A Note From April 

Hello Friends, 

I just wanted to chime in on Raymon's comments this month. I have to say I wholeheartedly agree with this months' tips. I own my own business and I can attest to the fact that you cannot please everyone, and while it's my personality to try...I'm working on accepting when I can't...which is most of the time. We just have to do what's best for us and move on. 

Raymon has always been proud of the fact that he doesn't own a suit...which is comical because I will jump at any excuse to dress up. You should have seen the stand off we had on his outfit for my wedding. We finally came to a decent compromise.... Tan jeans saved the day! And he looked very dapper. But the point still stands that you should be you....because there is no one else like you so why would you try to be someone else. And I bet you're pretty cool just the way you are. 

Be kind, love yourself, and have a great day. 


A Note From Raymon

Howdy Folks

Really appreciate the comments on the recent newsletter so am continuing suggestions for self empowerment.

Suggestion # 8: Realize there is only one person you really have to live with ~~~~and its YOU.

Yes, I believe in being polite and accommodating people ~~within reason~~ but not at the expense of giving up your freedom to make your own decisions,

Way too many people contacted me about getting the vaccine. I never told any to get or not get it but told them to do what they thought best for them. 

Their response was usually ~~ but my family, friends, co-workers, minister, guru and a long list of others want me to get it.

My question was, whose body is getting it? Yours or theirs? Then it's YOUR decision and not theirs

Suggestion #9: Wear clothes you like, regardless of what society demands,

Have never believed that men wear coats and ties to ‘dress up ‘ events on hot Summer days because they are comfortable.

Seems ‘society’ made a lot of rules that people have followed without question. I not only questioned societies rules~~ I broke them.

I am living proof it is possible to reach people around the world, sharing simple information without owning a suit or tie.

 Suggestion # 10: Don’t be offended or hurt because some people don’t like you, Not everyone liked Jesus.

I may not know all the rules for success but I know one rule for failure. 

It is trying to please everyone.

Due to the overwhelming request for attending my Self Empowerment class, am offering another one on Oct. 8 & 9 to accommodate the overflow of people . THANK YOU for your interest.

Due to the classes, thousands of emails and Summer farm work, I haven’t been able to keep up with all the email requests. So don’t be offended if I don’t respond as fast as in the past. .

Find something to enjoy EVERY DAY


Raymon's Website
Raymon Grace Foundation

Class Calendar 

  • September 10-11
  • Panama City, FL

  • October 1-2 
  • Abingdon, VA - FULL

  • October 8-9 
  • Abingdon, VA

For class information and to register email Raymon at Raymon@raymongrace.us

Comments From Our Friends Around The World

  • April please tell your dad just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate his energy. My life has been on an upward trajectory since signing up for your clearing. - Susan 

  • You asked if we had any stories to share about animals picking up energy thoughts...well, I have one that you may enjoy, and feel free to share with anyone you like.

Back in 2007 and 2008, a farm in my area was opening up a new larger farm stand, and I applied for a job there, after leaving a very stressful job. This was a dream come true! Fresh air every day..growing flowers, herbs, being out in Nature...fruits and vegetables, corn on the cob and tomatoes! Yum!

It wasn't long before the farmer (he had been growing and selling only corn and tomatoes) got a flock of chickens to offer fresh eggs for sale. The day after the chickens were delivered into the new coop area, our wonderful manager, said she had a heck of a time getting the chickens into the coop for the night, and proceeded to tell her funny story of chasing chickens for awhile. I had the thought to talk to the Sky Spirits, and visualize the chickens (about 30 or so) walking calmly, single file, up the ramp into the coop, and then just let it go with Gratitude, and went about my day. The next morning while we were gathered for the daily meeting before working, our manager told us this, "I really got those chickens in line last night..they just walked right up the ramp and into the coop with no problem!!" All I could do was smile...it was a pleasure to see our manager happy in the thought that she got them to mind her and go in for the night. - Margie

For your amusement, a photo of Raymon and I at my wedding.

The most dressed up he's been in 60 + years. :) 

We APPRECIATE your response to the locally grown and processed Uncle Yoakley’s Hemp oil. 

Delta 8 is now available 
