July 2017
A letter from Lisa Tepper Bates

Hello friends, 

Thank you for your enduring commitment to ending homelessness, and for all that you do every day, to help those most in need.  Together, we are making a difference, with homelessness on the decline in Connecticut!
As we enter the summer months, Connecticut's legislature has not approved a budget for fiscal year 2018.  Governor Malloy must now operate the state through executive orders.  The Governor cannot consider any new sources of revenue without legislative action, and current revenue is inadequate to fund expenditures at the 2017 level.  Required increases in pension contributions and debt service, along with caseload growth in health and human services agencies, exceed projected resources. The sum total of all this?  Deep cuts to important programs, including housing and homelessness.

We know that you are worried about the impact of these cuts.  We will be working closely with our partners to keep you informed of any new developments.  We will also be in close touch to let you know about opportunities to advocate.  We have raised our voices to great effect to protect our resources, and we need your help to keep doing just that!

Sincerely ,
Lisa Tepper Bates
Executive Director
Budget Update: Impact on Housing

As the fiscal year ends, our legislature has not passed a new budget. Governor Malloy has released a "Resource Allocation Plan," an executive  order that outlines operating expenses for Fiscal Year 2018. The Resource Allocation plan will go into effect on Saturday, July 1. 

The plan reduces the DOH Housing and Homelessness line item by $4.5 million, DMHAS Housing Supports and Services line item by $5.4 million, and the Homeless Youth line item. we will continue to keep you informed of any new developments in efforts to adopt a budget.

To read the full letter on the state budget and its effects on housing and homelessness click  here .
Youth Count Regional Data Now Available!

A strong commitment to data and measurement has made Connecticut a leader in ending homelessness. Building off the success of the 2015 CT Youth Count, the CCEH, in collaboration with partners across the state, conducted the 2017 CT Youth Count!

The 2017 CT Youth Count! was a census of  youth and young adults ages 24 and under who were homeless and unstably housed on a single night in January, 2017. For the full statewide report, regional data reports, and more information click here
STRIVE Mediation Training

CCEH hosted a three-day intensive training June 19th - 21st for Connecticut providers in the STRIVE Family Mediation model. 

Researches Dr. Susana Lopez and Lauren Marlotte of the University of California, Los Angeles Education, Training, and Research (ETR) team trained participating providers in effectively utilizing a  five-session intervention to help runaway and homeless youth return home and maintain housing. According to the 2017 CT Youth Count! "Conflict with Family" was the most common reason for unaccompanied youth under 24 to become homeless or unstably housed. This intervention will help front line workers better resolve these conflicts. Thank you to everyone who participated. 

be homeful update: Last Chance for Bears! 
There are still Paddington Bears available through be homeful for children in shelters to receive a plush toy! Please let us know if there are any children in your shelter who have not received a Paddington Bear.

Please contact AnnaDea Diotalevi at adiotalevi@cceh.org to receive a bear for a child in your shelter.