Mandarin Museum & Historical Society
July 2014
  • Harriet Beecher Stowe was probably the most famous person to ever live in Jacksonvill!e?
  • The Maple Leaf shipwreck site was the fourth ship to receive National Historic Landmark status and it is the ONLY location that has this designation in all of Duval County?
  • The Maple Leaf has been deemed (by a former  Chief Historian of the National Park Service) to be the most significant repository of Civil War artifacts EVER found?
  • The 1889 one-room school house that is being moved to Walter Jones Park is the last building of its kind in Duval County and it has strong and important African- American ties?
DID YOU REALIZE...that all of these significant points in history are connected to Mandarin and bring us regional, state and national interest as well as local importance?

SPREAD THE WORD!!!!!!!!!!! 

IMAGINE...that you are standing on Webb's Wharf waiting to board this gorgeous ship - The Magnolia.

Mandarin has deep, rich, important and fascinating history to share with the world. Every day people tell us how relaxed and restored they feel when they come to Walter Jones Park. Or how excited they are to see some manatees or learn of our efforts to save the school house. Or how their curiosity is  stirred when  thinking of that shipwreck at Mandarin Point and the men who actually used all these "artifacts" in our exhibit. Or the "Baby Boomers" talking about the fun of the  "Little Train" that they rode in Mandarin when they were young and their parents took them on  Sunday drives in the country to ride the train for a dime and to buy oranges.

BUT, we also hear statements like "I drive by here all the time and never knew you were here"; or, "You guys are the best kept secret in Jacksonville": or, "I always look in the windows of the farmhouse and I want to go inside."

The bottom line is this:  We have a very important and unique mission in this community and we do not want to be a best kept secret, but the Board of Directors and current faithful volunteers can not fulfill this mission by ourselves. WE NEED YOU TOO! Please come aboard and help in any way you can so Mandarin Museum can become a destination for locals and those visiting from afar.

  • Volunteers to be docents at our museums so we can open the doors more often and let people see the wonderful exhibits in the farm house, the barn, the winery and eventually the school house. Click here for an application,  come in any Saturday or call 268-0784 and talk to us. 
  • Volunteers to help plan and execute our programs and special events (coming up - Smithsonian Day, Fresh Market Wine Gala, Winter Celebration)
  • We need a Volunteer Coordinator - someone who can head a team to recruit, train and coordinate all volunteers.
  •  We could sure use someone who is proficient in video editing to help us preserve our events and oral histories for people to enjoy in the future. 
  • Members - membership has always been the foundation to the operation of the organization. We depend on our membership to help support  the programs and daily operations. If you have not renewed in 2014, please do. If you have never joined, please click here for more information about how you can be part of the team.  
  • Sponsorship - if you own a business, please talk with us about sponsorship - for events or for general support. We will be happy to tell you about all the benefits this would give us AND you!
St. Johns Archaeological Expeditions Inc. divers: Paul Kramer, Larry Tipping and
 Steve Michaelis

"Meet the Divers Days" off to a great start

We had a busy day on Saturday, June 28, when we kicked off our "Meet the Divers Days." Please join us at one of these special days - one Saturday and one Sunday afternoon per month. On the scheduled dates below Keith Holland and at least one of his SJAEI divers will be in-house to personally and informally talk to visitors about the Maple leaf and their recovery of artifacts as well as answer all your questions and autograph copies of "The Maple Leaf - An Extraordinary American Civil War Shipwreck."

What an wonderful opportunity we have to learn from those men who were brave enough to enter the dark waters of the St. Johns and bring these cultural treasures to us all.

Saturday, July 5 and Sunday, July 20

Sunday, August 17 and Saturday, August 30

Sunday September 7 and Saturday, September 27

Sunday, October 5 and Saturday, October 25

Sunday, November 16

Saturday, December 6


From 11am -4 pm 


George Winterling - Retired WJXT meterologist
Third Thursday Lecture - August 21

Anybody who has lived in Northeast Florida for a while will recognize this man, George Winterling. He is one of the most well known, highly respected and beloved figures in the entire community. And he was the only person to accurately predict that Hurricane Dora was going to come ashore near Jacksonville on September 9, 1964.

In May,  museum board members Karen Droege and Sandy Arpen accompanied volunteer Eric Kaldor to Mr. Winterling's home in Mandarin and taped his memories of that important event 50 years ago. Eric once worked at WJXT and knew Mr. Winterling personally so he conducted the interview which will be played at the Third Thursday Lecture in August.

We will also have several people who lived through Dora in Mandarin share some of their personal stories. Mark your calendars now, as you won't want to miss it. This event is held in partnership with and at the Mandarin Community Club, 12447 Mandarin Rd. Refreshments at 6:30 and program at 7.

Currently on display at the museum are some photos of the damage created by Dora in Mandarin.

We are well on the way thanks to: Councilman Schellenberg and his park improvements fund contribution, Mandarin Community Club for purchasing the building, and some very generous individual donors. The City of Jacksonville's Parks and Recreation Dept. is working closely with us to get this historic building relocated to Walter Jones Historical Park this summer. STAY TUNED for updates and please click here if you would like to make a donation to the project.

Fresh Market Wine Gala

We are so very grateful  that the Fresh Market has selected Mandarin Museum & Historical Society again this year for their Mandarin Fall Wine Gala to be held on Thursday, October 23 from 8-10 PM.

  • Forward this email to your friends 
  • Join the planning committee
  • Donate an item for the silent auction 
  • Volunteer to help the night of the event
  • If you own a business, buy some tickets for your employees or customers as a thank you. 

If you are interested in any of these ways to help, please email us at or call Sandy at 710-6761.    


Click here to purchase your tickets on-line. Tickets will also be available at the Mandarin Museum and from board members beginning July 8.

Thanks to volunteer Matt Arpen for another beautiful event poster.

Happenings around the park last month...

Thank you to Bob White,  NonProfit Center Volunteer Community Coach for working with our Executive Committee the past few months, to Betty Taylor for building and tending the beautiful butterfly garden, to "Miss Sarah" Miller for creating Story Time for the kids, to City of Jacksonville painters (Steve, Frank and John) for painting the farmhouse and, of course, to the little brown bunny who shows up every day to make people feel happy.

Sandy Arpen, Karen Droege, Karen Roumillat, Anne Morrow and
Robert Arleigh White



July 5 - Meet the Maple Leaf Divers 11-4
July 20 - Meet the Maple Leaf Divers 11-4 
July 9-30 - UNF OLLI class by Keith Holland and tour
July 19 -  Story Time at Mandarin Museum
August 16 - Story Time at Mandarin Museum
August 17 - Meet the Maple Leaf Divers 11-4 
August 6-27 - UNF OLLI class by Keith Holland and tour
August 21 - Third Thursday Lecture - Remembering Hurricane Dora   
August 30 - Meet the Maple Leaf Divers 11-4 
September 7 - Meet the Maple Leaf Divers 11-4 
September 27 - Museum Day LIVE (Smithsonian Magazine). 10th Anniversary of Mandarin Museum in Walter Jones Historical Park, Meet the Maple Leaf Divers, all buildings open
October 5 - Meet the Maple Leaf Divers 11-4
October 23 - Fresh Market Wine Gala
October 25 - Meet the Maple Leaf Divers 11-4
November 16 - Meet the Maple Leaf Divers 11-4
November 20 - Third Thursday Lecture 
December 6 - Winter Celebration, Meet the Maple Leaf Divers

For more info on any of these events click here


Mandarin Museum & Historical Society | 904-268-0784 |
11964 Mandarin Road
Jacksonville, FL 32223

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