July 4th: Rebirthing our nation?

In his 1852 speech, “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?”  Frederick Douglass diagnosed the profound and ongoing disconnect between our nation’s democratic rhetoric and the lived experiences of African Americans and many others.
( Hear Douglass’ words in the voice of James Earl Jones:

Douglass’ speech should compel us to act.   I’m hopeful that each of us will contribute to making reality the still unfulfilled goals presented at our independence so that we soon achieve full equality for all, the materialization of our inalienable human rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

Our nation seems at the dawn of a rebirth -- its labor pains evident, the possibilities immense.

Your help would be greatly appreciated as we move Richmond into this better reality. Please donate what you can to my campaign for Richmond City Council HERE .  

Happy 4th of July!

Gayle McLaughlin
Former Richmond Mayor 2007-2015
Richmond City Council Candidate 2020

Wear a mask! Keep physical distance! Stay healthy!