

July 2023

Left to right: Carole Young-Kleinfeld, Karen Mazza, Marguerite Chatelier, Courtney Henderson, Cathy Freedberg, Debra Dagwan, and Jeanne Morrison.

 LWVMA Convention 2023 Round-Up

In case you missed it, here is a recap of the June 10th LWVMA Convention:

We elected a dynamic and talented new board of directors and nominating committee. Click HERE to read their biographies.

We adopted our program and action priorities for the next biennium. Click HERE for the details about where our education and advocacy work will be focused through 2025.

Danielle Allen’s keynote was a highlight of the day. Click HERE to hear her remarks.



Click here to view our full calendar

July 15: Negro Election Day – 283rd Year Celebration – in Salem

July 17: Rep. Day Briefing on Firearms Omnibus

September 30: Save the Date: Annual League Leader Lunch

Breaking News!

Legislature takes up massive gun control law. Chairman Michael Day will outline it for League members on Zoom Monday, July 17 at 7:00 PM.  Register here.


Sign Up for National Voter Registration Day 2023

LWV is a proud partner of National Voter Registration Day, which falls on Sept. 19, 2023. Whether you have in-person, virtual, or both kinds of activities planned to encourage voter registration this year, make sure that you are a part of this huge annual celebration! Sign up today using LWV’s specific link and receive free posters and stickers, training materials, and more.


“Waiting Room Sagas: How ‘Good Insurance’ Costs MA Voters an Arm and a Leg” Wednesday, July 26

Join the Health Care legislative specialists on Wednesday, July 26, at 7:00 PM via Zoom for Waiting Room Sagas: How ‘Good Insurance’ Costs MA Voters an Arm and a Leg. Moderated by Health Care Legislative Co-Specialist Ellen Church, this event will feature stories from four panelists with time for questions related to S744/H1239 An Act Establishing Medicare for All in Massachusetts. Register here.

Webinars to Explain Legislative Envoy Program Aug. 1 or Aug. 2

LWVMA is the go-to source for information about voting, elections, legislation and the legislative process for many other organizations and individuals. We are trusted to provide well researched facts. We have specialists who keep track of all developments that impact a specific target area. It’s the job of the Envoys to respond to Action Alerts from specialists and keep their local members informed. READ MORE.

Support Public Health Legislation

Contact your legislators in support of S1334/H2204 An Act Relative to Accelerating Improvements to the Local and Regional Public Health Systems to Address Disparities in the Delivery of Public Health Services (SAPHE 2.0). See our testimony on the bill here. Our partners at the Massachusetts Public Health Association (MPHA) ask that we contact our state legislators this week and urge them to weigh in with the Joint Committee on Public Health. READ MORE.

Feeding Our Neighbors Lobby Day: July 12

LWVMA is a member of the Feeding Our Neighbors Coalition working to pass An Act Establishing Basic Needs Assistance for Massachusetts Immigrant Residents (H135/S76). Join us for the Feeding our Neighbors Lobby Day on Wednesday, July 12, from 10:00 AM to noon at Massachusetts State House in Senator Sal DiDomenico’s office, Room 405. Check the Coalition website for more information and to register.

Common Start Family-Friendly Rally for Child Care: July 13

Please join the Common Start Coalition for a family-friendly rally at the State House on Thursday, July 13 at 11:00 AM. Take this opportunity to remind the legislature about the importance of the Common Start vision, thank them for funding early education and child care in this year’s state budget, and urge them to build on those investments by passing H.489 and S.301 to establish a system of affordable, high-quality early education and child care for Massachusetts families. READ MORE.

LWV and Ranked Choice Voting

Some towns are looking into using ranked choice voting for local elections, and we’ve had inquiries whether the League has a position that covers ranked choice voting, particularly in elections where there are multiple seats open, such as a school committee race. Short answer: Yes. The details follow. READ MORE.

Local Leagues and the Legislature

Cities and towns often approve local laws in their town meetings or city council sessions which then require the approval of the state legislature to go into effect. Some examples are ranked choice voting in local elections, plastic grocery bag bans, even changing the name of the Board of Selectmen to Select Board. If your town has such a bill pending before the legislature and your League wishes to support (or oppose) it, you can do that. READ MORE.

Food Waste Toolkit

The Food, Soils, and Agriculture Team of the LWVUS Climate Interest Group has prepared a Food Waste Toolkit. Food waste is a major contributor to carbon emissions. Action on the climate crisis can seem overwhelming. Action to reduce food waste is one impactful action that can be taken locally – by local Leagues. Also check out our blog: Food Waste — Why It Matters and What You Can Do. View the recording and slides related to the Food Waste Toolkit in the Act for Change: Farming, Climate and You webinar here.


Data Collection Reminder

We’re at the half-way point in the calendar year – a good time for a reminder to please complete and submit the data collection form for each activity, program and event that your local League is involved in. Click HERE for the 2023 form and user guide. Thank you so much for your continuing efforts to help us capture the impact of our collective work!

Time to Update the League Leader Directory

Has your local League held its annual meeting? If you answered “yes,” that is your cue to send the names and contact information for your League’s officers and directors/steering committee members to Brynne Gorman so that we can update the state-wide League Leader Directory. It is especially helpful to identify the point person for voter service/engagement and the point person for membership in your League. Thank you for your help!

US Supreme Court Rejects “Independent State Legislature” Theory in Moore v. Harper Elections Case

Earlier this week, the high court rejected a state legislature’s exclusive and independent authority over federal elections and was resolute in not expanding that authority through the dangerous “Independent State Legislature” theory (“ISLT”).  Read the LWVUS press release here.

Last year, LWVMA and every other state League in the country, as well as the District of Columbia joined the LWVUS amicus brief in Moore v. Harper. Read the amicus brief HERE.

Recap of the 2023 LWVUS Council in Las Vegas

Read the Recap of the 2023 LWVUS Council in Las Vegas, HERE.

The Mass Action Newsletter is distributed to all LWVMA members. Anyone can request the Action Newsletter by clicking here. Please review this Newsletter for articles of interest to your League and include them in your local Bulletin.

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