July 2024

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1. Barbier, Georges (illustrator).

Journal Des Dames Et Des Modes 1912 -1914.

Paris: Aux Bureaux du Journal des Dames, 1912-1914. First edition. 25 x 16 cm. Limited edition, copies 14 & 15 of twelve examples numbered 6-17 on Japan Imperial with illustrations in two states -- monochrome and color (from total of 1270 copies). 184 pochoir plates, plus two supplemental unnumbered plates, "Le Choix Difficile" (Charles Martin) and "La Folie Du Jour" (Georges Barbier), also in two states. The Art Deco fashion plates by leading artists of the period, including Leon Bakst, Iribe, Martin, Brunelleschi, Simeon, Vallee, Wegener, et al: Georges Barbier, the principal illustrator. Plate 184 in colored state only, plate 183 supplied from another copy, printed on Hollande paper with watermark "Journal Des Dames."Plates1-93 from copy 14, Plates 94-184 from copy 15, both housed in original paper wrappers with spine reading Journal Des Dames, Tome III, Juillet-Decembre 1913, title within front cover rectangular decorated border. No text. Plates fresh, bright and crisp, copies in two states are rare. CARTERET I. 217. COLAS. 1567. HILER 486. Loose in original wrappers as issued. Near fine.     $14,500.00


1A. Blegen, Carl (Editor) et al.

Troy: General Introduction And The First Settlements Plates and Text: Vols. 1-4 [8 Vols] and Supplementary Vols. 2 (Troy: The Coins, 1961 by Alfred R. Bellinger) and Vol. 3 (Troy: Terracota Figurines of the Hellenistic Period, 1963 by Dorothy Bates Thompson).

Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press & Oxford University Press, 1950-1958. First Editions. 30 x 22 cm. Voluminously illustrated with photographs. Carl Blegen of the University of Cincinnati was an archaeologist who found striking evidence to substantiate and date the sack of Troy described in Homer’s Iliad. He also discovered, in 1939, clay tablets inscribed with one of the earliest known European scripts and dating from about 1250 BCE. Blegen suggested that the remains of King Priam’s Troy dated from the major period VIIa (c. 1250 BCE), which offered evidence of large-scale human violence as well as fiery devastation. Orig. navy cloth. Near fine in very good dust wrappers printed in red and black and protected in clear plastic wrappers. 12 Vols.       $1,295.00


2. Calder, Alexander.

Three Young Rats And Other Rhymes.

New York: Curt Valentin, 1944. First edition. 130 pages. 31 x 23 cm. Eighty-five drawings by Calder. Limited edition, one of 700 on Arnold Unbleached paper printed by S.A. Jacobs at the Golden Eagle Press. Partly unopened, bright, fresh copy with owner inscription free front endpaper. Orig. illustrated yellow boards, beige cloth spine lettered in red. Fine in worn in nicked dust wrapper lacking small portions at head and foot. $450.00


3. Cape Town. Saul Solomon & Co.

The Progress Of His Royal Highness Prince Alfred Ernest Albert Through The Cape Colony. British Kaffaria, The Orange Free State, And Port Royal, In The Year 1860.

Cape Town: Saul Solomon & Co., 1861. First edition. XII.180 pages. 28 x 22.5 cm. The first edition of the very first book to be illustrated with original photographs on the African continent. It includes photos by the photographer Joseph Kirkman who was active in South Africa 1859 - 1870. 17 mounted albumen print photographs, including additional illustrated title page; woodcuts in text. With a circular original photograph of Prince Alfred mounted on the title page. There is also a second printed title page. In addition there are sixteen original full page photographs, ten being photographs of paintings by Bowler and Baines and six being original images of Prince Alfred's tour, including a fine photograph of Chief Moshesh and his councillors. Solomon, the publisher was also one of the founders of Old Mutual, today one of the largest insurance firms in South Africa. As representative for Cape Town, Solomon entered the very first Parliament of the Cape of Good Hope (Cape Parliament) when it opened in 1854. He remained an MP for this constituency until his retirement in 1883. Color half title. Armorial bookplate of Raydon Charles Peden, and with his stamp of the first two front endpapers. Minor, scattered toning primarily to the first few leaves. Orig. charcoal cloth front cover and spine lettered and decorated in gilt. Near fine.       $2,400.00


3A. Chevreul, M.E.

Le Teinturier Universel Echo Des Applications Des Matieres Colorantes Aux Arts Et A L'Industrie De la teinture et de l'appret des etoffes, de la production et de la preparation des matieres tincloriales, de l'impression et de la fabrication des papiers peints -- Tannage et coloration des cuirs.

Paris: Au Bureau du Journal, 1860-1863. First editions. 192, 192, 192 pages in text. Small folio, 30.5 x 22.5 cm. Text in French. First to third years -- 72 issues in 3 volumes [April 1, 1860 - March 15, 1863]. More than 100 tipped-in or mounted color specimens of various dyes on paper, cotton, silk, metallic paper, felt, plant fibers, and more. One sample titled "Echantillod de Coton vert col de canard san indigo" (Vol. 3 #23, page 177 and described as "experience machevee" not present as in other copies and appears to have never been tipped-in (no trace of adhesive). Each issue in this set includes the first printed appearance of his lecture notes from "Cours de teinture des Gobelins." His color studies made him one of the most influential scientists in France during the early 19th century. He taught chemistry and ran the dying labs at the Manufactures Royales des Gobelins. In 1839, he published the results of his research under the title "De la loi du contraste simultané des couleurs;" It was translated it into English and published in 1854 under the title The Principles of Harmony and Contrast of Colors. His name is one of 72 inscribed on the Eiffel Tower. Some light spotting, mild edge wear, mostly unopened. Original printed wrappers -- yellow, gray and green. Very good. 3 vols.   $2,050.00


4. Cleaveland, Nehemiah Esq.

Green-Wood in 1846

 Illustrated In A Series Of Views Taken Expressly For This Work By James Smillie. New York: R. Martin, 1847. First edition. 93 (1) pages. 27 x 21 cm. The line engravings from drawings taken on the spot. Toning to the margins of some engravings mostly to the front few and rear ones. Names of the original subscribers to the Rural Cemeteries Illustrated at rear. Green-Wood Cemetery incorporated in 1838 but did not commence operation until four years later. Owner inscription dated 1848 in very light pencil hand. Rebacked, original black cloth covers front and back decorated in gilt and blind with gilt very sharp, clean and bright. Teg. Near fine.     $250.00


5. Derain, Andre [Illustrator].

Le Satyricon by T. Petronius Arbiter.

Paris: Np, 1951. First edition thus. 291 pages. Folio, 45 x 35 cm. Copy 161 of a total edition of 280 copies. 33 engraved plates and numerous woodcut vignettes. Engravings were printed by Georges Leblanc on the presses of Marthe Fecquet and Pierre Baudier. The woodblock text ornaments by Paul Baudier after designs by Derain. Ambrose Vollard commissioned this project in the 1930's, the latter's death and World War II prevented completion until 1951. An early member of the Fauve group, and the Cubist movement, Derain participated in the elaboration of Cubism, but refused to adhere to the movement, turning toward study of the Old Masters. As Douglas Cooper states [see: THE CUBIST EPOCH p.68], "Derain understood the full purport of all that Braque and Picasso were attempting to do (in their Cubist period). But in his own work he followed another line of development." Loose as issued in unsewn sheets in cream wrappers. Slight toning to portfolio vellum. Orig. quarter vellum and illustrated cream portfolio, vellum backed. Near fine in very good slipcase.      $1,995.00


6. Dickens, Charles.

Our Mutual Friend Harper's New Monthly Magazine, No.CLXIX-CLXXXVII.

New York: Harper & Brothers, June, 1864 - December, 1865. First American edition. 26.2 x 16.8 cm. Wood engraved portrait of Dickens after Marcus Stone and 34 parts in 19 vols. This was the first American periodical in parts. Each part appearing one month after the first British serial publication which ran from May 1854 to November 1865. Harper and Brothers purchased advance proofs of the work paying 1000 pounds to assure that the issue in the Magazine was probably its first appearance in the United States. Also intriguing, commentary on aspects on the American Civil War and slavery in the first issue. WILKINS p.32. SMITH AMERICAN 14, p.392, note 1. Text generally clean, chipping to wrappers, some light margin stains, a few spines with some loss. Attractive well preserved set. Orig. printed wrappers, very good housed in two fine red cloth slip cases with black leather spine labels printed in gilt. $1,650.00


7. Dubos, Andre.


Elmwood, CT: Raven Editions, 1987. First edition. 32 pages, 23 x 15.5 cm. Limited edition, copy 27 of 60 hand bound, signed by Dubos in black ink. Edition designed and printed letterpress at Warwick Press by Carol J. Blum who also made the decorated paste paper. The latter and leather bindings by Sarah Creighton. Laid-in the original publisher prospectus. This previously uncollected story speaks to love and family. As new copy. Orig. green striated boards with white spine lettered title. Fine. $325.00


8. Eliot, T.S.

A Song For Simeon Drawing By E. McKnight Kauffer.

London: Faber and Faber, 1928. First edition. 5 leaves. 22 x 14 cm. Large-paper edition, copy 280 of 500. Signed by Eliot. GALLUP A11b. Printed on hand-made paper presenting the limited issue of Ariel poem no. 16. The Mcknight Kauffer illustration very fresh and bright. Gilt lettered front cover title. Spine slightly darkened.Orig. pale white boards. Near fine. $1,050.00

[AMERICA 1930'S]

9. Evans, Walker.

American Photographs With An Essay By Lincoln Kirstein.

New York: MOMA, 1938. First edition. 198 pages. 22.5 x 20 cm. 87 black and white plates printed recto only, the first solo photography exhibition catalogue produced by MOMA, a major, seminal work to document American life in the 1930's. 50 images in part one and 37 in part two. Errata slip "for Niecephore, read Nicephore." Spine label toned at head. Clean, bright copy. Orig. black basket weave cloth, paper spine label. Very good. HASSELBLAD p.98. PARR/BADGER 1, p. 14. ROTH p.98. $550.00


10. Hammond, Edward Payson.

The Jewish Actor.

Dublin: Dublin Tract Society, 1870. 24 pages. 11 x 7 cm. Jewish actor abandons his religion and converts to Christianity, which we can assume is a happy and productive ending for the Reverend Hammond. Edward Payson Hammond was a celebrity preacher — a Billy Graham of his day. He is much less well-known in the America. OCLC: 13024320. Bright, clean copy. Orig. beige decorated wrappers. Near fine. Pamphlet.        $125.00


11. Heath, Henry (Illustrator).

A complete Turn-Out among the Cabinet-Makers.

London: S.W. Fores, 1827. First printing. 13.5 x 9.5 inches. Hand colored engraved print. Coloring sharp and bright. The Duke of Wellington and Sir Robert Peel refuse to serve in the Canning cabinet. Description: "A turn out took place on the first of April in the above shop in consequence of the Master taking on a new and clever foreman who however is not in very high favor with the refractory workmen; The Ringleader who has been in the Army & is known as a turblent fellow, we believe has been urged on by an old, and obstinate workman who is an enemy to all exhortations on the old regulations of the Trade. As for the remaining Malcontents their loss will not be regretted, being at best but indifferent Workmen." As the characters on the left urge them to be off, Wellington says "I will never serve such a Journeyman." Small loss at lower left corner, upper margin repaired. DICTIONARY OF BRITISH BOOK ILLUSTRATORS AND CARICATURISTS p.337. Very good.       $200.00

[RARE 1828/1829 EDITION]

12. Holmes, Oliver Wendell.

Songs Of The Class Of 1829 [Printed for the use of the Class only]

Original Printed Cream Wrappers. Boston: Prentiss and Sawyer, 1854 (18.5 x 12 cm.). A fine copy of the exceedingly rare first edition -- copy of six leaves that presented five poems, three of which by Holmes, and others including S.F. Smith, the author of "My Country Tis of Thee." This copy is enhanced by the following three associated pieces: [1] Harvard University. Cambridge Order of Performances For Exhibition, Tuesday, April 28, 1829. Cambridge: Printed by E.W. Metcalf and Co. 1829. Four pages. [2] Harvard University, Cambridge. Order of Performances for Exhibition, Tuesday, April 28, 1828. 4 pages as issued. Number 7 in the Order of Exercises announces "A Poem. Forgotten Ages, by Oliver Wendell Holmes." [3] A card of Admission to the Supper of the Class, reading: Class of 1829. "Admit the Bearer to the Class Supper," etc. Dated August 26, 1829. The Order of Exercises For Commencement No.14 "A Forensic Disputation," notes James Humphrey Wilder, Hingham as a contributor. Hand written envelope belonging to latter also enclosed. BAL 8766. Gilt lettered half morocco and red cloth clamshell box with silk moire chemise. Near fine. $4,850.00


12A. Lobel-Riche, Almery (Illustrator) psuedonym of RICHE ALMERIC.

Le Journal d'une Femme de Chambre by Octave Mirbeau [The Journal of a Chambermaid].

Paris: Javal et Bourdeaux, 1926. 310 pages. 33 x 26 cm. Limited edition, copy 111 of 180 plus (15 copies reserved for La Societe Des Medecins Bibliophiles) printed on velin des papeteries d'arches, illustrated with a host of etchings in three states by Lobel-Riche. Printed in red and black in Della Robbia type, original wrappers bound-in, front cover darkened. Originally published 1900 during the Dreyfus Affair. Mirbeau, an anarchist had wide public as well as literary and artistic avant-garde appeal both as a journalist and novelist. As an art critic he espoused the work of Rodin, Monet, Pissarro, Gauguin, Renoir and Bonnard, and was an early advocate of Van Gogh. This novel like Dreiser's, SISTER CARRIE published the same year was also considered decadent; it defied the hypocritical rules of convention, Celestine the main character in this novel is assigned a succession of degrading roles by a society the author despised. Raised bands, gilt spine lettering, inner dentelles in art deco style, marbled endpapers. Text in French. A very fresh and bright copy. Full brown morocco. Teg. Fine. $2,250.00


13. Malton, James.

An Essay On British Cottage Architecture: Being An Attempt to perpetuate to perpetuate on Principle, that peculiar mode of Building, which was originally the effect of Chance.

London: Hookham and Carpenter et al, 1798. First edition. 27 pages in text. 33 x 27 c m. Twenty-one sepia engraved aquatint plates illustrate fourteen designs for rustic retreats, some showing variations of window treatment and surface finishes with the same basic form. MILLARD 42. "Malton had succumbed, deeply, to the influence of Uvalde Price....he was unwilling to accept Dr. Johnson's definition of the cottage as `a mean habitation,' regarding it rather a a hallowed sanctuary......a symbol of a particularly British tradition, to be upheld and preserved at all costs." Malton also made a plea, surprisingly early for preservation, noting, unless protected they will exist "no where but on the canvas of the painter." His designs set the image of the picturesque dwelling that was to survive as the popular ideal in England for a hundred years or more. ABBEY LIFE 34. ARCHER 197.1 "Malton presented this series of 14 designs "to those Nobleman and Gentlemen of taste." COLTON p.535. "These two book [this title and a Collection of Designs for Rural Retreats] establish Malton as a pioneer of the cottage orne." Minor spotting, dampstain to bottom lower corner of most plates are marginal not affecting images, some marginal toning to plates, contemporary owner inscription on half-title dated 1800. Modern quarter brown morocco and marbled boards. Very good.      $2,400.00


13A. Martial, A.-P. [Potemont, Adolphe Theodore Jules Martial].

Exposition Universelle de Paris en 1878.

Paris: Vve A. Cadart, 1878. First edition. Folio, 48 x 34 cm, Inscribed and signed by Martial on the etched title page. 48 etched india proof plates with descriptive text mounted to stiff paper. Each plate about 6 1/2 x 5 inches. This exposition, larger in scale than any previous covered some 66 acres. More than 13 million people paid to attend, making it a great financial success. The French exhibit filled one half of the entire space, the United Kingdom occupied one third. Alexander Graham Bell's telephone was on display, as was Thomas Edison's megaphone and phonograph. On June 30, 1878 the completed head of the Statue of Liberty was showcased in the garden of the Trocadero Palace. There are two separate images of the latter herein. Another advance consisted of low cost temporary building materials for statues and exhibit structures invented two years earlier in Paris -- consisting of jute fiber, plaster of paris and cement. Interior contents clean and fresh, gilt front cover lettering. Both a fine etcher and painter, Martial studied under Cogniet and Felix Brissot. He was a regularly invited exhibitor at the prestigious Paris Salon from 1846 to 1882. By 1865 etching dominated almost all his creative output [see: (Potemont) BRYAN Vol. IV, p.148]. OCLC lists one entry: Bibliotheque Nationale De France. Interior contents clean and fresh, gilt front cover lettering, marbled endpapers. Three quarter brown morocco, original red aubergine cloth recased with original leather spine label laid-down. Teg. Near fine.      $2,995.00


14. McGregor, Dion.

The Dream World Of Dion McGregor (He Talks In His Sleep) Illustrated by Edward Gorey.

New York: Bernard Geis Associates, 1964. First edition. 213 pages. 21.5 x 14.5 cm. Front cover illustrated by Gorey. "A strange balloon voyage through fleets of sharp-billed storks -- a wild on a trained flea and a classroom full of nude artists." Orig. salmon cloth spine, illustrated yellow board. Near fine in sharp, clean dust wrapper with slight loss at spine foot. $175.00


15. Morel, Francois et al.

Nouva collezione di vedute di Roma, antiche e moderne, con alcune in pianta, alzato, e sezione, e le migliori statue in piccolo, che si trovano nelle galerie, chiese, musei, e piazze.

Roma: Presso Piale, ca 1800. Unpaginated. 20.5 x 26.5 cm. Two large folding maps. Engraved title page, and 53 plates on 52 leaves. Many of the plates are by François Morel, the earliest having dates 1775 and 1776; the remainder are by Domenico Pronti, François Soufflot, P.A. Paris, G.B. Piranesi, and others. Engravings are sharp, bright and clean as are the two folding plates. A few plates of obelisks and medallions with slight toning at head of last two leaves. LC :21057945. Contemporary brown marbled boards, decorated leather spine labels printed in gilt. Very good.       $1,995.00


16. Myfanwy Thomas & Roland Grant.

The Diary of Edward Thomas 1 January - 8 April 1917 With eight wood engravings by Hellmouth Weissenborn.

Andoversford, Gloucestershire: Whittington Press, 1997. First edition. 32 pages. 25.5 x 17 cm. Review copy [575 copies hand-set in Caslon on Arches mould-made paper]. A London poet who died who died one day after Easter Sunday on April 8, 1917. The diary covers his private life and after his enlistment during World War I. Paid tribute here by his son. Two-toned red cloth backstrip lettered in gilt. Fine in fine matching slipcase. $150.00


17. Nathan, Leonard.

The Matchmaker's Lament And Other Astonishments Drawings By Leonard Baskin * Poems By Leonard Nathan.

Northampton: The Gehenna Press, 1962. First edition. Unpaginated. 28.5 x 21 cm. Printer's Copy noted by Baskin "Harold: picture printer from Leonard: type printer 1968." Laid-in an extra sheet off leaves five through six (four pages). Label on front cover pastedown of Nancy E. Hugo. As new copy. Brown boards. Fine in clear acetate cover. $350.00

[ONE OF 26]

18. New York.

Tinken Editions. An Angler's Alphabet.

New York: Tinken Editions, 2000. First edition. 70 pages. 25 x 25 cm. Copy F in an edition of twenty six with two artist's proofs. Each letter of the alphabet is set in wood type in various colors; printed on Zerkall mould-paper. Illustrations are pochoir stencils, the edition bound by Carolyn Chadwick. Each page printed recto only contains an illustrated letter of the alphabet with an image. A charming alphabestiary for the angler with a jumping trout pochoir illustration on the cover. Three quarter black cloth, yellow pictorial boards with spine lettered in gilt. Fine in fine salmon colored cloth slipcase. $925.00


19. Pain, William.

The Practical Builder, Or Workman's General Assistant; Shewing the most Approved and Easy Methods for Drawing and Working the Whole or Separate Part of any Building, et al.

London: I. Taylor, 1778. New and Revised edition. [5] [7] & unpaginated pages. 27 x 22 cm. With 83 engraved plates printed on quality laid paper. Most images printed recto only. Originally published 1774, this was one of the major 18th century pattern books. It was reprinted in Boston in 1792. This and Pain’s other works served as design sources not only for architects and builders, but also for cabinetmakers and carvers. Pain wrote many pattern-books which disseminated the Adam style. He was the father of James, George Richard, and Henry Pain, all pupils of Nash. James (17791877) and George Richard (17931838), assisted for a time by Henry, became successful architects and builders in Ireland. COLVIN.1995. Upside down signature on last page with small signature of David Howell's age 20 years. Raised bands, leather spine label printed in gilt. Modern three quarter brown morocco and marbled boards. Near fine. $950.00


20. Picasso, Pablo & Luis Miguel Dominguin.

Toros Y Toreros Texte De Luis Miguel Dominguin * Etude De Georges Boudaille.

Paris: Cercle d'Art, 1961. First edition. 32 text pages. Folio, 36 x 27.5 cm. Spanish text translated to French by George Franck. Brilliant copy of Picasso sketchbooks done in 1959. Myriad of black and white and full page color lithographs. The son of a matador of the same name, Dominguín was a child prodigy, appearing at age 10 in professional arenas with small bulls. What is likely the case is that modern bullfighting hails from a confluence of influences, rituals, and cultures, many of which are thousands of years old. The fluid images of Picasso in multi-colors and black and white are a testament to his imagination. Orig. white cloth decorated in a myriad of colors front and back covers. Fine in fine illustrated slipcase.      $2,000.00


21. Portland. Bailey & Noyes.

The Columbian Riddler, or Entertaining Puzzle Book. 7th series, no. 4.

Portland: Bailey & Noyes, 1800's. First printing. 16 pages. 10 x 6.5 cm. Illustrated. Two pages of Conundrums -- "What occupation has the sun." Answer. "A Tanner." OCLC: 612682507. Reasonably clean copy. Light green illustrated paper wrappers. Very good. Pamphlet.      $125.00


22. Publius Terentius Afar.


Birmingham: Baskerville, 1772. 364 pages. 28.5 x 23 cm. Publius Terentius Afar better known in English as Terence was a playwright during the Roman Republic. He was the author of six comedies based on Greek originals. His plays form the basis for of the modern comedy of manners. First Baskerville edition. Exceptionally clean, fresh copy without fault. Raised bands spine panels in gilt motifs. ESTC T137489. GASKELL 47. Three quarter modern navy blue morocco blue cloth. Aeg. Fine. (#24226)       $525.00


23. Rackham, Arthur (Illustrator).

Aesop's Fables A New Translation By V.S. Vernon Jones With An Introduction By G.K. Chesterton.

London & New York: William Heinemann & Doubleday, Page, 1912. 224 pages, 29.5 x 24 cm. Limited edition, copy 1135 of 1450, signed by Rackham. Thirteen mounted color plates with lettered tissue guards, and 53 drawings in black and white. LATIMORE & HASKELL p.38-39. Text generally clean, a few margins or corners toned. Recased in light gray cloth spine and marbled boards. Teg. Fine. $1,850.00


24. Ritson, Joseph (editor, 1752-1803) & Francois Douce (compiler, 1757-1834).

Gammer Gurton's Garland: or, the Nursery Parnassus. A Choice Collection of Pretty Songs and Verses, for the Amusement of All Little Good Children Who Can Neither Read Nor Run.

London: Harding and Wright, 1810. First edition. (2) 46 pages. 20 x 13.5 cm. First complete collected edition, the earliest known printing of “Humpty Dumpty” and “Little Bo-peep.” Parts I and II of this edition were collected by the antiquarian and pioneering animal rights activist Joseph Ritson, who is best known for editing one of the first official collections of Robin Hood ballads in 1795. Parts III and IV were taken from fellow antiquarian and museum curator Francis Douce’s MS annotations in his personal copy of the 1784 edition of Garlands, and generally maintain the rhyme scheme from the earlier parts. This 1810 collection expands on the earlier edition by including some of the most famous nursery rhymes like, “Humpty Dumpty” and “Little Bo-peep” in the later parts. OPIE. 30. BRONSON, J.R. Scholar-at-Arms, pp. 756-57. Small owner signature second free endpaper dated 1829. Contents clean save for one centimeter at margin heads last four leaves. Rebacked, brown cloth spine and marbled boards, spine lettered in gilt. Fine. $1,200.00


25. Singer, Samuel Weller.

Researches Into the History Of Playing Cards; With Illustrations Of The Origin of Printing And Engraving On Wood.

London: By T. Bensley And Son For Robert Triphook, 1816. First edition. [XVI], 373 [3] pages. 27 x 22 cm. Limited edition, one of 250 copies. Eleven engraved, and eight color woodcuts, woodcuts within the text, some on india paper, plus two additional hand colored plates titled, "Origine des Cartes A Jourer," illustrating and describing the four face cards and the ten: the Kings noted as Alexandre, David, Cesar and Charlemagne: clubs, spades, diamonds and hearts respectively & "Notice Historique et rasionnee des Noms donnes aux Cartes," the latter plate highlighted in gold. Errata slip. Index. BIGMORE & WYMAN II, p. 362. "Only 150 copies printed......It is a thoroughly good book, Section ii. being of especial interest to the lover of early typography." Minor toning and offsetting, mostly marginal to non color illustrations, elegant binding: covers paneled with gilt rule, surrounding a single interlocking frame and lozenge, gilt floral corner pieces, interior dentelles, marbled endpapers, spine with raised bands, panels richly gilt, extremities rubbed. Contemporary full straight grained black morocco. Aeg. Very good.     $3,995.00