lilies of the valley entice us closer with their scent,
and the spirea hedge is revealing its splendour...
... all is well at Loretto Maryholme.
Join us...
Open Garden Sundays
June 11, July 9, Aug. 13, Sept. 10,
Join us for our June Open Garden Sunday.
Enjoy the beauty of the gardens and woods.
(Access to grounds only).
Summer Solstice
June 21, 6-8:30pm
We celebrate the longest day of sunlight and welcome a season of growth. Enjoy a potluck supper at 6pm, followed by a ritual and labyrinth walk at 7:30pm. No registration needed.
Befriending Silence in Everyday Life
July 3, 11am - July 7, 11am
Silence is a scarcity in our current way of life unless we choose its presence. This guided retreat offers teachings and practices that invite participants to experience both inner and outer silence, and to take it home with them into whatever life circumstances are theirs.
Facilitator: Brenda Peddigrew rsm.
5 Day Silent Retreat
July 9-14
"Silence is a presence, a receptivity, a readiness, a waiting, a listening... Silence is the special sacrament of God's presence."...Edward Farrell
This silent retreat begins with a meal and opening ritual. Times to meet with a spiritual director will be arranged with each retreatant. Facilitator: Jane McDonell ibvm.