July Newsletter

Future of Work Summit
August 16, 2019
Ojai sunset

Join us in California for a look into the Future...
Just a few spots left


People who want to explore what work will be like in a post #METOO world and with an increase in Mental Illness.

People who want to learn about how to accommodate Giftedness in themselves and the people they work with.

People who are 1-10 years out from leaving their jobs and want to explore what's next.

Anyone who is new to SVVCI® programs and want to see what it is all about.

Hope we see you in August!
SVVCI® 40th Anniversary
Future of Work Summit
AUGUST 16, 2019
We are excited to be celebrating our 40th Anniversary in
Business by inviting 40 of you to celebrate with us at: 


Here are the topic areas:

Susan and John discuss the state of women and men in the age of #metoo

 Life After Corporate Panel:
(All star panel that has successfully transitioned to post corporate careers)
Roberta Teran 
Crossroads Reach Out Director-Human Sex Trafficking Prevention India & Cincinnati, Ohio 
Hilary Beard
Award winning writer, public speaker, trainer and
Personal Development Coach
Christal Fisher    
Ordained Minister Christian Church in the Southwest 
Mike Colucci
Board President Saginaw Township Community Schools and STEM Advocate and Volunteer

Featured Speaker: Linda Kreger Silverman Ph.D
Licensed Psychologist;Director Institute of Study of Advanced Development/Gifted Development Center Linda will be talking about the latest developments in understanding Adult Giftedness and will administer the Her latest Gifted Adult Inventory with each participant!

Guest Speaker Presentation on the effect of increasing Mental Illness on today's Workplace.

Susan Van Vleet
Founder& CEO Susan Van Vleet Consultants®, Inc.
John Van Vleet
VP, Susan Van Vleet Consultants®, Inc.

4:00 PM Cocktail Reception
The Four Seasons Hotel and Spa 
Westlake Village, CA. 91361
Cost: $2500 PP 

Only 8 spots left!

(Call for information on Discounted slots)

2019 Public Workshop Schedule    

Advanced Women Moving Forward®
July 25-26, 2019
Westlake Village, CA $3,250

Future of Work Summit
40th Anniversary Celebration of SVVCI®
August 16, 2016
Four Seasons, Westlake Village, CA Only 8 spots left!

Women Moving Forward®
September 18-20, 2019
Westlake Village, CA $4,750

Managing Corporate Change©
September 10-12, 2019
Westlake Village, CA $3,750

Enabling Purpose through Relationship©
September 24-26, 2019
Westlake Village CA $3,750

Advanced Men's Course®
October 15-17, 2019 Catch Up Day Oct 14
New attendees $4,950 Returning from 2018 $4,175 One space left

Women Moving Forward®
October 16-18, 2019
Geneva, Switzerland
$6,750 Only 1 space left!

Women's Leadership Retreat® New Edition!!
November 6-8, 2019
Four Seasons Westlake Village CA Only 1 space left!

Smart People: Managing and Retaining Gifted Employees©
November 12-14, 2019
Westlake Village, CA

Advanced Women Moving Forward®
December 5-6, 2019
Westlake Village, CA $3,250
Congratulations to the Latest graduates of Leading Projects through Relationship, Commitment and Purpose©
Hector, Liz, Charles and Jasmine!
LP July 2019

Want to congratulate Susan and John for the 40th Anniversary of SVVCI®?
Grab your iPhone and shoot a quick video thanks: Say congrats and what you got from SVVCI© work. Example "Congrats Susan and John on the 40th Anniversary of the company, I took Women Moving Forward® 15 years ago and it changed my life!" No, 12 years olds to help you with movie technology? Send a quick email communicating in good old words (same format.) Keep it short and sweet. We will compile all into a montage for the 40th. Email it to us at svvconsult@svanvleetconsult.com
John and Sue Denver 30th cel;ebration

The Last Colucci

Fifteen plus years ago I had a great man named Mike Colucci in a class.  Last month I had his youngest son Nick in  Enabling Purpose through Relationships©.   In between I trained Mike’s great wife Teresa, sons Joe, and Tony. Yes, Nick was the last Colucci. For years people have said to me at the end of a course “I wish I would have had these skills 30 years ago”.  Mike did more than go “oh well, what is done is done.”  He enrolled his family.

When we helped P&G close the plant in Cheboygan Michigan we trained about 80% of the kids of employees between the age of 12 and 21 in a one day version of  Managing Corporate Change©.   Great stuff, but that was different.  That was the company paying not the family. 

I think the very first was Keira, Sandy Hackman’s daughter.  The next were Roberta Teran’s two sons.   Jill and Bill Boughton’s son was in the class in June with Nick.  But even earlier there have been countless spouses, brothers, sisters and a few parents over the years you have sent our way

There is no greater compliment than you wanting us you to train their child, or any other family member or dear friend.

One of my favorite stories is Chis Nassivera telling her husband she knew exactly what she wanted for her birthday.  He said “what ever you want honey!” She said I want you to go to a  Productive Relationships©  workshop .   He kept his word somewhat reluctantly and attended and rapidly changed from skeptic to convert and was the star of the course.  

The Last Colucci seems like the perfect opportunity to thank each and every one of you who have sent your loved ones to our courses over the last 40 years!

As always we invite your comments, stories and anecdotes.  

Susan will be leading...
Women Moving Forward®
in Geneva, Switzerland,
October 16-18, 2019
Don't miss the opportunity to for
women to attend WMF® in Europe!

Course fee $6,750
$500 discount for 2 registering from the same Company at the same time.

Only 1 space left!
Nobody gets me!

Whether it is your team, your boss or your kids, or yourself, misunderstanding "smart people" can be a real problem.

Do you know how much conflict is generated in teams because the Visual Spatials and Auditory Sequentials see the world totally differently?

Moody, Aloof, defiant, Fragile, Argumentative, Arrogant, Condescending, Overly Emotional, Self Absorbed, Finicky, Needy, Disorganized and so many more...

All these descriptors of gifted people that point to the lack of understanding we have about what come with the package of Giftedness.

Join us to learn the complexities of Giftedness that will allow you to be successful with all the gifted people in your life.
Smart People:
Managing and Retaining Gifted People©
November 12-14, 2019 DATE CHANGE
Westlake Village, CA
Change driving you nuts?
Rapid growth,
SAP implementations,
Thousands of our clients around the world have used Managing Corporate Change© to save their teams and sanity from the ravages of unbridled change.

Managing Corporate Change©
September 10-12, 2019,
Westlake Village, CA $3,750
From Susan:
Since I will be leading 2 Women Leadership Retreats in 2019 I have had to make some changes to my schedule for 2019.

The Women Moving Forward® scheduled for New Jersey is the last community based workshop I will be leading outside of California. I will still be available to lead WMF® inside your company wherever you are. 

In addition, in 2019, I will only lead 2 community based Women Moving Forwards®in California: March 13-15, 2019 & September 18-20, 2019. The cost for those will be $4750 pp. To register at the 2018 price, $3750 per person you must register by December 1, 2018. 
WLR 2018
Advanced Men's Course© 2019
Contest #12

The 2018 theme was Our Relationships and Responsibilities to Women in the age of #metoo. It was intense, raw and powerful with breakthroughs and results for all.
2019 will start where 2018 left off...

The session will deal with how do we build and rebuild community with in our companies, cities, families to heal to schisms that exist in fractured societies.
Dates: October 15-17, 2019
Catch up day October 14.
Location: Ojai, California
Course Fee 2017 Returnees
$4,250 Newbies $4,950
One space left!
Watch for 2020 Dates

Susan Van Vleet Consultants, Inc.®
An International Consulting Company
31416 Agoura Rd. Suite 255, 
Westlake Village, CA 91360, USA
PHONE (303) 660-5206