The Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance 
June 2nd  2015 Legislative Update  
Continue to Contact Iowa Legislature Leadership 
The numbers tell the story!
Click to see the numbers in each county. 
STOP the use of  eminent  domain to take private property! 

Update from The Board of Directors

This legislative session is still not over and legislators are back at the Capitol this week.  As of today news stories report there has been a compromise reached on the budget but no details are available about the budget or what will happen the rest of this week. 

As of Friday May 29th  Senate File 506 had not moved to the Senate Floor for debate. HSB 249  had also not moved out of The House Government Oversight Committee and on to the House floor for debate. 

At the end of last week we had discussions with key legislators who are working hard to push these two bills on to the floor for debate and they said the pressure is high to move these bills. This is due in a large part from the emails, letters and calls they continue to receive.  

We also know these bills can move very quickly through the process if House leadership agrees to let HSB 249 come out of committee and Senate Leadership puts SF 506 on the debate calendar.  

Key legislators encourage us to continue to put the pressure on leadership and other legislators.  I know this seems very repetitive but this is what is needed right now.

Thank you very much for continuing to do this important work!!!
Carolyn Sheridan 
Board of Director President 
On Behalf of The Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance 
What should you do now? 

Contact Leadership AGAIN! 
  1. If you have already emailed Senate and House leadership - then consider making a phone call.  Late last week many of us were able to talk to someone in person in these offices.
  2. If you have emailed Senate and House leadership but you have not received an email response - Forward the first email and ask them to let you know what is happening with these bills.  Or put together a new email with your message.  
To get an idea of what legislators are still working on you can view their daily calendar on the Iowa Legislation website.  

Click here to see the Senate Regular Calendar.  You can see that SF 506 is on the "regular calendar" which means Majority Leader Gronstal can move it to the Senate Debate Calendar which means it will go to the Senate Floor at any time.

Click here to be directed to the House Regular Calendar. You can see that HSB 249 is not on the Regular Calendar so that means it needs to come out of The Government Oversight Committee first before it can go to the Regular Calendar and then to the House Debate Calendar.  

This can all happen very quickly with Leadership support. At this time leadership is telling key legislators not to bring this out of committee because they will not allow it to be put on the calendar for debate on the floor.
Contact Leadership NOW!! 
The more email messages and phone messages the bigger the impact.  When you call - ask to be connect to their phone and leave a detailed message if you do not talk to the legislator or someone in their office. 

Senate Leadership:    
Senate Majority Leader is  Michael Gronstal
Phone number:  (515)281-4610

House Leadership:

House Majority Leader is  Linda Upmeyer 
Phone:   (515)281-3221 

Speaker of the House is   Kraig Paulsen
Phone:  (515)281-3221

After you contact Leadership - contact Representatives 
Senators AGAIN!!  

Contact Representatives across the state with this message: 
"We need your help to allow HSB 249 to come out of committee to be debated on the House floor. "

Contact Senators across the state with this message. 
"Please ask your leadership to debate SF 506 on the Senate Floor." 

To email Representatives -   click here to be directed to the Iowa Legislature  House page which gives you their contact information. 

To email  Senators - click here to be directed to Iowa Legislature Senate page which gives you  their contact information.
Updated Numbers 
Voluntary Easements:   Less than 15% 
The number of voluntary easements remain flat with 176 registered at county court houses in all 16 counties. The Alliance checks each county court house weekly to monitor these numbers. 
Objections:  1324 formal objections 
  Click to see table   with numbers in each county as of May 25th   

Board of Directors
The Presevation of Rural Iowa Alliance
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