RSVP for New Dentist Night Out Aug. 15

You don't want to miss this popular CDS summer gathering for New Dentists!

Join us Thursday, Aug. 15, on the scenic rooftop terrace at Loews Hotel Streeterville for the Chicago Dental Society's New Dentist Night Out and catch up with your friends.

Enjoy an open bar, light appetizers and a chance to win some great prizes at this popular rooftop reception from 6:30 - 9 p.m.. all for free! Don't miss out!

RSVP by Monday, Aug. 8.


This annual gathering for early career and new dentists delivers stunning views of Chicago in a relaxed atmosphere. Unwind and reconnect with friends and former classmates and meet some new friends along the way.

Also, take advantage of the Virtual New Dentists Swag Bag with special offers from corporate sponsors to be emailed the week of Aug. 12.

Share this email with your New Dentist friends and colleagues in practice for 10 years or less. Your friends are our friends!


Opportunities for all - share your talents

The Chicago Dental Society is looking for enthusiastic and dedicated individuals eager to share their talents and champion our profession.

For the first time, CDS is posting an open call for volunteers to serve on three committees:

  • Communications Committee
  • Midwinter Meeting Scientific Programs Management Committee (expanded)
  • Diversity & Inclusion Committee - brand new!

These important committee volunteers will contribute to our initiatives' success and also gain valuable networking opportunities and professional development. The terms range from one to three years, depending on the committee.

Your passion, strengths, and goals are crucial in shaping the future of our society. Click the button to learn more about the available opportunities and apply for a position that best suits your interests, empowering you to make a meaningful contribution.

The deadline to apply is Aug. 10.

Learn more and apply

CDS mental health series questions for you

This year, the CDS Review has featured a series of articles on mental health and wellness, with a special focus on challenges dentists face. Experts have shared some methods to reset balance when life is stressful, but now we'd like to hear from you. What brings you joy or relief or calm during your work day or after hours?

How do you find mental health balance in your life?
Mental health app
Breathing exercises
Reading books

Facial rejuvenation topic for Sept. 20 Regional Meeting 

The next Regional Meeting will be held on Friday, Sept. 20, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Hyatt Regency Schaumburg.

Join us as we hear from three expert speakers on "Cosmetic Rejuvenation and Functional Restoration of the Face." The meeting is free to doctors and their staff. 

The purpose of this course is to describe the mechanisms of action and address knowledge gaps in facial rejuvenation and related functional interventions for the practicing dentist. Our speakers will delve into topics such as uses for botulinum toxins, peels, energy devices to address benign lesions and surface irregularities, volume restoration, and surgical options as well as treatment of chronic bruxism and facial synkinesis.

Learn more about this Regional Meeting.

RSVP for Regional Meeting

Share your news with Branch News!

Get the latest from your friends and colleagues - and share yours -- in Branch News.

The next deadline is right around the corner -- July 28.

Let us know of your celebrations, travels and accolades. Your CDS family loves to share in your big moments!

Email your news to your branch correspondent. If you're not sure about the name or email for your correspondent, head to the branch page  on the CDS website, click on your branch and find your correspondent's name and contact information.

Let's keep in touch!

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