A National Philanthropic sorority focusing on art, literature, music and speech & hearing.

Hello {First Name},

A Message from National President Mickie Hansen

(Spoken from the podium at National Convention)

Thank you, Taffy, for sharing those kind words, and thank you all for being here with us today.

I’m truly blessed and honored to be your next National President. My goal is to perform this job to the best of my ability through active listening and communication with all of you, and by collaborating with National Council to make the best decisions possible for our organization. I would also like to thank our Past National Presidents and share how proud I am to be part of a long tradition of exceptional women, and then to thank our National Council Members for their unwavering support over the past few years.

Growing up in southern Indiana I spent a lot of time with my grandparents, and through them I learned the value of hard work; to never give up no matter what life throws at you and that faith and family are the most important things in life.

I’m fortunate to have my family in attendance today: my husband Rusty, Father-in-law Bob, and grandchildren Mia, and Hunter are joining me via Facetime, my daughter Kara, my son Kolin, my cousin Amy, and her husband Mack, my best friend Tracie, her daughter Annie, and her husband Garrett. Thank you for attending and supporting me. My chapter sisters are also in attendance.

I learned early in life that I needed to be grateful and to appreciate what I had. There were a lot of times growing up when I wished for life to be different, but life has a way of bringing you back to the path meant for you.

A mentor shared with me when I was about to venture out on a new path to make sure that I surrounded myself with good people. To seek them out, that they will be there to help me in my journey, and she was right.

When I transferred into the Upsilon Chapter of Psi Iota Xi 30 years ago, I had no idea where the journey would take me, but here I am. I would not be here without their support, guidance, and encouragement. It has been a wonderful, exciting adventure with my chapter sisters.

I’d like to share this quote from Abraham Lincoln that inspires me and guides me in my work with Psi Iota Xi: “The past is your lesson, the present is your gift, but the future is your motivation. The best way to predict your future is to create it.”

Our past is always present in our lives; it shapes and molds us. Who I am today came from the values my grandparents taught me as a child, and from the encouragement I received from a friend to surround myself with like-minded people who shared my values, interests, and goals. The purpose of Psi Iota Xi has always been to keep this community of women together striving to make a difference by introducing cultural experiences into our communities through Art, Literature and Music.

“Share the Past, Experience Our Future” will be our convention theme in 2025. For the past 127 years we’ve done an amazing job of Sharing the Past. That was visible in our District Officer PowerPoint Presentations on Elsie Sweeney, The Hoosier Art Salon, and our relationship with Riley Children’s Hospital, but the future is our motivation, and our future is bright!

As National Vice President, one of my responsibilities was to review our membership numbers, and as I begin to speak to you about our future, I would be remiss if I did not mention that our membership numbers have continued to decrease over the years. This is something that we need to be mindful of, especially when it comes to funding our national projects down the road. However, over the past two years we have initiated 161 new members. I am hopeful that you are discovering new ways to attract members, and that our membership will continue an upward trend moving forward.

Another way we’ve shown our future is bright is by sticking together and surviving the pandemic when numerous other organizations could not sustain themselves. Several chapters discovered Zoom meetings and are continuing to Zoom or call into meetings instead of missing them to this day. We discovered that we can be present wherever we are. We’ve had someone attend a meeting on their cell phone while sitting in the parking lot at Walmart. You don’t miss anything, and you don’t feel left out.

Due to supply and demand, some chapters had to decrease the number of fundraisers. By doing so they have discovered they aren’t feeling so burnt out from selling so much, and they’ve started to enjoy the company of their sisters again instead of their meetings and socials just feeling like it’s all work. You have reported an increase in some of your fundraising efforts because others are purchasing your items from Facebook. That is Awesome, and a great way to support each other.

Our future is bright because some of you are thinking long-term and have created legacies in your communities. A legacy is about learning from the past, living in the present, and building for the future. In 2020 my chapter celebrated 100 years of serving our community, but a few years prior to that, after hosting the 2016 Indiana State Meeting, we decided to establish an Endowment Fund. Our chapter felt that it was important for Psi Iota Xi to leave a permanent legacy in our community. Our goal is to build this endowment so that one day it will financially support our speech and hearing clinics.

Our national organization received a monetary gift enabling us to purchase a certificate of deposit. When the time is right, we will invest the money to grow long-term savings that will feed into our Project Fund to continue to support our worthwhile projects.

The best way to predict your chapter’s future is to create it, through increasing membership, strengthening the relationships between your chapter sisters, and establishing a legacy in your community that will live on into the future.

As we go through this next year together, I would be honored to attend your chapter’s activities, so please think of me if your chapter is celebrating a milestone or if you could use an extra pair of hands with a fundraiser. I will make every attempt to be present if I can. 

The Upsilon chapter is thrilled to invite you to the 2025 National Convention in Indianapolis. We will spend the weekend getting back to our roots of Art, Literature and Music. The Sheraton Hotel located at Keystone Crossing recently completed a ten-million-dollar renovation, and they are looking forward to welcoming Psi Iota Xi back.

Thank you again for all that you do in the name of Psi Iota Xi.

Mickie Hansen

National President

Upsilon, Greenfield, IN

President's Introduction

(Spoken from the podium at National Convention)

I have the great privilege of introducing someone to you that I have come to love dearly as a sister, a team-mate, a co-conspirator, and especially a best friend! When I say to you that I don’t know what I would have done without her for the last eight years, I really mean it…she is the voice of reason when things get crazy, but also the crazy when things get boring! 


We met at the 2015 National Convention when we were both installed as District Officers on National Council. She came up to me all bubbly and introduced herself and I thought “How am I ever going to keep up with that ball of energy?” But that moment started a friendship that I will cherish forever! 

She is so funny! Oh, so funny! She dances, sings, and thoroughly entertains us! She wakes us up with songs on National Council weekends! If you need a funny skit, she is your girl!


She has a long history with Psi Iota Xi. In 1994, she joined the Beta Kappa Chapter in Bloomfield, IN. When her husband Rusty took a job in Greenfield in 1995, she transferred to the Upsilon Chapter thinking that it would be a great way to meet people in her new community. After serving several years at chapter officer positions, she got a call from Brenda Fisher in 2012 with the request that she serve as the Indiana State Treasurer. The same year that her chapter hosted the State Meeting in Greenfield, she got a call from Brenda Bonner to join National Council as SE District Officer. Out of the 30 years that she has been a Psi Ote, eleven of those years have been spent in leadership positions. That is truly impressive!

The year she was installed as the National Project Chair, she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer! She did not miss a beat while going through intensive cancer treatments and kept her signature sense of humor the whole time! I remember so clearly her determination not to miss any important sorority events! Sometimes that meant having a treatment, taking a little nap, and then heading out to wherever she needed to be! She was fearless and a hero to all of us who witnessed it!

Her chapter loves and admires her so much that they recently voted her their Psi Ote of the Year Award. While they realized they couldn’t nominate her for the National Psi Ote of the Year because of her position on National Council, they felt it was important to recognize her contributions to their chapter and the broader Psi Ote community! I would like to read a few excerpts from their lovely tribute!

“It is with great pleasure that the Upsilon chapter recognizes this sister for the 2023-2024 Psi Ote of the Year Award. She has exemplified unwavering dedication to the mission of Psi Iota Xi, and her contributions have been nothing short of extraordinary.

This sister has been an integral part of our chapter, demonstrating exceptional leadership qualities and a profound commitment to our organizational goals. Whenever there is a question on how to do something correctly, we oftentimes find ourselves looking to her wisdom and experience. 

Her passion for Psi Iota Xi is evident in every aspect of her involvement, and her impact has been felt not only with our chapter but also on a state and national level.

As a testament to her dedication, she has most recently served as the National Vice President, showcasing her leadership abilities and her deep understanding of Psi Iota Xi’s values and objectives. Her tireless efforts have helped shape the direction of our organization and have inspired countless members to become more involved and dedicated to our cause.

One of our chapter members beautifully summed up this sister’s commitment by saying, “She is Wonder Woman. She dedicates so much of her time to sorority on top of running a household, taking care of in-laws, taking care of her grandkids and kids. She eats, sleeps, and breathes Psi Iota Xi.” This quote truly captures the immense sacrifices she has made to ensure the success of Psi Iota Xi, and her unwavering dedication serves as an inspiration to us all.”

She is always there for her Psi Ote sisters, no matter what! I remember one time that she talked to me all the way home from a chapter visit that I was making far from home. It was late at night and a long drive, and I was having trouble seeing on those dark country roads. She talked to me the whole time to make sure I was safe! She is truly my sister!

Occasionally, you meet someone who makes you want to be a better version of yourself and for me that is our next National President, my sister, Mickie Hansen!

Taffy Day

National Vice-President

Omega, Lebanon, IN

Inspire, Encourage, Support, Grow

(Spoken from the podium at National Convention)

You know our organization is 127 years old. Without these ladies in front of me and their guidance we wouldn’t have ever reached it. Thank you, ladies, for all you’ve done. Each one of you is very special to me.

It’s ironic when I joined National Council it was right here at this convention center, and now here we are again as I step down. I’m leaving with a lot of great memories and several new sisters.

I stand before you because of the love and support of some very special people: my husband Herb, my family and my Zeta Gamma sisters. They have been my biggest supporters. Thank you, Cathy, for appointing me as Southwest District Officer, Brenda for having faith in me when I didn’t have it myself, and to Connie for appointing me to the executive board.

You wonder as you’re serving in the different offices if you’re making a difference. I hope and pray that I made some. Just take a moment to think of the differences we make in so many lives. Think about our fields of endeavor: Art, Music, Literature and Speech and Hearing. Each scholarship touches a lot of lives, each book we provide may instill an avid reader. Who knows where that will lead?

I hope you are blessed with longtime friends that prop you up, make you laugh, pray for you and hold you close. Sometimes sisters know what you need before you do. Treasure these friendships because they don’t come around every day.

I love Mother Teresa so I’m going to close with this. She says “I can do things you cannot, and you can do things I cannot. Together we can do great things and we can do small things with great love.

Thanks for allowing me the privilege to serve you.

Pax Vobiscum

Maureen "Mo" Dix, PNP

Zeta Gamma, Fort Branch, IN


National Psi Ote

of the Year

National Conductress, Valerie Helms-Mejia (left) presented Patricia "Pat" Brunt, Beta Zeta, Summitville, IN, the National Psi Ote of the Year award at the 2024 National Convention.

(Spoken from the podium at National Convention)

As National Conductress, one of my duties is to chair the Psi Ote of the Year or POOTY committee. I don’t know about you, but it took me a time or 2 to figure out that POOTY was Psi Ote of the Year!

I had a wonderful committee this year that worked very hard to choose just the right sister for the 2024 Psi Ote of the Year. I would like to introduce you to the committee:

  • Susie Lewis, Past National President
  • Lauren Huyvaert, Northeast District Officer
  • Melissa Cooper, West Central District Officer
  • Jane Patton, Southwest District Officer
  • Terri Resler, National Editor

Thank you, sisters, for all your time and dedication to this committee and the selection process. I would also like to extend a big thank you to all 21 chapters who submitted sisters for consideration. All the nominees were amazing! I am so excited to tell you about our 2024 Psi Ote of the Year! I think the best way to do that is to read the beautiful words written by one of her chapter sisters.

“Our Chapter’s nominee for the 2024 Psi Ote of the Year Award is a member who demonstrates loyalty, service, cooperation, and experience in supporting the aims of Psi Iota Xi. She is the longest Active member of our chapter and has been serving our chapter and our goals in the community for 62 continuous years. She has encouraged, positively suggested, and participated in our decisions and pursuits while supporting us, her family, and countless students throughout her teaching career.   


Her Chapter involvement in 2023-24 is constant and dependable. As we began our 23-24 year, her work on our “Member Recruitment” committee was key to our initiation of 3 new members. She was involved from the writing of the first “outreach letter” to the night of initiation when she served as our Installing Officer. (She has taken on that role several times for our chapter since our past National Officer was no longer available to us.) This year, she has again served as Recording & Corresponding Secretary, Convalescent Center Chairman, budget committee member, and as a meeting hostess in November. Her attendance during this year was 100%, which is usual. She volunteers for adult tutoring and math at our local library. She also delivers Communion to appropriate residents at the local convalescent center, each Sunday as needed. She is identified as a Psi Iota Xi member, (aka “one of those cheeseball ladies”) in her multiple acts of chapter outreach and service.

She is always willing to substitute for an officer who cannot host or perform a task, especially as Recording or Corresponding Secretary, or by conducting a business meeting when needed.    She is always willing, if possible, to attend the National Convention as a delegate when she is needed to fill that important role. She is a true “veteran” of Psi Iota Xi procedures, interests, and Convention business meetings. She gives her time and talents generously, as she has done, for her 62 years as our chapter’s example of “sisterhood,” loyalty, and dedication to us.      


Her Psi Ote examples of promoting cheer and enriching lives is through serving as chairman of our local convalescent center project. This involves organizing and playing domino games with residents and organizing and delivering our chapter Christmas philanthropy to the center. She gathers information about needed gifts for each resident and then involves each member to supply the appropriate gifts with suggestions for both men and women residents. She always provides Christmas cards and prompts us to sign and send messages to our Honorary Retired members. 

Her Psi Ote values of service and philanthropy extend to her faith. She serves her Catholic Parish by delivering Communion to Shut-ins, every weekend. She volunteers as a tutor at the parish school for students in Pre-K to grade 8. She serves on the finance council and volunteers at funeral dinners, at meals for migrant families, and other jobs as needed. We nominate her with thankful hearts for her service and loyalty.”

It is my honor to introduce the 2024 Psi Ote of the Year from the Beta Zeta Chapter in Summitville, IN, Patricia “Pat “Brunt!!!   Congratulations on this well-deserved honor Pat!

Valerie Helms-Mejia

National Conductress

Alpha, Muncie

National Project Award Winners

Largest Amount Per Capita for All Music Projects

NE – Alpha Eta, Bluffton, $439.09 Per Capita  

NW – Gamma Beta, Remington

EC – Zeta Beta, Anderson

WC – Gamma Nu, Brownsburg

SE – Beta Sigma, Austin

SW – Beta Beta, Sullivan


Largest Amount Per Capita for Fine Arts Projects

NE – Alpha Eta, Bluffton

NW – Beta Alpha, Flora, $700.00 Per Capita

EC – Zeta Beta, Anderson

WC – Eta Delta, Carmel

SE – Alpha Omega, North Vernon

SW – Alpha Omicron, Vincennes


Largest Amount Given to All Cultural Projects

NE – Beta Gamma, Peru

NW – Beta Alpha, Flora

EC – Alpha Phi, Fortville      

WC – Eta Delta, Carmel

SE – Epsilon, Columbus

SW – Zeta, Bloomington, $19,150.00

Largest Amount Given to Literature/Literacy Projects

NE – Phi, Huntington

NW – Beta Alpha, Flora, $14,377.49

EC – Alpha Phi, Fortville

WC – Beta Tau, Frankfort

SE – Epsilon, Columbus

SW – Zeta Mu, Jasper

Largest Amount Per Capita for Literature/Literacy Projects

NE – Phi, Huntington

NW – Beta Alpha, Flora, $718.87 Per Capita 

EC – Alpha Phi, Fortville

WC – Gamma Nu, Brownsburg

SE – Epsilon, Columbus

SW – Zeta Mu, Jasper


Largest Amount Per Capita for Speech and Hearing Projects

NE – Alpha Delta, Decatur

NW – Chi, Brookston

EC – Gamma Alpha, Portland

WC – Gamma Xi, Crawfordsville

SE – Iota, Rushville, $846.15 Per Capita

SW – Alpha Omicron, Vincennes


Largest Amount Per Capita for Other Projects – Community Outreach

NE – Pi, Fort Wayne, $1,925.69 Per Capita

NW – Beta Alpha, Flora

EC – Beta Zeta, Summitville

WC – Beta Tau, Frankfort

SE –Alpha Omega, North Vernon

SW – Zeta, Bloomington


Largest Amount Per Capita to All Philanthropic Projects

NE – Pi, Fort Wayne

NW – Beta Alpha, Flora, $2,525.29 Per Capita

EC – Alpha Phi, Fortville

WC – Gamma Xi, Crawfordsville

SE – Iota, Rushville

SW – Alpha Omicron, Vincennes


Largest Amount Given to a Single Project

NE – Pi, Fort Wayne, $44,260.00

NW – Beta Alpha, Flora

EC – Alpha, Muncie

WC – Gamma Xi, Crawfordsville

SE – Iota, Rushville

SW – Zeta Mu, Jasper

Convention Highlights

Southwest District

Happy Summer, Sisters!

My name is Erin Schroering, and I am pleased to start my journey as your new Southwest District Officer. I grew up as a Psi Ote kid, being toted to pumpkin judging contests, the cheeseball stand at the Ferdinand Christkindlmarkt, flower planting endeavors around the community, and breakfast with the Easter Bunny! I officially became an Iota Lambda member in 2012 after graduating from ISU (Go Trees!), moving back home to Ferdinand, IN and starting a career at MasterBrand Cabinets. I always look forward to my chapter’s monthly meetings, girls' night out in July, taster's party with bunco playing in January, and hanging out with my sisters at our volunteer and fundraising activities held throughout the year.

As I'm sure many of you also experience, mixing the daily demands of work, non-profit organizations, and the family schedule (I have two kids ages 8 & 5 and a wonderful husband) can make life pretty hectic. However, I can't imagine my life without the support from my sorority sisters (including my mother) and the energy I get back from knowing how much good we pour into our community and state and national levels through Psi Iota Xi! It makes the hectic-ness well worth it.

Convention sure was a refreshing weekend to learn new things and meet new sisters! I look forward to beginning my duties as your district officer. Several of you will be hearing from me directly as I look to schedule chapter visits and learn more about what unique things your respective chapters bring to the Psi Ote table of plenty! Give me a shout if you have an upcoming event or fundraiser. I'd love to support by attending, sharing a Facebook post, or saying a simple prayer that it goes well. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, concerns, or just want to say hello!

May you and your family have a fantastic and safe summer!

Erin Schroering

Southwest District Officer

Iota Lambda, Ferdinand, IN

Welcome New Sisters!

Theta Delta, Bremen, IN, welcomed new member Sheila Reed.

Allie Smallwood, Cassidy Sheehan, and Deanna Herendeen were welcomed into Phi, Huntington, IN.

Beta Psi, Delphi, IN, initiated Sara Leahy into their circle of sisters.

Lauren Robbins is the newest member of Upsilon, Greenfield, IN. She is pictured with the ritual team.

Alpha Iota, Richmond, IN, grew by two after Sarah Gray and Cindy Langhorst joined their chapter.

Chi, Brookston, IN, recently welcomed new sister, Nancy Maganelles.

Indiana State Association

July 4th

National Council and Email

National Council is available to talk with Chapters and members if any questions or concerns arise. Please don't hesitate to reach out to National Council if they can assist you.

Contact us at:  info@psiiotaxi.org.

Fundraiser & Event Invitations

Have you ever wished you could invite all Psi Ote sisters to your chapter's fundraiser or special event? Your chapter Helicon articles detail all the amazing events and fundraising activities you accomplish in your individual chapters and communities. Now we'd like to offer chapters the opportunity to submit invitations to their events and fundraisers via the monthly newsletter by emailing them to janepatton@psiiotaxi.org.

Electronic money transfer apps like Venmo plus virtual platforms like Facebook Live make it possible for even our most distant sisters to participate in another chapter's fundraisers with ease. You can support your sisters across the organization, and you might even get a few ideas for your own chapter!

Convention Invitations

Convention 2025

Convention 2025 will be hosted by Upsilon Chapter, Greenfield, Indiana, June 27-29, 2025

The Sheraton Hotel is located on the north side of Indianapolis at Keystone at the Crossing. More information will be forthcoming on rooms.

Convention 2026

Convention 2026 will be hosted by Omega, Lebanon, IN.

Convention 2027

Convention 2027 will be hosted by Theta Kappa, Edon, OH.

National Council

National President

Mickie Hansen, Upsilon

National Vice President

Taffy Day, Omega

National Secretary

Sandie Carlson, Theta Kappa

National Treasurer

Mona Knight, Iota Theta

National Project Chair

Terri Resler, Alpha Psi

National Advisor

Rhonda McNall-Crisenbery, Theta Theta

National Conductress

Valerie Helms-Mejia, Alpha

National Editor

Jane Patton, Alpha Omicron

Northeast District Officer

Lauren Huyvaert, Gamma Sigma

Northwest District Officer

Pam Gunterman, Theta Delta

East Central District Officer

Beth Vipond, Gamma Tau

West Central District Officer

Missy Cooper, Gamma Nu

Southeast District Officer

Carol Good, Alpha Theta

Southwest District Officer

Erin Schroering, Iota Lambda


About Us


If you have any questions about this newsletter, the National Website or have an address/phone/email update please contact your National Editor Jane Patton, janepatton@psiiotaxi.org or 812-881-9064 (call/text).


National Office

3905 Vincennes Road, Suite 303

Indianapolis, IN 46268



Contact Us