Legislative Update
July 2019 
District 15 
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Senator Ed Harbison  
Georgia Senate
432 State Capitol
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
From the Desk of 
Senator  Ed Harbison

While most Georgia citizens take the opportunity to slow down during the Summer months, your state government has been hard at work! July 1 marked the beginning of our brand-new fiscal year. A brand-new fiscal year means we begin anew where government funding is concerned; an acknowledgement of how our budgeting needs and priorities frequently change. 

Fortunately, our economy has greatly improved over the last few years, as we have successfully attracted new businesses and citizens to our fair state. This year's 2020 fiscal year budget proposal is an estimated $27.5 billion with education remaining the top priority. In my full report below, you will find a quick reference of how we are working to address issues of importance over the next fiscal year through our budget allocations.

We hope this serves a guideline in giving you a better idea of how our budget process works. As always, please continue to look for future updates concerning your government at work. We ask that you reach out to us anytime with questions and concerns. 

Your voice is important when ensuring my legislative votes reflect the values within our district. Thank you for allowing me the honor and privilege of serving you as it is a pleasure to do so.  May God bless each and every one of you. 

Ed Harbison
Senator of Georgia's 15th District
July Update

Budget Links