possible considerations might be to combine some smaller districts to equalize the number of players being represented, another is to reduce the board size through attrition, while others think that creating a smaller board within a board is the way to go.
It's a complex problem and one that may take a few more years to resolve.
District 4 is currently looking at alternative ways to allow our players to purchase entries with credit cards. At the Valley Forge regional at the end of the month we will be testing Purple Pass as a vendor for credit card use. We are also looking at selling vouchers with credit cards and have gathered information from District 6 and 7 who both currently use this process.
Using credit cards for entry sales is an advantage for our players and it also minimizes the amount of cash handling at tournaments.
The Board of Directors has decided to make a change in the leadership of the ACBL. Bahar Gidwani, who was the CEO for the last ten months, commuting from New York to Memphis, has been relieved of his duties.
For legal reasons I am unable to share the details leading to the decision, but I assure you that it was a sound decision by the ACBL board.
Joe Jones, ACBL CFO, has been named interim CEO. The ACBL is in good hands with Joe and his strong leadership team.
A search committee led by Paul Cuneo of District 16 has been formed to find a replacement. I am one of six members of the committee which also includes District 4's Richard Popper, Chairman of the Board of Governors. Other members of the committee are Georgia Heth from District 8, who was on the previous search committee, Claire Jones, ACBL Treasurer and Director from District 18, and A.J. Stephani from District 11.
Our plan is to take a long thoughtful time considering a
ll options with a goal of putting together a new management team before the end of 2018.
June 25-July 1
August 13-19
District 4 STaC
August 20-26
October 13
October 13-14
October 27
October 29-November 4
December 10-16
Philadelphia Regional at Valley Forge
The next great District 4 Regional rolls around this month at Valley Forge starting June 25.
You won't want to miss this regional chock full of great events -- from our Dupli-Swiss (two-session Swiss Teams with pre-duplicated boards) on Thursday and Sunday to two-day bracketed KOs with a new first-day format to 199er, Gold Rush, and Golden Mid-flight events every day.
There's also complimentary continental breakfast EVERY DAY (yes, that means free coffee) and complimentary lunch Thursday, Friday, Saturday. and Sunday.
Parking is free. So is a lesson on Monday as well as a game Monday afternoon for players with fewer than 20 masterpoints.
Questions? Contact Tournament Chair Meyer Kotkin (guymath@comcast.net), Partnership Chair Elaine Weintraub (D4Partnershipdesk@gmail.com), or I/N Chairs Joan and Bill Goldstein (goldstein2101@comcast.net).
Best Teaching Practices Workshop
During the Syracuse Regional (August 13-19), special workshops for teachers on best teaching practices will be held on August 13 and 14. There will be options for teachers who want special certification and training or wannabe certified bridge teachers who desire initial certification, depending on your goals and interests.
Save the Date for ABA fun!
The Philadelphia Unit of the ABA will hosting the Chester Plummer Tournament on August 25 at the Greenbriar Apartments in Philadelphia. It's a one-day, two-session Swiss Teams that will be nothing but fun and friendliness. Card fees are $20 for the day and a boxed lunch is $12. Pre-registration is required (and pre-order is needed for lunch). For all the details, click here for the flyer.
News from Around the Units
Unit 112: Central New York
Unit 112 Sectional
June 2-3: Ithaca
Unit 112 Sectional
July 14-15: Rochester
Unit 112 Sectional
September 8-9: Cicero
Unit 112 Sectional
September 29-30: Utica
Unit 112 Sectional
October 20-21: Binghamton
Unit 112 Sectional
November 10-11: Waterloo
us June 2-3 at
The Henry Bethe Ithaca Sectional
Kendal at Ithaca - 2230 N Triphammer Rd - Ithaca, NY
June 2nd 10:30 AM & 3:00 PM - A/B/C Stratified Pairs (two session event)
10:30 AM & 3:00 PM - Stratified 199er* Pairs (single sessions)
*3 table minimum
June 3rd 10:30 Stratified Open Swiss Teams - (two session play through)
1500+ (A), 500-1500 (B), 0-500 (C) - team average
Barbara Seagram Workshop
On May 3, 2018 the Rochester Fundraiser Committee held a Cambodia Fundraiser at the Penfield Country Club featuring Barbara Seagram. Barbara Seagram is a SUPERB bridge teacher and a world-renowned author - 26 bridge books plus her popular cheat sheets.
Approximately 100 bridge players, attended her two sessions of bridge topics. The morning session was "Defensive Strategy & Signaling". After a delicious lunch, Patti Lee presented a slide show on the Cambodian Project. Barbara's afternoon session was "The Killing Lead."
Players made generous donations and, along with raffles and a silent auction, over $7500 was raised that day to support the schools in Cambodia.
Kudos to Committee Members - Sally Hill, Mary Lyke, Mary Miller, Susan Rice, Pat Smith, and Kathy Toole - for planning this wonderful event for our area.
to our Unit 112 members on their new masterpoint rank achievements:
Junior Master
Kathy Dodd, Oneonta
Clover Drinkwater, Ithaca
Betsy Hartnett, Fayetteville
Ann Morris, Oneonta
Club Master
Patricia Coughlin, Oswego
Janice Fox, Pittsford
Frank Reed, Rochester
Sectional Master
Marty Albright, Canandaigua
Patricia Strauss, Jacksonville
Robert Valensa, Webster
Regional Master
Richard H Hartz, Jr, Deerfield
Life Master
Ornit Grossman, Ithaca
Patricia Stadelmaier, Pine City
Silver Life Master
Stephen Pope, Ithaca
Ruby Life Master
Mary Miller, Canandaigua
Save the Date - July 14 - 15 Rochester Sectional
Moose Club - 5375 West Henrietta Rd., Henrietta, NY 14586
Director in Charge Brian Meyer
Plan to Attend - Burt Garrell Regional
- August 13 - 19
Liverpool (Syracuse), New York
Holiday Inn - 441 Electronics Parkway, Liverpool, NY
Call for reservations (315) 457-1122
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania
Unit 120 Sectional
June 8-10
Unit 120 Sectional
October 5-7
Unit 120 is holding their Sectional Tournament on June 8th, 9th and 10that the Quality Inn & Suites, 880 Kidder Street in Wilkes Barre.
Fridays game will be at 10:00 am and 3:00pm. Saturdays games will be at the same times.
The games will be stratified 0-500, 500-2000 and 2000+.
There will also be a Non-life master game stratified 0-50, 50-150 and 150-300. No player in the Non-life master game may have more than 300 points.
Sundays game will be a Stratified Swiss Teams 0-500, 500-1500 and 1500 + (Average Master points).
Stratifications subject to change by Director.
For those wishing to stay overnight - Rooms are available at the Quality Inn for $75.00 (570-824-8901), Host for $99.00 (570-408-8490) and the Fairfield (570-208-4455).
You may have a note in your reminder log that this Sectional is earlier in June as I mistakenly reported an error in the date in a previous column and I am sorry for any confusion. This is the correct date - June 8-9 &10th, and we hope to see you there for great cards, great food and fantastic weather after the March sectional.
Some of you were asking when the Jeanne Liese game was being held. Generally held in March it was not on the schedule this year and we will not see The Patriotic Party in Stroudsburg this summer. We still have the Architzel Memorial Game which will be held in Beach Lake on September 9th and this year we will also hold the Annual Unit meeting before the game - so plan to come a bit early. Game time is 12 noon so I presume the meeting will start around 11:30. More information next month.
- Kristen Armstrong, Dallas
Denise Gilroy, Clarks Green
- Sunny Kline, from the Stroudsburg Game
- Marla McNabb, S. Abington Twp
- Karen Wessell, Clarks Summit
- Sara Eisner, Scranton
It is with sadness that I report that Carol Hinchey from Dallas, passed away on April 26th. Carol was a longtime partner of Beth Rosenthal and they travelled to many tournaments together. She and Beth were partners when they both made life master. Carol was a good friend and a good person and as Beth reports - they may have not been the best players, but no one had more fun. She will be sadly missed.
We also lost recently Jessie Barrett of Bangor, BJ Steiner of Allentown and my dear friend Jo McNally of Stroudsburg. The Unit parties will not be the same without Jo McNally. I hope she has found a great bridge game in heaven.
BJ was a longtime partner with Gladys Santee (a former President of Unit 120) and they were an awesome twosome when I was a beginning player.
And we all wish to send congratulations to Deb Klinger who recently made Sapphire Life Master (3500 points). Deb is well known to most of us as the lady who does everything at the Lancaster Tournament.
2018 CALENDAR - June 8 -10 - NEPA Sectional Tournament, WilkesBarre
July 9 - ACBL wide Instant Matchpoint Game - Gold pts
IAL GAME, Beach Lake
October 5 - 7 - NEPA Sectional Tournament, WilkesBarre
October 13 - North American Pairs - Flight C
October 27 - North American Pairs - Flight B
October 31 - ACBL Instant Matchpoint Game - Gold pts
December 10 - Honesdale Holiday Party
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery
Brian C Snyder
December 21
Our next Intermediate/Newcomer Sectional will be held Friday August 31, 2018 at Sacred Heart Villa.
CLICK HERE for more information on the I/N Sectional.
Sue Wessner will be hosting a bridge cruise May 9-18, 2019.
CLICK HERE for more information.
Congratulations to the following players for achieving their next Masterpoint Rank:
Gilbert Deleeuw - Club Master
Robert J Mathews - Regional Master
Carol E Hawk - NABC Master
Unit 133 Sectional
October 19-21
It is with deep regret that we announce the passing of a dear friend and a valued member of our unit Hilda Gibson. We extend our condolences to family and friends.
Sunday, June 3, 1:00 PM, Brith Shalom, 1190 West Macada Road, Bethlehem
Unit Game, Open and NLM events.
Unit 133 Extended Teams kickoff on July 8. Contact Bob Cole for details.
The Unit 133 Sectional of April 27-29 was a good success. We extend our thanks and appreciation to all facilitators and volunteers especially Pat Saeger, MaryAnn Sharpless, and Donalee Griswold. The winners were:
NLM 0-500: Rita Keiper - Susan Weidner, Allentown PA
OPEN: Mike Kohler, Coopersburg PA; Guinevere Ritter, Nazareth PA
NLM 0-500:
Elizabeth Abrams, Allentown PA; Karen Myers, Center Valley PA
OPEN: Thomas Kriz, Breinigsville PA; David Kresge, Spinnerstown PA
NLM 0-500: David Trotto - Barbara Trotto, Yardley PA
Bharat Rao, Berwyn PA; Dennis Thompson, Lake Hiawatha NJ
NLM 0-500:
Margaret Sobolewski, Carlisle PA; Janice Leuenberger, Chambersburg PA
Thomas Kriz, Breinigsville PA; David Kresge, Spinnerstown PA
NLM 0-500:
Rita Keiper, Allentown PA; Lois Fuini - Michael Dopera - Barbara Dopera, Schnecksville PA
Karen Yellin - Stanley Yellin, Bethlehem PA; Frank Morgan, Allentown PA; Barbara Miller, Bangor PA
Karen and Stanley Yellin won the most masterpoints-17.61. Rita Keiper won the most masterpoints (3.99) playing in NLM events.
The following players recently attained higher bridge masterpoint ranking:
Junior Master
: John Turoczi;
NABC Master
: MaryAnn Sharpless;
Life Master
: Elizabeth Abrams
Congratulations to all our achievers.
Unit 141 Sectional (Germantown Cricket Club)
September 21-23
Unit 141 congratulates its New Life Masters and all those who reached new designation levels.
New Life Masters James Abrams
Deborah August
Carl Ginsberg
S. Gerald King
David Leavitt
Marion Miller
Beth Milton
Roger Milton
Susie O'Neil
Terry Schall
Myrna Shervin
Jody Sorrell
Silver Life Master
Janet Johnson Anita Richter Bronze Life Master James Abrams Carl Ginsberg Bill Kutrzyba Marion Miller Susie O'Neil Wes Powers Wayne Rosenberger Myrna Shervin Jody Sorrell
Congratulations to Estelle and Al Ronderos for their win at the Annual Meeting Sonny Jaspan Trophy Game on April 29th at Green Valley Country Club. Thanks to all who attended the wonderful brunch, annual meeting and 16 table Sonny Jaspan game. Look for it again next year.
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania
August 12
Farewell To Our Bridge Friend - Kurt Kilhefner
We sadly report the loss of Lancaster Bridge Club Member, Diamond Life Master and our friend, Kurt Kilhefner on Monday, May 15, 2018. Kurt passed away unexpectedly at the Lancaster General Hospital following a series of heart attacks. For Kurt's full obituary, click here:
Kurt Kilhefner Obituary
News From Chambersburg
We've reached "last call" for the Chambersburg Sectional, which will run Thursday through Saturday, June 14, 15 and 16. Click on
this link
for game information, directions, and contacts for the tournament.
Special games in June include:
- June 2 (10:30 am) Brunch, Bridge and Worldwide Pairs
- June 7 (6:30 pm) Mentor Game (must preregister)
- June 13 (6:30 pm) Wine and Cheese Open Game
- June 16 (10:30 am) Continental Breakfast and Bridge
- June 18 (6:30 pm) The Longest Day fundraiser (pot luck supper; 0-100 MP)
- June 20 (5:45 pm) Monthly Swiss Teams with Dinner
- June 29 (11 am) 0-1500 Swiss Teams
Many of our games this month are NAOP qualifying games.
Special games at Maple Grove in June include:
- Friday, 6/1, 11am - World Wide Pairs Game
- The week of 6/11 - NAP games Monday through Friday!
- Thursday, 6/21, 12:15pm - 2-session Swiss on The Longest Day, raising funds for Alzheimer's research
Pre-registration required!
Contact Deb Klinger at 717-696-9239 to register your team
June special games and workshops at the Bridge Boardroom are as follows:
- The weeks of 6/4 and 6/23: NAP games all week - $1 extra week long
- Tuesday, 6/5 - 9:30-11:30: Workshop on Developing Tricks in NT
- Friday, 6/8 - 9:30-11:30: Workshop on End Play Strategies
- Tuesday, 6/19 - 9:30-11:30: Workshop on Defense....Hold-up ain't a crime
- Friday, 6/22 - 9:30-11:30: Workshop on No 5-card or longer suit in Dummy should be ignored
- Saturday, 6/23 - Saturday Night Special 6pm. Reservations required!
to these Unit 168 members on their new master point rank achievements:
Sectional Master:
Susan Lynd
NABC Master:
Cecile Hund
Advanced NABC Master:
Jacqueline Granite
Bronze Life Master:
James Boyer, Beth Menges, Mary Ann Regan, Faye Sneeder, Mary Taylor
Wacky Hands & Gadgets -
by Dave Bort
Asking Partner for Critical Cards
In a local club game, red-on-white, partner's and my hands were:
West: 853 AJ2 J72 9853 East: 6 KQT864 94 JT42
while our opponents held:
North: 92 9753 K863 AQ6 South: AKQJT74 None AQT5 K7
The bidding proceeded:
North East(me) South
Pass Pass 2H X
Pass 3D Pass 4S
All Pass
Seemed straight-forward enough at the time. Except... South made 7! So, could the auction have been more effective? Yes, because South never showed their hand's actual strength. How about an auction something like:
North East(me) South
Pass Pass 2H(1) X
Pass(2) 3D Pass 3H(3)
Pass 4C(4) Pass 4N(5)
Pass 5C(6) Pass 5N(7)
Pass 6D(8) Pass 7S!(9)
All Pass
(1) Showing no worse than a 7-loser hand, when red-on-white
(2) Leaving uncertainty to the opponents (by not confirming their Heart fit, which would, in turn, confirm to the opponents that they most likely have a fit somewhere)
(3) Doubling, then cue-bidding the opponent's suit shows a huge hand (bigger than doubling, then bidding your own suit after partner bid a different suit). This is 100% forcing; partner must bid.
(4) Showing his Club suit, to say more about his hand, since being forced
(5) Roman Keycard Blackwood (1430); North's bidding has reduced South's Club concerns sufficiently to allow him to begin exploring for slam
(6) Assuming their agreement allows North to respond to the keycard ask by using the last-bid suit as trumps, North would bid 5C (1 keycard in Clubs)
(7) South now knows they have all the non-void Aces, which allows him to check for Kings
(8) Depending on their agreements, North might either respond to the King ask with the number of Kings, or by bidding his lowest King (called Specific Kings). If number of Kings, North would bid 6D (one King); if Specific Kings, North would also show his Diamond King by bidding 6D (he wouldn't show the Heart King because it was the opponent's suit)
(9) Given that South has shown the Club Ace and the Diamond King, North now believes he can count 13 tricks, and so bids the grand slam - by the way, in the process, mentioning his rock-crusher Spade suit for the first time at the seven level!
Visualization can be critical. Sometimes, you just need to give up on standard bidding sequences, and instead ask the questions that will tell you if partner has a specific critical card or cards.
Unusual Over Unusual Through Western Cue to a Keycard Queen Ask
In another local club game (Fr 5/24 Bd 9), red-on-white, partner's and my hands were:
West: T95 752 JT7 Q543 East: QJ872 AT864 3 J7
while our opponents held:
North: A3 J93 KQ95 AT96 South: K64 KQ A8642 K82
The auction proceeded:
North East(me) South
1D 2D X
2S X Pass 4D
Pass 5D All Pass
Making 6! So, could the auction have been more effective? Yes, because they didn't have any agreements on how to handle opponents' Michaels Cuebid (or Unusual 2N). How about an auction something like:
North East(me) South
1D 2D(1) 2S(2)
Pass 3C(3) Pass 3S(4)
Pass 3N(5) Pass 4H(6)
Pass 4N(7) Pass 5C(8)
Pass 6D(9) Pass Pass(10)
(1) Michaels Cuebid, showing 5-5 in the majors (yes, it's sort of an overbid at these colors, but hey, it's only a game - if you believe that!)
(2) Unusual Over Unusual - shows a limit raise or better in Diamonds. Since 2D is showing both majors, South has two cuebids available, with the higher Spade cuebid showing a limit-or-better hand, with support for Diamonds, the higher of the two suits he and his partner could conceivably care about (given East's bid), and the lower Heart cuebid showing a limit-or-better hand with support for Clubs, the lower of the two suits his partner might care about. Read more on this important defensive approach at:
(3) Given his weak Hearts, North continues to describe his hand
(4) South is happy to hear about North's Clubs, thinks their combined Diamonds are strong, and knows he has Hearts stopped (if only once, so hoping they don't have to surrender control too many times), so he bids a Western Cuebid (bidding the opponent's suit at the three level), to ask if his partner has a Spade stopper, and if so, to bid 3N
(5) North confirms having a Spade stopper by bidding 3N
(6) Given controls in both majors, and combined strength in both minors, South decides to ask for keycards using Redwood (or Kickback, since both conventions would use the same bid - preferably, a jump to the next-higher suit at the four level - to ask for Diamonds keycards)
(7) North bids the second step (using a 1430 agreement, although an 0314 agreement can also be used) to show zero or three keycards in Diamonds
(8) South bids the next step after partner's keycard response to ask whether partner has the queen of trumps (Diamonds). If not, partner would bail in 5D. If having the Queen and an outside King (not trump), partner would bid the King at the five level, to help his partner decide if a grand slam is possible. If having the Queen, but no outside Kings, partner would simply bid the small slam
(9) Confirming the Queen of Diamonds, but no outside King
(10) Guess that's where we belong, partner. Good Luck!
Yes, it takes some extra memory effort to pull off these conventions, but when the alternative is to let the opponents push you around ... well, it's your choice.
Unit 190 Sectional
June 1-3
July 26-28
Unit 190 Sectional
September 14-16
Unit 190 Dave Treadwell Sectional
December 27-31
Coming soon after the Memorial Day holiday is the
(June 1-3) and then I'm heading to Historic Lewes in Lower, Slower, Delaware, for the
(July 26-28). Remember, I've got dibs on that purple chair.
Rita N. Kozic
Teresa E. Spicer
Nancy C. Robbins
Catherine J. R. Jones
Top DSBA Winners from
1. 65.14 Rick Rowland
2. 44.48 Richard Popper
3. 42.33 Andrew Stayton
4. 33.59 Jeff Ruben
5. 33.42 Terry Patton
6. 21.83 Mark Henderson
7. 20.74 Prem Premakumar
8. 19.69 Anne Taylor
9. 18,52 John Barton III
10. 16.63 Kurt Engleman
11. 15.21 Seven Blomstedt
12. 14.55 Karen Pollak
13. 14.55 Jane Beck
14. 12.63 Robert Taylor
Meet Rose (aka Spike) my new granddaughter. How long will it be, do you think, before she can hold 13 cards?
Check out the 2018 DSBA Mentoring Program which starts this month. Further information is in the May 2018 Dummy. Just click on the bottom link.
The Delaware State Bridge Association (Unit 190) welcomes newer players! We encourage new players to play duplicate in sanctioned club games and would like to help players be more comfortable playing duplicate. For this reason the DSBA is sponsoring a 2018 Mentoring Program. The Mentor Chairs and Clubs will assist pairings of mentors and mentees
Mentee ~ less than 100MP ~ $10 per session
Mentor ~ ACBL Life Master ~ free All participants must be both ACBL and DSBA Unit 190 members All sessions will be held at the Bridge Studio Sign up on line or at the Bridge Studio
Mentor/Mentee Playing at
Bridge Studio
Mentors and mentees will play at the Bridge Studio on
Tuesday evenings at 6:30 pm,
May 22, June 5, June19, July 10, July 24 and Aug 7, 20.
For news and results from around Unit 190, check out the Unit 190 website and click on the links below:
Unit 217 Sectional
June 1-3
Unit 217 Sectional
September 21-23
Check back next month for a Unit 217 report.
Our Monthly Feature
The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
, July, October
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
A Spot 4 the Advancing Player by Jay Apfelbaum:
here to read last month's article:
The ABC of Bridge. Check back next month for a new article from Marti.
Click on any blue month above to read recent articles.
Master Solvers Club
Moderator: Nick Straguzzi
June might not yet be bringing hot and steamy weather, but Nick brings a hot problem this month to mark the half year of the MSC.
click here to read the analysis of this month's problem.
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4Spot | June 2018 | Editor: Allison Brandt | allisonrbrandt@gmail.com