Issue: 7 July 2017
Minneapolis Area Senior Workers Association Newsletter
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  Meeting    President's Note   Membership Renewal ip 

We hope you all had a WONDERFUL 4th of July! Please take some time to thank a soldier for the freedom you are celebrating today & to look among those we serve every day! Friendly reminder: as a MASWA member, you have access to all of the presentations being shared at each month's membership meeting. Click here   to view, sign-in & enjoy!
MeetingMembership Meeting
Minneapolis Area Senior Worker's Association  Membership Meeting

Thursday, July 27, 2017
2:20 pm - Sign In/Networking
2:40 pm - Introduction/Announcements
3:00 pm - Program
4:00 pm - Adjourn

TOPIC:  Conducting Internal Investigations &
             Managing OHFC Investigations

SPEAKER:  Michelle Klegon, Klegon Law Office, Ltd.

  • Identify the steps & strategies for conducting a thorough internal investigation
  • Take steps to address family concerns & minimize the possibility of civil liability
  • Prepare for investigations & interviews by OHFC
Calvary Lutheran Church
7520 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, MN 55427

directions and parking info: 
Call Karen Mandile, 952-345-4405, MASWA Program Chair
with questions related to this program.
Certificates of Attendance (CEU) will be available.
Annual Membership fee $30.00 Guest fee $5.00
PresidentPresident's Note
Linda Debner

I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful July weather!

The board of directors is getting ready to have our annual retreat so we can outline our goals for the following year. It is also a time where we can get to know each other and the strengths we all bring to the board. We have quite a few new members so I plan on seeing many new ideas as we progress through the year. 

Just a reminder, we have membership meetings throughout the summer. At the end of the summer we will be getting notification of the Fall Aging Conference, which will be held at the Earle Brown Heritage Center on Thursday, October 26, 2017. The conference is really the hallmark event of the year and I look forward to seeing all of you there!

Enjoy this beautiful summer and I'll see you at the membership meetings.

Linda Debner

MembershipRenewalMembership Renewal
Joining Elle Fox as a Co-Chair on our membership committee, please welcome Sue Stenberg. Do not hesitate to reach out to Elle if you are having any issues with your membership! Elle can be reached at:
On behalf of the MASWA and SPSWA joint Public Policy meeting, we would like to thank our sponsor for their wonderful treats and support in the senior housing community. Thank you SilverCrest!
Minneapolis Area Seniors Workers Association
P.O. Box 26630
Minneapolis, MN 55426