July 2024 Newsletter

Dear Karen,

June was a very busy month for the leaders of WNSCI. On June 2nd, we wrapped up the WRJ Fried Women’s Conference (FWC) in New Orleans with over 300 members of Women of Reform Judaism from North America and Israeli members representing the Progressive movement. The conference was informative and fun! We dressed up, New Orleans style, and danced the night away! We kvelled for our WNSCI sisters, Michelle Scheinkopf, FWC co-chair, and Judy Wexler, as they were installed on the WRJ executive board. (Pictured above L. to R.: Michelle Scheinkopf, Judy Wexler, Blythe Trilling, Karen Dillon, and Debra Cohen.)

Then on June 6, we installed the WNSCI 2024–2025 Executive Committee. Attended by many old and new WNSCI members, the dinner was a delicious way to celebrate all that WNSCI does. (See photo below). If you're interested in getting more involved, we have many opportunities to take a leadership position on the general WNSCI Board as a committee chair or member. Please reach out to either of us at wnsci@nsci.org.

Pictured above at the WNSCI Installation Dinner: (Back row L. to R.) Michelle Scheinkopf, Judy Wexler, Cecile Levy, Denise Heimlich, Janie Skolnick, Susan Schencker, Nancy Mantynband, Fran Morof, Jill Ruffman, Susan Ellenby (NSCI). (Front row L. to R.) Ann DuBois, Debra Cohen, Karen Dillon, Blythe Trilling, Michele Tuvel.

We will kick off our programming with a welcome event at the Chicago Botanic Garden on Monday, August 26th. (See details below). Along with Ann DuBois, VP of Programming, we are in the process of putting together our 2024-2025 calendar of programs, including our traditional ones, such as Sisters in the Sukkah and our 19th Annual Women’s Retreat. We also are planning some new and innovative programs, and we hope you’ll be inspired to join us as often as you can! And better yet, say YES to help in the planning by signing up to be on a committee or two. Please check out our WNSCI web page to learn more and let us know if you have a great idea for a program you’d like us to consider.

A reminder: our new fiscal year begins July 1 and the WNSCI annual dues are $60 for the 2024–2025 Membership Year. If you paid your membership dues last year, the charge should appear in July on your NSCI Annual Dues Statement. If not, please click here to join. Not sure if you’re a WNSCI member? Email us to check. The annual dues help make possible all we do for our NSCI community and beyond.

Our board meetings will begin in October, so watch this space for upcoming dates. As always, please feel free to reach out to us with any questions, comments, or suggestions at wnsci@nsci.org. We’d love to hear from you!

In Sisterhood,

Karen Dillon and Blythe Trilling


Don't Miss These Upcoming Events

WNSCI Welcome Picnic and Concert

Monday, August 26, 2024

5:00–8:00 p.m.

Chicago Botanic Garden

Join us as we kick off the 2024–2025 programming year! We'll start with a brief Board meeting, and then enjoy a picnic dinner and the sounds of Brass From the Past: R&B, Soul and Motown, one of Chicago's top cover bands!

We'll meet at the synagogue parking lot and carpool to the Garden. Watch your email for details and a link to register.

WNSCI Honey for the Holidays!

Wish Family and Friends a

Sweet and Happy New Year

Place Your Order

Just in time for Rosh Hashanah, will ship an 8 oz. jar of Kosher clover honey with a personalized card. The cost is $16 per jar. Order by August 8th for FREE SHIPPING within the U.S. Learn more here.

Mark Your Calendar

Tour the Illinois Holocaust Museum

with WNSCI

Thursday, September 19th

Join us for this very special program as we enjoy lunch and a tour of several exhibits at the Illinois Holocaust Museum, including Kindertransport: Rescuing Children on the Brink of War, and Interactive Holograms: Survivor Stories Experience. More details to come but please reserve the date on your calendar.

Highlights of Recent Events

WNSCI Sponsors Senior Program at Gidwitz Place

Last month, WNSCI sponsored a Senior Program at Gidwitz Place for Assisted Living in Deerfield. Cantor Jonathan Kohan of Chicago Loop Synagogue performed Hebrew and Yiddish songs. The program was very well attended, and everyone really enjoyed it!

WNSCI Judaica Gift Shop

Need to Buy a Wedding Gift?


Our selection of tallitot, ritual items, and the full line of Michael Aram Judaica and Tabletop is the best, not only on the North Shore, but in all of Chicagoland! Items that we don’t have in stock may be ordered.  

Contact Karen Kohn or Nancy Mantynband at 847-835-4009 or giftshopnsci@gmail.com with questions or to make an appointment.

Summer Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri., 10:00 am–1:00 pm

(or by appointment)

Ongoing Events

WNSCI Book Club

Each month, one book club member leads a lively discussion. Thank you to Judy Falk for leading a thoughtful discussion in June.

Are you interested in joining us? No prior book club experience is required. The full list of books to be discussed this year can be found here. Please email Barbara Mazur with questions. bhmazur@sbcglobal.net.

Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus

Tuesday, July 9th, 1:00–3:00 pm at NSCI

Led by Karen Dillon

Laugh-out-loud funny, shrewdly observant, and studded with a dazzling cast of supporting characters, Lessons in Chemistry is as original and vibrant as its protagonist — chemist Elizabeth Zott, who is definitely not your average woman.

The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride

Tuesday, August 13th, 1:00–3:00 pm at NSCI

Led by Barbara Mazur

This compassionate story shows how much the people who live on the margins of white, Christian America struggle and what they must do to survive. McBride shows us that even in dark times, it is love and community—heaven and earth—that sustain us.

WNSCI Mah Jongg at NSCI

Thursdays, 1:00–3:00 pm

No games on July 4th.

Join us for fun and friendly games of Mah Jongg. All are welcome — beginners and the “just curious.” There’s no betting allowed, just a voluntary contribution to our Tzedakah Box!


Canasta with Congregation

Makom Solel Lakeside

Wednesdays, 1:00–3:00 pm

(No meeting July 3rd.)

Makom Solel Lakeside

1301 Clavey Rd., Highland Park

RSVP: jfbuckstein@gmail.com

Join members of NSCI and Makom Solel Lakeside for weekly play. We had a fabulous turnout at our first game! It is free and open to any interested players. We only ask that you bring canasta supplies (cards, trays, and shuffler) if you have them. Janet Buckstein from Makom will provide written rules and teach those who are interested. She will also send out a weekly email to find out who will be attending. If you are interested, please email Janet, including your skill level and contact information, at jfbuckstein@gmail.com.


Knitting Hearts Together for Good

Whether knitting is your passion, or you're just getting started, join the interfaith knitting group from Glencoe Union Church. The group will meet twice a month at area congregations, making hand-crafted items for those in need. All are welcome: experienced knitters and beginners. Get more information here or reach out to Laurie Jaffe or Lisa Lesniak.

Update on Zviahel, Ukraine (formerly Novograd-Volynsky)

Cecile Levy reports that they had a wonderful phone call with Lev Maister last month. Thank you to Sue Fishbein, Seymour and Iris Gottlieb, Ann Weisbeg, Peggy Rubenstein, and Rabbi Leizman for their interest and for joining us for the call. Rabbi Leizman said it was special to have this connection with them because of the roots of our community. 

There are now 110–120 Jews left in their community and 65% are over the age of 60. There are fewer than 10 children. When asked about the effects of the war, Lev said that sometimes they hear sirens and at the beginning of the war a missile was intercepted. Their supply of water and electricity has been okay and the supplies in the stores are good. They hear in the news that there is a lot of bombing in the south and east by the Russians who are very aggressive. They hear only good things about President Zelensky. None of the Jewish men or women from their town have been drafted so far. However, a lot of the other young men from their community have been called up to serve. Lev thanked us so much for the help and our moral and spiritual support. Everyone expressed their hope for peace for them soon and for Israel.


Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our sister community in Ukraine. Lev requested that we send senior multi vitamins and ibuprofen. Older people have small pensions and appreciate the medicine. In addition, we are continuing to request flat sheets (twin or larger but not king size), bath and hand towels, large-size casual clothing for adults, and shoes (all in good condition).


If you are donating clothing or linens, please place them in the bin marked Zviahel at the north end of the hall at NSCI. If you are donating vitamins or ibuprofen, please email wnsci@nsci.org and we will arrange to get them from you.

Women of Reform Judaism News and Upcoming Events

WRJ Adopts New Resolutions

During WRJ's 2024 Legislative Body meeting, membership adopted resolutions on reaffirming our commitment to:

  • Preventing Gun Violence Against Women
  • Reaffirming our Commitment to Reproductive Rights

The WRJ membership also voted to adopt a number of proposed changes to the WRJ Constitution. Learn about the proposed Resolutions and Constitutional Revisions here.

Every Voice, Every Vote

Want to make a difference in the remaining primaries and the national election in November? Then get involved with Every Voice, Every Vote, the Reform Jewish Movement’s new campaign to protect, expand and strengthen democracy. Every Voice, Every Vote aims to provide an organizing structure for you to learn how easy it is to make a meaningful impact towards a strong democracy. Questions? Contact Michelle at mscheinkopf@gmail.com.

Tell Us About Yourself

We'd love to learn more about you!

We've created a short survey so you can tell us something about yourself and what interests you. Please fill out the survey — it's just a few questions. We'd greatly appreciate your input, which will help us plan for the coming year.

For more information or to learn how you can help us plan any of our upcoming programs, please email us at wnsci@nsci.org.

Connect with us on Social Media

WNSCI Page on the NSCI website

WNSCI Facebook (Please like us!)

WNSCI Instagram (Please follow us!)

WRJ Heartland District Website

WRJ Website

WRJ Facebook

WNSCI is a committed group of women working together to enrich our community, our congregation, and ourselves. We are part of a network of Reform Jewish women who identify as female, non-binary or gender fluid, working together to empower women and communities through the bonds of sisterhood, spirituality, and social justice.