Marc Chagall  - "La Danse" 1928

missingCan't find a customer record in Wintix?

Is a customer record mysteriously missing? Maybe you just need a clue or two because they may be hiding in not-so-plain sight. When you are looking for someone and can't find them, Wintix can show you the way.

adminRun Wintix reports even while you are on summer vacation

dateHelp Desk posts now show the date the post was last updated

We regularly update our Help Desk posts to to improve them or update as needed. Until now, though, we didn't have a way to display the last date the post was updated. 

Due to the sciencey magic of this thing called "technology," you will now see the updated date on any post we have edited. Some are true classics and rarely need an edit, and some need a lot of tweaking as we make important changes. 

passwordHow to change your Wintix password
Does your organization require passwords to access Wintix?

Many companies are requiring more passwords and other forms of verification because of security concerns. Wintix has this capability, of course, but it can be difficult to remember a random password an administrator assigns.

Live a little! Make it your own!

sailDon't float away! We are still having a SAIL on our ticket stock!

 60% off ticket stock
on selected colors and styles through 
Aug. 31, 2018 while supplies last.

No quantity discounts will apply.

Single stub tickets 
  • Cloudy cranberry
  • Solid cranberry
  • Solid gold
  • Solid lavender
  • Solid peach
  • Solid purple
No stub tickets
  • Solid blue
Double stub tickets (Format #1)
  • Cloudy cranberry 
  • Solid lavender

Stay Connected
831-583-0641 (main office)
831-920-1254 (support)