July/August 2022
Documentary: "Still Working 9 to 5"
Thursday, July 21, 6:30 pm
Long Beach Art Theatre, 4th & Cherry
Enjoy this free screening of "Still Working 9 to 5," a feature-length documentary sponsored by Wild West Women, Inc., and Long Beach Councilwoman Cindy Allen.

When the comedy “9 to 5” starring Jane Fonda, Dolly Parton, Dabney Coleman, and Lily Tomlin exploded on movie screens in 1980, the laughs hid a serious message about women in the office. “Still Working 9 to 5” explores why workplace inequality 40 years later was never a laughing matter. And of course you'll hear the new “9 to 5” duet with Dolly Parton and Kelly Clarkson! There will be treats provided by Willmore Baking Company and a Q&A with filmmakers Camille Harden, Gary Lane, and Larry Lane.

Get Out the Vote Efforts Ramping Up
Postcards Available NOW
Help us GET OUT THE VOTE with postcards to low-propensity voters in Florida. We are writing non-partisan postcards for Reclaim Our Vote, an initiative of the Center for Common Ground.

Postcards will be held and mailed between August 1-8. The Florida primary is August 23. Early voting starts August 13, or as early as August 8 if the county chooses to do so.

We have everything you need to get started. If you’d like us to provide a kit, contact Deb Lelchuk at advocacy@ncjwlongbeach.org.

Let’s help GOTV in Florida and have fun doing it!
4th Thursday NCJW Movie Club
Thursday, July 28 and August 25, 7 pm, Zoom
July 28, 7 pm, Zoom: Parallel Mothers
Two women, Janis and Ana, share a hospital room where they are going to give birth. Both are single and became pregnant by accident. Janis, middle-aged, doesn’t regret it and she is exultant. The other, Ana, an adolescent, is scared, repentant and traumatized. Janis tries to encourage her while they move like sleepwalkers along the hospital corridors. The few words they exchange in these hours will create a very close link between the two, which by chance develops, complicating and changing their lives in a decisive way. You can watch on Amazon Prime.

August 25, 7 pm, Zoom: Belfast
Surrounded by sporadic violence and growing danger, nine-year-old Buddy finds himself confronted with the ugly reality of sectarian conflict. And, as the suffocating stranglehold of increasing turmoil tightens around his once-peaceful working-class neighborhood, Buddy tries his best to understand the troubles--after all, someone must be responsible for forcing people to flee their homes. Now, Buddy's family must come face to face with a nearly impossible, life-altering decision: stay or start packing? You can watch on Amazon Prime.

Join Us to Watch The Janes
August 3, 6:30 pm, Zoom or a member's home
Let's get together to watch "THE JANES," an important documentary, in a member home (or at your own home) and discuss on Zoom directly afterwards. The film is very timely. It spotlights a grassroots response to abortion before Roe by a small group of women in Chicago called The Jane Collective. The film’s stories of women’s desperation are haunting — and ominous. The interviews are so vivid and engaging, however, that they frequently provide the excitement of a spy thriller.

This film can only be viewed on HBO. Once you sign up, we'll be in touch to see if you'd like to come together or watch alone. We'll only have about 5 people per home, so it won't be a crowd, and we ask that you wear a mask.

Sign up HERE
Vote Forward Letter Writing Party
Monday, August 8, 2–3:30 pm, Long Beach
We are having a Vote Forward Letter Writing Party at a member’s home in Long Beach as part of Vote Forward’s THE BIG SEND. The non-partisan letters are being written now for mailing in October.

Vote Forward’s letter writing campaigns are designed to reach voters in the congressional districts and states where boosting turnout will have the biggest impact on election outcomes, with a particular focus on reaching historically underrepresented voters in Black, Asian, Latino, and Native American communities. We will provide envelopes and stamps and letters if you can’t print them.

If you have already participated in Vote Forward, you know the drill: log in at https://votefwd.org and pick the “social” campaign marked with an "S".
If you have not participated but would like to do so, please email advocacy@ncjwlongbeach.org and we will get you set up.

We can only accommodate 12 people, so please RSVP as soon as possible to Co-VP Advocacy Deb Lelchuk at advocacy@ncjwlongbeach.org.

Hope to see you on August 8th!
Come Pack HugPacks With Us!
Thursday, August 18, 6-7:30 pm, Alpert JCC Auditorium
Join us in packing for 3rd to 5th grade students entering foster care. Snacks and camaraderie provided! RSVP a must at communityservice@ncjwlongbeach.org or leave a message at (657) 235-2511.

Did you know an $18 donation would cover the entire cost of a HugPack full of essentials? And $180 would mean 10 complete HugPacks? If you can't come to pack, you can still make a difference in these kids' lives!
The Caring Corner is Back!
Jeanne Halliday is our new chairperson, and she is waiting for your calls and emails! We strongly encourage you to let Jeanne know about such things as illnesses, deaths, simchas, honors, etc., in our community.

You can look up Jeanne's phone number or email in the Membership Directory, or you can call us at (657) 235-2511 or email us at info@ncjwlongbeach.org to request a card to be mailed.
Community Service Update:
Good Things Happening Behind the Scenes
A man named David called and left us a message that he had nice things to donate, including a washer/dryer combo. Our VP Andrea Friedenthal was able to connect him with Christian Outreach in Action, which was thrilled at the prospect but had no way to pick it up because their truck had recently been broken into and damaged. The donor then offered to drive to COA in his own truck, knowing his donations will help so many needy people. Thank you, David, and thank you, Andrea!
Mazel Tov to NCJW Arizona
Mazel tov to NCJW Arizona who sued the state of Arizona and won. Arizona wanted to classify fetuses, embryos, and fertilized eggs with personhood status, which could have been used to criminalize people having abortions, or to ban in vitro fertilization (IVF) and egg freezing, and more. But alongside their partners, NCJW Arizona sued and won! The state law is now temporarily blocked. This helps prioritize the life and wellbeing of the pregnant person and sets the critical groundwork for more wins in the future.

These wins are powered by NCJW supporters like you! But we’re not stopping there. In states across the country, National Council of Jewish Women Sections and advocates are fighting back to ensure everyone can access the abortion care they need, when they need it—quickly, safely, and with dignity.

Join Our New 2022
Voting and Elections Working Group
Voting and elections are a top priority for our Section. We are forming a working group to help plan and lead Section voting and election efforts through the November 2022 election. Topics to be explored include voter registration, Vote Forward letter writing, partnering with organizations like the League of Women Voters, and voting access for marginalized communities.  

Let us know if you’d like:
(a)  To be part of the working group, 
(b)  To help with voter registration and/or Vote Forward, or 
(c)  More information on how best to participate. 

We need you and your ideas! Contact the chairperson, Chana Ham-Rosebrock, via advocacy@ncjwlongbeach.org or leave a message for her at (657) 235-2511
Join Our Abortion Justice Working Group
For too long, the narrative in this country about abortion and religion belies the Jewish story: in Judaism, abortion is not only permitted, but sometimes required. National Council of Jewish Women, along with our allies and partners, has launched a new Jewish movement for abortion justice: 73 Forward. Our section has begun to explore programming options for this campaign, and our Advocacy Committee would like to form a working group. 

If you’d like to help us plan educational programs, advocate for legislation, and/or mobilize organized actions in support of reproductive rights, health, and justice for all, please email advocacy@ncjwlongbeach.org. We’d love to have you join us in the fight! 
Opportunities for Service
Here you'll find ways to contribute!
The chairperson is listed after each project; just drop them an email.
--Volunteer to join the Board (Judy Leff)
  Open positions: Co-VP Programs, Co-VP Resource Development
--Join a Committee:
  Abortion Justice (Cynthia Gordon)
  Voting & Elections (Chana Ham-Rosebrock)
Help Our Welcome Circle (Naomi Steinfeld)
Mark Your Calendars...Save the Date
Thursday, August 4: Board Meeting, 7 pm, Zoom. RSVP here.

Thursday, September 1: Board Meeting, 7 pm, Zoom. RSVP here.

Thursday, September 22: Long Beach Gives! Watch for more info here.

Thursday, October 6: Board Meeting, 7 pm, Zoom. RSVP here.

Sunday, October 9: Welcoming the Stranger/Decorating the Sukkah: Meet & Greet for New and Old Members, more info soon.

Like us and follow us on social media and help us share NCJW events and advocacy programs with others!

Email us at info@ncjwlongbeach.org, call (657) 235-2511, or send mail to NCJW Greater Long Beach & West Orange County, 3801 E. Willow St., Long Beach, CA 90815. Please add this contact information to your contacts list.