News from Thanks-Giving Square and The Thanks-Giving Foundation  |  July  2017

On Friday, July 7th our community will pause to remember the tragic events that took place in Dallas one year ago with great loss of life. 

The world was watching as we came together in thoughtful prayer to make our community whole again. 

Please join us at 10:00 am at Thanks-Giving Square to remember, reflect and pray together for those individual lives and for our community that will never be the same. During this last year Faith Forward Dallas has been addressing some of the elements that contribute to re-building the soul and strength of the community. They have done this through marches, vigils, cross cultural dialogues, and bridge building initiatives. 

The program will include reflections from faith leaders, city officials, police, families of the fallen, and community members.

New furniture arrives at
Thanks-Giving Square

We are excited to announce that we received support for all  chairs in our  40  Chairs for  40 Years campaign! We are grateful to the many donors who contributed to this project and provided colorful new seating for visitors to Thanks-Giving Square. 

On Saturday, June 17th several volunteers gathered at Thanks-Giving Square to unpack and assemble the new  chairs and tables. Each  chair received a special identification label along with a custom patron charm. The orange aluminum charms share messages of gratitude, honor, and celebration.  The furniture has been placed in several areas throughout the garden, moveable so that users can arrange seating for a variety of gatherings or to find the perfect shady spot. A few minutes after the furniture made its appearance it was already being enjoyed by guests! 

We invite you to visit Thanks-Giving Square to see the new chairs. For those wanting to contribute, we will continue to accept donations for future orders of chairs.
Upcoming Events
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Day of Service
Thanks-Giving Square's Interfaith Council met on
June 12 for a day of service at Metrocrest Services Group in Farmers Branch. Volunteers assisted clients who are shopping in the pantry, restocked shelves, sorted food items, and helped process donations and deliveries received by the pantry.

  214-969-1977  |  |

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