Weekly Update

Welcome to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

July 7th - 13th Weekly Bulletin


Church Website

We are excited to share our updated website. We will continue to update the website with upcoming events every week!

Use the button below to visit the home page on the website, or the underlined tabs to see a specific section.

St. Paul's Church Website

About Us





Sunday, June 30th

July 1, 2024

Dear St. Paul’s family,

         Thank you to all who made Sunday’s celebration so much fun. Kathy Miller, our Transition team chair, led us in a time to highlight some of the key players including John Arendall and the Rector Search Committee, Wardens Robin Thetford, Medford Roe, and Gaines Thomas with all the Vestry, as well as our Office Renovation Team, and dedicated church staff. The Reverend Brad Clark has served the parish above and beyond in pastoral care, and in taking on additional worship services, as well as the Reverend Mike Ballard the Reverend Lydia Johnson for helping during this transitional season. A list of those recognized is attached to my letter.

         We give thanks to God for the opportunity to worship with such a faith-filled community. The Holy Spirit was with us as we enjoyed the music of the Excelsior Band at our Eucharistic Celebration. After the service they led us to the Parish Hall for the incredible BBQ feast thanks to our Sunday crew, Randolph Miller, Dan Gatewood, Grey O’Brien, John McNeil, Blake Ashbee and Jonah Dismukes.

Miranda Dismukes and Cherish Posey worked behind the scenes to decorate and clean up. As always, we appreciate the tireless efforts of Winfred Lee and Johnny Smith to keep everything in right order.

         As my time at St. Paul’s comes to an end, I want to thank everyone for making this interim ministry a blessing for me and for Mary. Thank you for the parish gift presented to me by Senior Warden, Medford Roe. Your generosity is appreciated.

         Now it is time for the Reverend Jody Burnett, wife Julia and children Stewart and Virginia to be with you and share in the love of God. Their first Sunday is July 14,

 and I hope you can be there to welcome them.

         Mary joins me in thanking God for this opportunity to be with you in this interim period. It has been a gift and a blessing. We take with us many wonderful memories and look forward to stories of a new season for St. Paul’s, Mobile.



Attached List of Names

Sunday, July 7th

Independence Day Prayer

Lord God Almighty, in whose Name the founders of this country won liberty for themselves and for us, and lit the torch of freedom for nations then unborn: Grant that we and all the people of this land may have grace to maintain our liberties in righteousness and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

BCP 242

There will not be a 6:00 Service

on Sunday, July 7th.


Sunday, July 14th

is the first Sunday for

the Burnett Family!

Our new Rector, the Reverend Jody Burnett,

will preach and celebrate on this date.

We are planning a fun reception for Jody, his wife, Julia, and their children, Stewart and Virginia.

There will be food and activities for our children to enjoy.

To help the Burnett family, we will have name tags available for all to wear for that Sunday and the next two Sundays to follow!

Thank you!

Sunday. June 30th

BBQ Brunch

Thank you to our dedicated team of grill masters for a delicious Sunday brunch! Everything was absolutely delicious. We appreciate everything that you do at the Church to make Parish life around here wonderful!

Pictured Above:

Randolph Miller, Dan Gatewood, Grey O’Brien, John McNeil, Blake Ashbee, and Jonah Dismukes

Tuesday, July 2nd

Men's Prayer Group

The Men's Prayer Group enjoyed their monthly breakfast prepared by the Cracked Plates!

Thank you to the Cracked Plates, Winfred, and Johnny for everything you did to make it a success!

Men's Prayer Group meets every Tuesday morning in the Parish Hall at 6:30. Breakfast is served on the first Tuesday of each month!


Hill and Julianna Robinson

joyfully welcomed their daughter,

Ruth Louise Robinson

on June 24, 2024

Ruthie is the granddaughter of Ben and Victoria Stimpson,

and the great granddaughter of Nedra Stimpson

Prayer Cards and Visitor Cards in pew rack.

Place prayer cards in Prayer Box on the table

at the front of the pews or in the offering plate.

Please include your contact information

 when filling out a prayer card

Please place visitor cards in the offering plate.

Daily Bread needs a driver for Thursdays.

If you are interested, please reach out to

Les Stuart at 251-455-8182 or email him at les.stuart@comcast.net

Wheel- A - Meal needs a Thursday driver

every other week.

If you are interested, please reach out to Les Stuart

at 251-455-8182 or email him at les.stuart@comcast.net

Youth News

News from the EEC

Read about all of the wonderful things that the EEC has to offer!

EEC Website

Memorial Flowers

Sunday, June 30, 2024

The flowers on the altar

of the Little Church

 are given to the Glory of God

and in loving memory of

Robert “Bobby” Henderson Norton

 by Carol and Lyon Crowe





The flowers on the Altar of the Church

are given to the Glory of God

and in  thanksgiving, appreciation

and love for the ministry of

The Very Reverend Johnny W. Cook

 and his lovely wife, Mary. 



Worship Schedule


8:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite I - Little Church

10:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite II - Big Church

  • Nursery provided
  • Children's Christian Education

6:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite II - Little Church

  • Contemporary music


7:00 - Holy Eucharist - Little Church

10:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite I - Little Church

  • Healing service follows

5:30 - Holy Eucharist - Rite II - Little Church

Morning Prayer

8:15 - Little Church

Weekdays except Wednesday

The 10:00 service on Sunday is always livestreamed. Click the button to view!

View the livestream