Your Financial Support Matters
We have a longstanding relationship with "Our Little Roses Home" in Honduras. This is a home for about 70 abandoned and abused girls who live and learn together in a protected facility. Robin Jager told us a joyful story about a recent Zoom call to substitute for their canceled 2020 mission trip.

They played some games, and talked excitedly with each other, fondly remembering their friends so far away. St. James’s then presented a donation check which would have been a part of the mission trip. This contribution will be spent on bunk beds, bedding, and pajamas, as well as fun event for the girls.
We give out of a response to God's love, and call to love and to  DO. Your gifts enable St James’s to deliver live streaming worship on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. and Evening Prayer on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. as well as to enable our ministries to others.

At St. James's we have several ways to give:

  • If your custom is to pay a lump sum at year-end, consider setting up a recurring monthly draft from your bank or financial institution
  • Create an automatic payment through your online banking portal
  • Simply by using our website, here, you can set up recurring payments
  • Our church App is a wonderful tool, and great for giving online

We are deeply grateful for your engagement and faithful support. Thank you for all you do!
Back to School with Ashley Soukup MA, LMFT
Navigating your Child's Educational Journey...Through a Pandemic!

...For some, the decision has been made for them, and while they might not be happy about it, their next decision is how to navigate the "new norm" for the next nine weeks. ... Whether it has been posts and comments on social media, side bar conversations at the park, or even personal phone calls with friends and loved ones it is very clear that parents are scared...

Families for Food
Summer Service Projects for
Children, Youth, Families and Adults

St. James’s children, youth, families, and the rest of us are invited and encouraged to put their faith into action this August by sourcing food to feed people who are struggling with hunger during these challenging economic times. Here are three ways you or your family can help share God’s love with others.

  • Gleaning in the Fields on Saturday, August 22
  • Donate food & gift cards to FeedMore & PPDC
  • Organize your own Neighborhood Food Drive 

A Hour with Clergy
Race History Discussions
Join us August 11, at 12:30 pm

We will be exploring the Episcopal Church’s history with race, power, and division.

Here is more information about this exhibit