July 2022 Newsletter

To give aid and encouragement in promoting the education and welfare of at-risk children in the state of Georgia.

Circle Members,

I hope you are enjoying summer and have an opportunity to relax and rejuvenate. In between travel, our board is already planning events for a year of Glamour and Giving.

There are two things we can use your help with this month;

  1. Soliciting golf tournament sponsors and players for our October 24 fundraiser at Indian Hills Country Club.
  2. Sending us a list of potential members to invite to our recruitment party.

Be on the look out later this month for a virtual President's packet in your email including a link for renewing your membership on line. If you would like to receive a printed copy of the packet and member form, email me at bel_v@yahoo.com.

Please continue reading this newsletter for details on the golf tournament and recruitment event, as well as a note of thanks from one of our graduating scholars.

You will also find a link to our new beneficiary, City of Refuge. In the August newsletter our charity liaisons, Che’ Frost and Tracey Leaks, will have more details to share about our amazing beneficiary, the work they do, and how we can help them.

C. JoyBell said “Glamour only radiates if there is a sublime courage & bravery within: glamour is like the moon; it only shines if there is sun. “

It takes courage to offer our time and treasure in the chaotic time we live in, when it’s tempting to withdraw to the familiar safety or our own homes, neighborhoods, and likeminded groups. The braver we are, the more light we radiate, shining the sun on ourself and those who are less fortunate.

I hope we all continue to channel our capacity for courage, bravery, and philanthropy through the 95 year tradition of The Circle for Children.

Happy Summer,

Belinda Vogel


July 15

Executive Board Meeting

August 17, 2022

Evening Time TBD

Summer General Meeting

August 23, 2022

 6:30 pm

Indian Hills Country Club

Purse Auction

September TBD


October 2


October 16

Golf Tournament

October 24, 2022

Indian Hills Country Club

Marietta, Georgia

12:30 pm Shotgun Start


Kimberly is looking for one of the fabulous Circle ladies to be her co-chair for the golf tournament. You do not have to play golf to be involved. We will have a lot of fun finalizing the plans for this years fundraising tournament. 

Please call Kimberly if you are interested at 404-406-9495.


Please help us recruit new members by recommending 5-10 women for membership by July 15.

Our big recruitment party is scheduled for Sunday October 2 at the home of Donna Aycock. Thank you Donna for hosting! 

This is what we need you to do:

  1. Email Emily.Lemmy@edwardjones.com your list of recommendations of women you know well who have a heart for helping children.
  2. Include their name, address, phone, and email. They will receive a printed party invite, follow up phone call from our membership committee, and a post event email asking them to join.
  3. Let them know you nominated them and to look for the invitation in August. Tell them a little about The Circle.

The Membership Chairs, Emily Lemmy, Katie Judd, and Susan Fulkerson, will do the rest, with support from Rita Robb Furness who provided inspiration for this membership push.

It's ok if your list is less than five or more than ten; any amount helps. The more women we invite, the more who will attend. The more who attend, the more who will join.

By growing The Circle we can do more to help children, meet more amazing women, and spread the work of the organization across more hands

Thanks in advance for your help!

Belinda Vogel


Email Your List to Emily


Introducing our new beneficiary for 2022-2023: City of Refuge

City of Refuge (COR) provides a vast array of services, all under one roof, to help the poorest of the poor break the cycle of poverty. COR has a youth development program for children from birth through high school graduation, offering a full day preschool, after school programs for older children, summer camps, clubs, homework help, Sports and much more.

Visit the City of Refuge website to learn more

about ways they are helping our community.

City of Refuge


Two of our Scholars graduated from UGA in May; Grace Brewer & Maxwell Teems. Grace sent us her announcement and a note of thanks. She is taking a research fellowship at the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease in Bethesda, MD and plans to study for a PhD.

Access the Directory online with new Password! The new 2020-2021 directory of active Circle members can now be viewed on our website. For the privacy of all members, the directory is password protected. You can access the directory under the membership tab on the website.

July 13            Cynthia Dolezal

July 15            Cindy Formica

July 20            Julia Davis Barwick

July 25            Kimberly Johnson

July 27            Heather Rees

Belated wishes for our June Birthdays!

June 1            Betts Fisher

June 3            Jodie Kissling

June 3            Carrie Kissling

June 20          Martha Bechtel

June 19          Kyla Marie Discus

June 28          Shirley Jones

If your birthday (month and day) is not in the new Circle directory, please email that information. We would love to acknowledge that special day.

Circle Celebration Fund
Can't think of a gift for a friend? Consider donating to the Circle Celebration Fund in their name. A lovely acknowledgment will be sent to the honoree informing them of the donation you made in their name. Please contact thecircle4children@gmail.com if you would like to donate.
Circle Correspondence
Please send any Circle Correspondence to thecircle4children@gmail.com for announcements of births, loss of loved ones, outstanding events or illnesses. Please include the individual's address so the corresponding secretary can send the appropriate correspondence. Also, indicate if the information should be posted in the newsletter.
What is Amazon Smile?
Amazon Smile is a simple and automatic way for you to support the Circle for Children every time you shop at no cost to you.  When you shop at smile.amazon.com you'll find the exact same low prices and vast selection as amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to the Circle. smile.amazon.com uses your current Amazon account.

How Do I Get Started?
Click the button below to get started or on your first visit to smile.amazon.com you will be asked to select a charity. Type in The Circle for Children. Click the "select" box next to it. Click "agree" to confirm you have been informed that you must go to smile.amazon.com every time you make a purchase in order for the Circle to receive the charitable donation from Amazon.
Click Here to Sign Up for Amazon Smile
Kroger Community Rewards will donate a portion of your grocery purchase total to The Circle for Children.Please sign up for a Kroger Card the next time you're grocery shopping and link it to The Circle for Children.

To link your Kroger card go to www.kroger.com and login to access "My Account". Under "Community" select "Community Awards" then click the "link card" button. Then, search for "The Circle for Children" or enter number, CX636. You can also call Kroger at 1-800-562-4438 and they will sign you up over the phone.
The Circle for Children | circle4children.org
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