July 2020

So much has changed! And so has our 'Christmas in July' sale. This year we're gifting you with an automatic 5% off your order. No code needed, it's a gift.

And in the spirit of giving back, 5% of profits from online sales will go to the National Alliance to End Homelessness . Learn more about them below.

Happy papermaking,

Kim Grummer

Covid19 changed what's moving in and out of the warehouse. Too many
half-sheet dip handmolds means BIG SAVINGS for you!
Order now for your Classroom, Workshop, School-At-Home
From the Files ...
of Arnold Grummer
by Arnold Grummer

There was nothing sheepish about the men meeting in Philadelphia in July of 1776.

Pondering the feasibility (and danger?) of creating a totally new, independent Nation, they were grappling and sparring over words and language that would excise the American colonies from Mother England and declare independence. 
But there definitely was something sheepish about the final document that held the words eventually agreed upon to comprise the independence declaration. And thereby hangs the tale of paper’s being upstaged.

Sometime before that July, a casual sheep was gamboling across green hillsides, vales, dales and dells. It was just a run-of-the -flock sheep. It gathered no particular attention from others. It held no high jump record. Its wool was the standard issue. Its ‘baaaa’ was blah. It might not even have had a good self-image.
Sometime before that July, a casual sheep was gamboling ... ( read more )
A place to call home for singles, vets ...
Arnold Grummer's Papermaking

PO Box 7246 Appleton, WI 54912