Saturday, July 25, 2020 at 2pm
At this month's membership meeting(all registered democrats are welcome) we’ll be hearing from two local labor leaders:

Carrisa Carrera, president of the local chapter of the California Teachers Association;

Erin Teran, registered nurse and California Nurses Association representative and delegate.  She’s also immediate past president of Democratic Women of the Desert.
“We had planned to hear from labor leaders a few months ago, and then COVID-19 hit,” said DOD President Dori Smith.  “It’s very timely to hear from them now that the White House is pressuring schools to reopen during the pandemic, with no clear plan on how to do that safely. And we all have heard about the strain on healthcare workers during the crisis. They are heroes, putting themselves on the frontline at this tough time to help heal COVID-19 sufferers, while endangering themselves and their families, too.”  
You must RSVP for the meeting by Friday July 24th at 5pm using the following email link communications.chair@desertdemocrats.org .

You will receive the Meeting Invitation including the Meeting ID and Passcode the morning of the event July 25th by 10am. If you do not receive it, use the same link above to contact DOD's Communications Chair.


There’s still time to sign up for the DOD incentive campaign and make phone calls for Joe Biden.  Awards to the top three callers:  $100, $75 and $50 gift cards. To sign up, send an email to Christian Billson, Joe Biden Inland Empire leader, at  socal4biden@yahoo.com  (a new email) with a copy to Dori Smith,  president@desertdemocrats.org .


Wouldn’t it be heaven to elect strong Democrats and kick out the Senate enablers who refused to throw the president out of office? According to RollCall, Democrats only need a net gain of three seats when Joe Biden wins; and that 12 GOP seats are “in play.”
The DOD Board recommends we focus on helping these five Democratic candidates for the Senate against vulnerable incumbents:

• Amy McGrath, Kentucky.   Amymcgrath.com
• Mark Kelly, Arizona.  Markkelly.com
• Theresa Greenfield, Iowa.   Greenfieldforiowa.com
• John Hickenlooper, Colorado.  Hickenlooper.com
• Sara Gideon, Maine.   Saragideon.com
To donate without helping specific campaigns:  Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee:   dscc.org


The killer virus is dominating the news and our time, but Americans still have many issues to work on and fight for.  Steve Brooks, as chair of DOD’s Citizens Lobby efforts, identifies issues, such as climate change, and asks volunteers to do a variety of easy tasks. Those might include signing petitions, sending emails, or making phone calls.  A recent effort he identified, for example:  appeals to Governor Newsom to stop state transfers to ICE.
Please sign up today with Steve:   sabrooks2016@outlook.com .
See you virtually on the 25th
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