July Newsletter


Hello Friends,

I hope you have had a wonderful July! It's hard to believe we are on to August already. I wanted to highlight a couple of topics that have been the source of a bit of confusion.

  • Upcoming Class in Abingdon VA - (more info below)
  • This class will be filmed but will not be offered live. It will be available for viewing at a later date.
  • For more information on this contact: Raymon@raymongrace.us

  • Products on Raymon's website
  • There are three different types of products now.
  • Physical items you receive in the mail.
  • Downloads that come right to your computer.
  • Digital items that come in the mail on a flash drive which plugs into your computer.
  • ****Please make sure you read in the description of the item so you can correctly purchase the one you want.

Wishing you all a wonderful August filled with happiness.

April Grace

Director of Communications, Raymon Grace Foundation

A Note From Raymon

Howdy Folks,

My day starts early and this morning received a call from a friend who had been feeling bad for a while. He responded well to my work in the past and after a few minutes, his voice changed and became quite cheerful.

Here is his email to me a few hours later.


Good afternoon Raymon,

Today has been one of the best days I have had in a long time. Thanks to you I have been able to get more work done today than I usually do in a week. And I feel 10 years younger. Boy, I hope I feel this good again tomorrow, no telling what I will get done.

Thank you again. Having you for a friend has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I feel so very fortunate.

Your Grateful Friend,



The problem was~~ My Friend had been going to a ‘healer’ regularly but his energy had gone down to zero.

It took a few minutes to figure it out, but the ‘healer’ lived in a haunted house and was possessed. 

It just isn’t a good idea to visit healers who live in haunted houses. This includes doctor's offices. 

Since most folks don’t seem to know things like this, thought I should tell you.

 My friend’s healer may be a good person~~ but apparently knew nothing about energy. 

ENERGY IS CONTAGIOUS~~~ This means your body is affected by the energy of places and people you visit. 

This includes schools, family, friends, shopping places, movies, bars, churches and concerts.

Some parents ask me to check the concerts their kids attend. Best way to describe it is~~ they are ‘energetic black holes.’

Yes, I can clean the energy to a degree but the simplest thing to do would be ~~stay away. 

Have noticed something about many humans~~ they have a tendency to ’self destruct’. 

They eat bad food, drink alcohol and soft drinks, drive reckless, put their bodies in un-healthy places, don’t exercise, continually talk about their illness and wonder why they don’t feel well. They just don’t seem to ‘connect the dots.'

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to learn to measure energy of your environment and change it when needed.

Here is how you can learn. I made some films that are now available on ’thumb drive’ or as ‘ downloads' to show you how to dowse and change energy.

One is' Explaining the Dowsing Chart' and the other is ‘Change Energy! Change Your Life’

With these and some practice, you can change the energy BEFORE you go to meetings, visits, shopping and various places.

Many clients have me change the energy of meeting rooms before the meeting takes place, This morning I changed the energy of a hospital before a little girl goes for an operation.

If you will learn to dowse and practice helping yourself and friends, you will likely surprise yourself with what you can do.

As a gift to you, below is a video of the talk I made as keynote speaker for the American Society of Dowsers last month.

Enjoy Summer OR Winter, depending on where you are on the planet.


Class Calendar

  • August 14-15, 2021 in Abingdon VA
  • There is still space available
  • Contact Raymon@raymongrace.us to register or with questions.
  • This class will be filmed and will be offered later as an edited version. But will not be available live.

Comments From Our Friends Around The World

"Raymon’s November newsletter featured his video class on Energizing water. I have to say that I have read his books and his stories on various water energizing work he has done. The problem is I never thought it was relevant for me. I live in the City and I don’t have any rivers, streams, lakes, pools or ponds nearby that need help. I have also used good quality water filters for years, so I felt pretty comfortable that my city water was good quality. I cannot explain why, but I was compelled to buy the class. I used two glasses of water with the video, one tap water and one filtered water. I measured the energy before and after addressing several of the items that Raymon identified in the video. From dowsing, the water did start to get stronger energy readings after addressing each category in his video This demonstrated to me that while my City water was “clean”, it wasn’t fully energized. One of the things Raymon mentions in the video is that one of the most important bodies of water that we should consider energizing is the water in our own bodies. I think this is one of the most important statements that could be made and makes the information in his Energizing Water video relevant to everyone. I have to say that I noticed immediate positive improvements after drinking the energized water. Now I am kicking myself for not doing this sooner. This really is a powerful step you can take to help strengthen your own health. I also realized that in these “uncertain” times, having this knowledge gives me water security, because I can energize any water that might be available. Sincere gratitude to Raymon for sharing his knowledge on Energizing Water. I highly recommend folks check out his video and make an effort to energize your daily drinking water, even if you think it is clean. It may be clean, but it is not energized. Energized water makes a difference."


Comments on the Hemp Oil

  • Uncle Yoakleys is my go to hemp oil! After trying many many different oils from across the country and Europe, I have to say this product is my favorite. It has helped me through some pretty rocky muscle pains and soothes the occasional anxiety that nothing else seems to touch. I even have my 83 yr old mother on it! THE BEST! ---Carrie

  • “CBD oil has changed my perspective and has also dramatically assisted me with the western cancer medicines & their side effects. My once narrow minded thoughts of CBD have been educated around this natural remedy and it’s positive benefits and effects to our bodies and health. Add to this the benefits that 4 drops a day of CBD has had on my body and the ravaging effect of chemotherapy, following 5 rounds with cancer is incredible. It is an amazing natural product and I heartily promote the product.”

One of my friends grew a field of hemp and VA Tech processed it into hemp oil [CBD oil]. I spoke with a knowledgable person in Switzerland who had researched it and found it among the best available anywhere and priced reasonably. 

If you are interested in this, here is the website.  www.clinchmountainhemp.com