Welcome to part two of the Health and Wellness Pulse’s special celebration of Men’s Health! This July – and all summer long – we encourage you to take Just One Step and add an extra 30 minutes of outdoor activity to your schedule each week. You’ll be surprised at the difference it makes!

Your One Step This Month:

Spend an Extra Half Hour Outdoors

If you’ve been wanting to add a little more exercise to your weekly routine, summer is a great season to do it. Fishing, swimming, walking, bicycling or even an extra thirty minutes of gardening each week can be a welcome addition to your normal routine.

Getting more exercise is also one of the simplest ways to help prevent illness. The World Cancer Research Fund estimates that nearly 20% of all cancers are related to lack of physical activity and excess weight. But outdoor exercise isn’t just good for your body—it’s also good for your mind.

Spending intentional time in the great outdoors can help you relax and boost your mental sharpness. Even if your job is physically demanding, making time for outdoor activities you enjoy can help lower your blood pressure and reduce your levels of stress. That will leave you feeling more refreshed and relaxed, whether you’re on the job or enjoying a long summer weekend with family.

Nutrition Tips for Men’s Health Month

What’s something you could do to help enhance your brain power, increase immunity, prevent cancer, boost testosterone, manage your weight, improve your circulation, support heart and bone health, and improve your exercise performance and recovery?

The answer is simple: Eat your vegetables! Specifically, a diet that includes a daily portion of dark leafy greens can have wonderful benefits to your health. Foods like arugula, spinach, kale and collard greens contain necessary vitamins and minerals like magnesium, iron, fiber and vitamins C and K. These all play a critical role in supporting your health and wellbeing.

For best results, try to eat about 2 – 3 cups of raw greens (or half that amount if cooked) every day. Add a side salad with dinner, blend greens into smoothies, slip some spinach into your sandwiches, or even try adding greens to oatmeal, soups and other warm dishes. It’s a tasty way to take care of your health!

More Simple Steps Toward a Healthier Lifestyle

The choices you make every day might seem small in the moment, but over time they can have a pretty big effect on your health. By taking a few simple steps toward a healthier lifestyle, you can help reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer – two leading causes of death for men.

Keep Up with Exams and Screenings

Regular exams and screenings for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and cancer can help catch problems earlier when they’re easier to treat. You can also earn a $200 Wellness Incentive just by completing your yearly exam. Click here to learn more.

Commit to Good Daily Habits

It may not sound like much, but habits like wearing sunscreen and taking a daily walk can help reduce your risk of cancer and improve your cardiovascular health. Creating a routine that supports these good daily habits can result in a healthier overall lifestyle.

Supe Up Your Diet with Superfoods

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, along with less saturated fat, can help reduce your risk of disease. But if you want to take it a step further, try adding a few of these nutrient-dense “superfoods” to your meals for added health benefits:

  • Beans and legumes for protein and fiber
  • Salmon for protein and Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Fat-free Greek yogurt for calcium, protein and vitamin D
  • Pumpkin for potassium and vitamin A
  • Oats for whole-grain dietary fiber

Limit Your Alcohol Intake

Did you know adult men tend to drink more often than women? Unfortunately, excessive drinking plays a role in health problems that range from cancer and other physical ailments to mood and emotional disorders. Limit your intake for a healthier lifestyle. If you struggle to limit your drinking, or know someone who does, you can find more resources by logging into Perspectives, our Employee Assistance Program.

BONUS: Pledge Your Health Habit and Be Entered to Win a YETI Cooler

Open to all, as a special incentive during Men’s Health Month, we’re giving away three YETI coolers. If you’d like to be entered to win, just complete this form and share your pledge to start a new healthy habit this summer!

Winners will be announced later this month in the Weekly Update. Stay tuned!