camp swim


When: JULY 16-18

$100/camper (7/2-7/11)


Who: For children who have completed 1st grade through

just completed 6th grade



Coastal Empire Christian Camp

996 Hiltonia Creek Road

Hiltonia, GA 30467


How: Applications available @ Mission Center and on our website


Some scholarships available


Applications available!


From the Desk

of the AMS

by Russell Lyle

“Pray that I finish well.” This was a request that was shared with me several years ago by a man who had been in ministry most of his adult life. He was a few decades older than me at the time and was beginning to transition into a different phase of ministry. While retirement was on the horizon for him, he was not planning to quit serving the Lord. This man was a godly man who loved the Lord and the desire of his heart was to be found faithful in the final years of his life. His request shook me somewhat, as I had never really considered the temptation to fall away in the later years of life. However, I have lived long enough now to have seen so many make a shipwreck of their faith and inflict damage to the cause of Christ as they become older. 


In the Old Testament, we find the example of Solomon. As a young man he prayed to God for wisdom and became renown throughout the world for this wisdom. Solomon built and dedicated the great temple and it seemed his life was on track for faithful service to the Lord. However, Solomon took his eyes off Christ and centered them on pleasing himself and his many wives. When we come to Solomon’s later years, we find him involved in the child sacrifice which was associated with the pagan worship of Molech. 


Several years ago, a book was published for pastors on staying faithful in ministry. Sadly, if you look at the five endorsements on the back cover of the book, you will find that except for one all the men who recommended the book are no longer in ministry. Some have been removed for moral failure, and others have completely apostatized and walked away from the faith.


But this does not have to be the story for everyone. The temptation to walk away or become unfaithful is real, but Scripture encourages us to continue. In writing 2 Timothy, Paul makes it clear that we must be vigilant as soldiers and continue the fight to remain faithful. Paul also lets us know that as he is approaching the end, he has stayed faithful to the Lord. “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing” (2 Timothy 4:7–8, ESV). Paul suffered for the cause of Christ in ways most of us never will. He was shipwrecked, beaten, imprisoned, maligned, and impoverished all for the sake of Christ. Yet, his goal and desire were to see his Savior. He was able to look beyond the suffering to Jesus.


May all of us finish this life as Paul did, faithful to the end.

Calendar the MBA Annual Meeting:

8/25-6pm-FBC Springfield

Memorial Baptist Church will host Breaker Rock Beach VBS on July 22-26 from 6-8:30pm. Come enjoy the FUN!


McDonald Baptist Church will have Homecoming on July 21st with Rev. Trey Bishop as guest speaker. Covered dish lunch follows. All invited!


Green Fork Baptist Church will enjoy ice cream and games on July 14th at 5:30pm. On July 28th they celebrate Homecoming. Rev. Jesse Sadler will preach, followed by dinner-on-the-grounds after the 11am service. Come!!!


First Baptist Church Sylvania  is sending a Mission Team to Puerto Rico this month to work projects with the North American Mission Board.


Oak Hill Baptist Church will be sending a July Mission Team to Ashley, IL to help Rev. Joel Vancil with a new church start. This church is a NAMB plant.  


Goloid Baptist Church will have Homecoming on July 14th with a covered dish lunch to follow. Come & celebrate!


Middle Ground Baptist Church will have Homecoming on July 21st at 11am, covered dish lunch follows, and Revival Services July 21-24 (Sun. @6pm, Mon-Wed@7pm). Evangelist Ronnie Smith of Lyons, GA will be the guest speaker.


West Millen Baptist Church is accepting resumes for a full-time pastor. Westmillenbcsearchcomm@gmail.com




What a blessing friends are!

Thank you to all the men that showed up for the shrimp boil at North Newington Baptist Church given for me. I greatly appreciate the Brotherhood there, who went to great strides to make me feel appreciated. It was an event I will not soon forget.

A hardy thanks,

Mike Evans 

Happy Birthday to:

Max Hall –10- Retired

Barbara Morgan-14-FBC Springfield retired

Al Usher-17-Union

Angie Usher-17-Union

Linda Cooper-21-Middle Ground

Betty Hall – 24- Retired

Brad Asbury-29-Millen


Happy Pastor Anniversary to:

George Pabst-03-Crossroads

Chris Roberson-93-Pine St

Ralph Dixon-08-Jackson


Food Pantry open to our churches to pick up a box or to send those who might need assistance.

Event Trailer request form is on our website for our member churches. 

First come, first serve basis. Call (912)564-2884 for calendar check!

Event Trailer

Bro. Russell is available for Pulpit Supply as calendar permits.

Office# (912)564-2884 or Cell# (813)466-9311.

► The Mission Center is open for help, info, food pantry, literature recycling… Monday thru Thursday, 9am-4:30pm


Training available thru MBA: Pastor Search Team Training

Call Bro. Russell to schedule!


We can help with

Pulpit Supply List and help with finding interim.


MBA Children’s Camp needs….

Scholarships for Campers     

Volunteers to help!

GBMB Summer Camps...gabaptist.org

In need of volunteers:  1) Georgia's foster care and child welfare system.

                                           Visit: www.casaogeechee.org

                                       2) Pineview Nursing Home: Tanissha Major

                                            (912)564-2015 ext 104