----JULY 2024 EDITION----

Hello fellow Alamo Ranchers,


Thank you to those who have come out to the events that myself and the social committee put on for the community. We put a lot of effort into them and it's nice to see people enjoying them. If you want to help out and join the committee send me an email. 

I hope everyone who has gone to the pool the last couple weeks has enjoyed the brisk cool water! The pool chiller is doing it's job very well. Money well spent if you ask me. 

Fourth of July is coming quick and I just want to remind everyone to lock up their pets so they don't get scared and run off during all the noise of the fireworks. 

The road closure in Santa Maria is temporary but if you would like to voice your opinion about whether you'd like the road back open please email council.district6@sanantonio.gov And tell Councilmember Melissa Cabello Havrda what you'd like to see happen. 

The ARCA board approved the Our Savior Lutheran church to host a three day VBS Soccer camp in July. This is for ARCA residents, they're not permitted to have a competitive game and they wont be wearing cleats on the field. So don't worry about the field getting torn up. If you would like to sign your child up there is a flier down below. 

I know I sound like a broken record but we're still waiting on the city to approve our permit to clear the few trees for the multipurpose court. I will make an announcement when it goes through. 

I hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th of July. 

Of course, if you have any questions please feel free to email me.

Jordan Wagner

Association President


We are introducing Flamingo Friday at the office! Please stop by to show your flamingo gear, and get a chance to Fla-mingle with the team!

REGISTER for E-Statements
All new residents must complete an amenity usage agreement and all tenants must submit their current lease agreement in conjunction to the amenity form. Documents can be submitted in person or sent to arcainfo@ccmcnet.com
Amenity Form

Free Registration for Our Savior's Soccer Camp, starts July 16th-18th from 6pm-8pm. Use the button below to register!

Our Savior Soccer Camp
  • Road Closure on Autumn Mist, please use the button below to voice your concerns, and questions or use the information in the flyer as well.
Autumn Mist Closure
Please select one of the answer choices
Not Interested

The office will be closed 7/4/2024. We will be open normal office hours Friday 7/5/2024.

Join us each Tuesday during pool season for Popsicles at the Pool from 12:00 - 2:00 pm

There is so RSVP for this weekly event, and popsicles are while supplies last, so come early to enjoy a sweet treat with us.

Schnitzel Box

07.18.2024 | 4pm-8pm

B-Daddy's BBQ

07.25.2024 | 4pm-8pm

  • Put in your ARC Applications here
  • If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the office at 210-740-4976

Friendly Reminder

Our community standards are enforced by Maryah Parker. Community compliance officers will never knock on the door of any resident property for any HOA compliance enforcement. All communication will either be preformed in office, over email, or telephonically.

Q3 2024 Assessments are due no later than JULY 30th of 2024.

Payments can be made by written check submitted to the office, online by logging on to ccmcnet.com, or by bill pay associated with your personal bank.
For Bill Pay, please use the following address:
PO Box 93327 Las Vegas, NV 89193-3327

**REMINDER** We officially changed banks in August 2023. Please make sure you have made all necessary changes to your payments. Late fees will not be waived.
This map contains the areas managed and maintained by the Alamo Ranch Property Ownership Association or ARPOA.

The ARPOA is a separate entity that manages property within the Alamo Ranch area and is not included in the Homeowners Associations within the surrounding communities.

Surrounding communities are ARCA, The Preserves, Hill Country Retreat, and Santa Maria.

Community Manager
Perry McLaurin

Compliance Coordinator
Maryah Parker

Administrative Assisstant
Sydney Mauser

Facilities Maintenance
Armando Ortiz

Association Office

12160 Volunteer Parkway

(210) 740-4976

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday

9:00 am to 6:00 pm


9:00 am to 5:00 pm

After Hours Association Emergency

1 (800) 274-3165

Alamo Ranch Community Association is professionally managed by